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Excuse me what just happened?!

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/85dgjsf7l2gsejg/Buffy.S02E13.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




That is a good question ... what happened indeed?

Raven Dark

Wow. LOL This was such a great reaction. I love how into this one you were, how emotional it got you. Although, it makes me worry for you. If *this* episode got you this good... Well, as Giles would say, "Oh dear." I'm assuming that people have been telling you that round about the middle of this season is where the show really kicks into overdrive and starts to show it's true greatness. This episode is the one they're referring to. It's like for this whole season there's been a hammer hanging over your head, waiting to fall. Congratulations. It just dropped. Regarding Jenny and that conversation where the guy called her Janna (pronounced Yanna). In season one, in episode 7 (the one titled "Angel") Angel told Buffy that he fed off a girl about her age, and that girl's people, Gypsies, thought up the perfect punishment for him, restoring his soul so that he would live with the torment of all the terrible things he did as Angelus. They restored his soul. The implication here is that Jenny's ancestors are those people and she is supposed to keep them apart. I can't say more without spoiling. Oh, and a little trivia about the dream sequence at the start, with Drusilla in Buffy's house, her opening the door, and suddenly she's in The Bronze. They were able to make her moving from her house to The Bronze so seemlessly because all the locations in Sunnydale (the school, The Bronze, the inside of Buffy's house), are all one giant set, with rooms only separated by walls and doors that lead from one location to another. It looks as if Buffy literally walks straight from the kitchen in her house into The Bronze because that's exactly what she did. And now that you've seen this episode... *Evil voice* And so it begins.


Ahhh, the episode which leaves you traumatized for life. There is "Pre-surprise" Buffy and the "Post-Surprise". Let the heartache and suffering begin!

Kirsten (Heavenli24)

Awesome reaction! I love how excited you were over Buffy and Angel, and Willow and Oz :). You're right, that is Buffy and Angel’s theme song. It’s called ‘Close Your Eyes’, and was composed by Christophe Beck, who has worked on many TV shows and movies.... he won an Emmy for his work on Buffy, and was also nominated for a second Emmy for Buffy and a Grammy for Frozen. Can’t wait for your reaction to the next episode :).


Bahhhhh love your reactions and cannot wait for the next episode!!!


Can I just say... you fashion is soooo on point. Mad cool... and in this video, I got serious 1996 Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels vibes from this look. lol https://www.google.com/search?q=shawn+michaels+red+and+white+attire&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjPldDWksruAhVJMd8KHeaMA3AQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=shawn+michaels+red+and+white+attire&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1CYMFjvTmCvUGgFcAB4AIABOIgBuASSAQIxMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=0bcYYI_pDMni_AbmmY6ABw&client=firefox-b-1-d#imgrc=RKSzCehwe_RlKM like there ^^^


Loved your reaction, especially to the Buffy/Angel scenes.

Jim Greer (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 05:22:29 Your reactions just get better & better .
2021-02-09 10:21:26 Your reactions just get better & better .

Your reactions just get better & better .