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My soul has left my body!

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/es1q09si2820dw8/The.Vampire.Diaries.S03E10.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




I hate, hate, HATE that Elena was behind robbing Jeremy of his free will, AGAIN. I have an extreme autority problem so that rubbed me soooo wrong. Someone making such a decision for me? Forcing me to move? I'll literally never talk to you again. That beeing said. That kiss was beautiful. Though upon rewatching and hearing some stuff about original plans and the last episode I think the writers screwed up big time in some points. And its not actually their First kiss, theres 2x1 and the season 2 finally, this ight be their first romantic kiss but they have kissed before nontheless.

Futuristic Girl

I disagree. Elena did what any parent would do. Jeremy is still a kid. He can't be trusted to make SMART decisions. Like she said, he shouldn't have to live like this. He could end up being collateral damage. It's actually one of the smartest things she's done. What if she hadn't send him away? She would've wished she sent him away. We saw how it easy it was for him to be put in a near death experience. Why would she allow her brother to be in danger for the sake of free will? It's not like she locked him up in cage.


the first time i saw this kiss scene with delena i was screaming and then when the episode ended i remembered in season 2 when elena said "I'm surpised that you thought i would kiss you back" to damon and i started laughing cuz here we are

Connie Kay

I love your reaction. It was same as mine when I first watched. Love Delena!

Connie Kay

I don’t think he laughed tho. He said ‘\”now I’m hurt “if I recall.

Futuristic Girl

When Stefan comes out of the shadows and says, "Hello Bonnie.", I can't help but laugh. He's really camping out at a haunted witch house. Stefan stepped into his full Scorpio bag in this episode.


DELENAAAA is here and it is breathlessly beautiful, magic, so emotionall!! That kiss is so earned, they grow so close, they trust each other like they are one thing, their actraction is off the chart, they care deeply for each other,they alreay act like a couple, and Damon loves her so much. And yes yes yes, Elena kissed him back so tenderly, she holded his hands and that is how she feels deep inside. But becuase Stefan is in trouble, not in a non normal situation Elena been Elena, deeply compassionate, she isn't ready yet to let Stefan go while he is like that.

Futuristic Girl

I totally agreed with Jeremy when he said they need to leave.

Futuristic Girl

Me and Damon dont like witches for the same reason.😆🙃

Futuristic Girl

I wonder why Stefan didn't tell Damon that Kat told him about Klaus's plan to take Damon down with him.

Futuristic Girl

Sending Jeremy away was the best decision Elena's made in a long while. Elena is too young for her life to be like this and Jeremy's even younger than she is. After his life was threatened, he didn't even want to stay in Mystic Falls. I wouldn't either. No sense in keeping him there where he can easily be killed. He should've been sent away. I don't get how people don't see that this was a logical decision any guardian/parent would've made.


The Jeremy thing is controversial, but that is Elena only realative alive and he is in danger to die. He is a kid and should be entitle to have a normal life and becuase his sister is a supernatural creature he is surrouned by danger, death, treaths. Elena want him to have the chance to live a normal life at list untill is adult enogh to really make mature choices, I don't blame her for that, she is selflessly let him go. Let's put it this way, he would have never leave her, he is stack in this crazy life because of her so she is setting him free from this life.


i will say it again take a shot every time elena has stared at damon's lips from season 1 >>>>>. you'd be drunk or dead from that much alcohol lmfao

sbrianna46 .

I disagree with compelling Jeremy, always will. If i'm not mistaken Jeremy is 1 grade behind Elena so the the whole Elena is wiser and older doesn't hit for me. I get wanting to protect him but it's to late he's already in it he knows about vampires, werewolves and witches, they don't just don't live in Mystic falls. I would want my last living blood relative with me, we die together. But that's Just my opinion.


elena is 18 and jeremy is 16. Technically since alaric isn't related to them and not their guardian by law, elena being 18 is jeremy's legal guardian so she does have to make the hard decisions for his safety which is why she made it and alaric didn't. I see where you're coming though, I can't even pick a side on this cuz im stuck in the middle cuz i see elenas point but then i see that jeremy had no say in it and its his life as much as hers


Told you......pause....rewind.......pause.....rewind......pause.....rewind...


I don't know if Elena did the right thing by forcing Jeremy out of town. On the one hand, here he is in complete danger, his life will always be in danger. On the other hand, it deprived him of the right to choose. She didn't talk to him in the first place. Who knows what's best for Jeremy? Would he be happy living away from his friends and sister, but safe? After all, she had asked for free will in that sacrifice situation, and she was angry with Damon for not being able to accept her choice. In any case, Elena didn't do it out of bad intentions. Jeremy is the last survivor, her relative and she will protect him with all her might.


"I'm shaking." You need to drink less coffee. Okay, I'm kidding of course. I really understand you, I was in the same state myself when I first watched the show. This scene was so beautiful, tender and touching. This is their first mutual kiss. It strikes me that Damon feels guilty about his FEELINGS. In fact, we do not choose what and to whom to feel, whom to love. But he still feels guilty for the fact that he loves Elena. And he can't keep it a secret that Stefan didn't betray them. Damon told her all about it that night. He can't see her disappointment in Stefan. It's totally selfless.


I miss Stelena a little too. But I'm not at all sure that this relationship is good and safe for Elena in the long run. Stefan goes off the rails too often. He has an obvious problem with the blood. The strange thing is that he takes it upon himself to teach the nutrition of new vampires (Vicki, Caroline), although no one else has such problems. Stefan is very easily knocked out of his normal state. Such a relationship threatens not only Elena's life and physical condition, it also harms her mental health. This is a constant swing, she is always tense and must keep her finger on the pulse. Again, we don't choose who to love. But that's not a healthy relationship, even in the vampire universe.


Why are the witches still angry at Damon, but nice to Stefan? I would have accepted that in the first season. But not after we've learned so much about the brothers ' past and their characters. Obviously, both Damon and Stefan had dark moments in their lives when they did unforgivable things. It's also obvious that they both have hearts. Why does Stefan continue to be treated like an angel and ready to forgive him, even after everything he's done, and Damon like a cynical monster, even after his selfless actions? This confuses me. Sofie, don't worry, take as much time as you need. Take care of your health!

Futuristic Girl

"Die together"?? How about no one has to die at all. It would be selfish of Elena to let him stay because she wants him around. Like sis you won't be able to have him around or contact him at all if he's dead.


@Mariya I dont think it has anything to do with that. They are probably still pissed at Stefan but they are letting him in because he is hiding the coffins there and so they are all working towards the same goal. Which is why when Stefan told Damon about the plan and he became a part of it he was allowed inside.

Andrea Dcosta

Yess the reaction I’ve been waiting for... I was so pumped for u to see this. That scene, that kiss, that feeling the music everything was so perfect. You brought a very good point of the porch as well which I didn’t think of wow. I cried with u again in this scene truly Sofie I’m enjoying watching TVD so so much more with your reactions lovee it. Damon really showed us yet again how selfless he can be when he told Elena about Stefan. My heart 🥺 Also you can pause as many times in between you want or press replay doesn’t bother me at all :)

james hghg

She is only 18 you overestimate the maturity level in those 2 years, he does deserve a good life BUT it is his right to choose when to pursue it. Your points contradict because you say elena pushed him away for love but his love for her gets pushed aside and he is forced to leave.

james hghg

Futuristic Girl, no it is selfish for her to decide what he does with his life, this has always been a point of argument to why elena did nothing wrong but in actuality it's completely false because she is taking her belief over another persons and forcing it onto them.

james hghg

Wait we are talking about damon right? Lmao neither of them are very good for a relationship because damon does the same thing just not over blood.

james hghg

Quantity is irrelevant in this world, people kill its normal so holding it to the world standard doesn't make sense.


Damon problems compared to Stefans are minimum, if you think that Damon problem is that he feels the unfairness of not be loved. Damon has much more controll then Stefan ever did. Stefan is or to one extreme or to another, not much fan.


@james hghg No, I was talking about Stefan and only Stefan. I can't talk about Damon yet without any spoilers. Although, in any case, a vampire is not the most suitable candidate for the role of a boyfriend or a life partner in general. 😉But if you choose from vampires, then Stefan is one of the most unlikely candidates. Damon is a separate topic and should be discussed separately and not now.

Idun V

I've been looking forward to your reaction to this for so long! Personally, I love that you reload parts you enjoy 🥰 especially that you get a chance to notice things you didn't notice at first(for example the lyrics during the kiss) Loving both Stelena and Delena is completely understandable, don't worry. 😉

sbrianna46 .

@FURUSTICGIRL So Jeremy doesn't get a say so in his life? But we shall continue to watch the reactions and see how that plan ends up?

james hghg

Mariya, what do you mean? we have been shown signs that when damon doesn't get what he wants/ thinks he deserves he lashes out... that's not a very good thing for a relationship but if you want to go down the road of stefans up's and downs as a person in comparison to damons we can but i say with confidence you won't like the outcome but at the end of the day they are both bad. that statement of "Stefan goes off the rails too often" is just completely false, he went 50 years without human blood and only had human blood when it was literally forced on him to save his and Elena's life, second time he went off the wagon was when he was forced yet again to drink blood to save damons life, these don't seem like simple things and actually seem like quite drastic situations.

Futuristic Girl

He's sixteen and he almost got ran over by a car. When we're kids, we don't get to make EVERY decision about our lives because what sense does that make. We don't know shit. If Jenna or his parents were here, they wouldn't want him around.

Futuristic Girl

This belief you talking about is that her brother should live a better life away from the supernatural drama she's gotten herself in. It's about what's actually good for him. Jeremy's stubborn and reckless. You can't just let him do whatever. What sense does that make? If he was grown, then he can do whatever, but he's not.

Futuristic Girl

Quantity being irrelevant doesn't make sense. It's partially relevant in Stefan's life, part of why he can't escape his guilty conscience because he's killed so many people in his ripper days. "Holding it to the world standard." We're talking about Stefan. Ain't no competition or trial going on. It's an observation.

james hghg

Patpet, so when he went out of his way to kill mason was that because he wasn't feeling loved? when he killed his best friend because he stood up to him was that because he wasn't loved? When he killed lexi was that because he wasn't feeling loved? when he abused caroline was that because he wasn't feeling loved? (think before you mention dimmer switch because if you do by your own logic anything stefan does/if he does anything at at this moment in time all it will ultimately be thrown out) just mentioning only One of the situations when he "wasn't feeling loved" he tried to kill Elena's brother, a 14 year old child can you see how ridiculous that sounds, that because he doesn't feel loved he gets a pass to do messed up things?

Futuristic Girl

It's like...people can be mad Elena all they want, but at the end of the day, that's her little brother she's responsible of. In what world do teenagers/minors get absolute free reign over their lives? It's that way for a reason. She has to deal with that responsibility of protecting his life. Outside judgment doesn't really matter because they're not in her position. At least it shouldn't. It's not like anyone else could or would take up that responsibility for her. It's a damn near impossible feat. Also, she's part of the reason he's caught up in this, which makes feel even more responsible. Tbh, it's crazy this even has to be explained. Never before have I felt the need to defend Elena like this.

james hghg

No you're comparing a fictional TV show where killing people is normal, then bringing a standard that has no merit or warrant in the show is completely and utterly by definition IRRELEVANT. You don't watch smurfs and compare it to modern day society standards because that would just be idiotic. You take this fictional world and you pick overlapping standards to what "good" is and you put said things to the light that are actually relevant to this world.


@james hghg, Once again, I'm not saying anything about Damon. I also don't think he's the best candidate. My comment was only about Stefan and I'm not comparing him to Damon at the moment. And I only talk about what I see. Yes, he lived for 50 years without eating human blood. But we don't know what conditions he lived in all these years. I would venture to assume that Stefan lived a rather closed life with a small number of acquaintances. There's no mention of him having any close friends other than Lexi and Klaus. By the way, his spree with Klaus in flashbacks was clearly his initiative. And who knows what would have happened if it hadn't been for Lexi. And what do we see when Stefan begins to live a life full of events? Yes, all of these breakdowns were forced. But it also shows how easy it is to get him off balance. What if Damon or Lexi's ghost wasn't around next time? The problem is that he does not know how to control himself, he needs help all the time. Elena won't be able to use Lexi's method, and Damon won't be around all the time, after all, he has his own life. Yes, he's trying to overcome his ripper nature and that deserves a lot of respect. I appreciate it and haven't forgotten about it. All I'm saying is that living near such a person/vampire is quite dangerous.


Mason was not to be trusted dear, he was in cahoots with Katherine not even Tyler trusted him, and as far as I remeber Bonnie helped....so what that has got to do whith what I said? He snap Alaric nech becuase he knew he would come back to life so he didn't killed him. He is 170 years old man if you where that age you too would be annoyed to people that lived a fraction of your age to tell how to behave. ( Ad you know why Alaric was acting taht way...don't you?) Another silly argument....He abuse Caroline becuase he had his humanity on a dimmer switch and you know that that is the truth other wise you wouldn't use that as counter subject to manipulate what is there for everybody to see. So no darling don't try this on me it doesn't work. The killing of Jeremy was an intentional last resort from the writer to make the audiences to hate a much loved character , yes it was bad , very bad, but are you sure you want to compare Stefan bad to Damon bad? One only example, with humanity full on Stefan kills Andie, someone he knows very well, that has been going out with his brother for months,I repeat with his humanity on....and I stop here because of spoilers....


@Mariya Lol maybe the witch spirits are Stelena shippers ;)


I love the look Klaus gives Damon when Damon steps in front of Elena to protect her... Klaus's face just says "aww how cute you think you have a chance against me"


@Sofie your reaction to this was priceless.

james hghg

Yes but damon did not know that mason was with katherine he went out of his own way to kill to kill mason when given no reason to distrust him. I will take this comparison any day of the week, at this current state there will be no way you could logically tell me that as a person damon is better than stefan.

james hghg

Also i mentioned the dimmer switch because i knew it would be a point of argument so i decided to completely eliminate that argument as it would be redundant and i was still confident of the remaining factors when comparing the brothers.


No daling he knew that very well Bonnie told Stefan what she saw when she touch him....and on the top of that he exposed them to the Sheriff and tried to have them killed...do you have selective memories? That is what happens to most of Damon haters, to serve their hatred most of them choose to ignore facts and twist the show narrative to fit the show they have in their head....I hope you are not one of those, but you just forgot.


Damon is way better than Stefan in any possible way and if you think differently you have watch another show not TVD, and I stop there because of spoilers...How old are you? I bet you are very young...

Idun V

I don't know to be honest, but I had basically the same interpretation the first time I saw that scene.

Keith Engel

Delena is the slow burn...it's what makes it great

Keith Engel

You were very much correct about the Song and the Lyrics. They have been playing certain songs for the build up of Delena, usually with some of them playing softly in the background the lyrics even difficult to hear at times. You have too look up the lyrics sometimes. For instance the Scene of Jeremy's death and were she says she hates Damon has this. Come Home by One Republic Ft. Sara Bareilles I get lost in the beauty of everything I see The world ain't half as bad as they paint it to be If all the sons, all the daughters stop to take it in Well, then, hopefully the hate subsides and the love can begin It might start now, yeah Or maybe I'm just dreaming out loud But until then, come home, come home 'Cause I've been waiting for ya for so long, so long And right now there's a war between the vanities But all I see is you and me And the fight for you is all I've ever known Ever known So come home, uhh Everything I can't be Is everything you should be And that's why I need you here Everything I can't be Is everything you should be And that's why I need you here