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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z1qiyiri5wywxb2/One%20tree%20hill%20S1xE20encode.mp4?dl=0



sbrianna46 .

I love the relationships in the show not just the romantic ones but the friendships, and the family dynamics. Also i can't wait for you to get to season 3 and beyond as well. I disagree with Peyton in the end i don't think sleeping with Nicki makes Lucas a bad person, Since he didn't know who she was. And to compare him to earlier season Nathan because he was single and didn't really owe Peyton and Brooke anything in my opinion.


Thank you so much for the OTH reactions!

Nebulous Shooter

The show does so many things right, be it overarching main storylines , or small moments, interactions and the humor is always on point.


Great reaction! I understand why Peyton was angry but saying that Lucas and Nathan have switched places is not fair. I dont know how long the timelines work every season but i dont think Peyton and Brooke knew Lucas that long before they started a friendship and relationship with him. So i dont really think its fair to say that he changed. Like how would they really know. Pluss hes human and a teenager, everyone makes mistakes. Peyton cheated with her bestfriends boysfriend, so dont think she can talk too much. I love that Lucas went with Hailey to get Nathan at the police station. It was such a good moment.

I Am Not Chamari

The problem is that people put Luke on a pedestal. They have this entire season - calling him a "good guy" every five seconds, so of course, in the beginning, he felt that he had to live up to those expectations. Of course, I think he is a good person, and I think he cares deeply about the people he loves and I do believe he always tries to do what's right. But, the story of this season to me has been knocking Lucas off of this pedestal. He is just a guy and he made some awful mistakes in this season. I honestly don't count him sleeping with Nicki as one of those mistakes, but understand how that hurt Peyton deeply. So, we all expected more from Lucas and we should continue to expect a lot of him, but the whole good guy persona that was foisted upon him, wasn't really helping anyone, Lucas especially. Luke has always been one for self-improvement though, so I believe that he will find his way back. Also, there is no way that Lucas was as bad as Nate was. Nate was emotionally abusive towards Peyton, reckless and knew nothing of consequences. There is no way that anything Luke has done this season is comparable to that.