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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h9lmuf8wm4k41ud/The.Vampire.Diaries.S03E11.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Futuristic Girl

I like seeing Stefan's darker side, but his obsession with Klaus is a bit much. Revenge streak actually does get old.


i dont get how some people get mad at elena for starting to let stefan go. shes fought for him so much. hes hurt and traumatised her so much this season and yet shes kept fighting for him. no matter how much stefan wanted to get revenge on klaus this was WAY too far. imagine the trauma elena already has connected to that bridge. as you said sofie it wouldve been messed up to do this in another place as well but it would be more understandable.. but for him to do it on that bridge??? there was literally no need for that. im sorry but ill never forgive stefan for that, it was way out of line.


im honestly not the biggest fan of this whole klaus & caroline thing. i like their iconversation here but it really bothers me how its so out of nowhere. i cant really remember if theyve had any proper interactions before this, if they have its not many and i dont believe theyve had a scene just them two? i could be wrong tho. i just dont understand why klaus asked tyler to bite caroline and then willingly came to her house, healed her and had a deep conversation with her? does he have a soft spot for her and if so where did it come from since weve basically never seen them together? i dont know it just seems so random to me. i would enjoy it a lot more if there was more of a buildup to it.


and sofie i really like when you rewind scenes! <3 you dont have to apologize for that. maybe im imagining things but it feels like you cut some things out of this reaction if you went back and stuff? if you did and its not completely uncut then and id personally prefer to see that stuff like if you go back and stuff. its easy to skip past it for the people who dont like it


Shes gonna ship it guys. I can already tell 😂


i know a lot of people dont like matt but he is such a nice guy, i love how hes always there for his friends. the friendship between him and elena is so beautiful, that scene at the end makes me tear up :')


May I just point out that Damon goes to pick up a distressed Elena after Stefan threatened to murder or turn her and even though he loves her, what does he do? He defends Stefan. Elena is clearly pissed and rightfully so and all Damon had to do was keep his mouth shut and it would have been ok. There was no obligation to defend Stefan. Yet, he goes out of his way to defend his brother. And some people still say hes selfish. Upon rewatching I like Damon more and more and Stefan less and less.

Sade L.

Lol I just adore Klaus ..that is all


I think Klaus came to the house to make a deal with the sheriff. He wants her support. That was the plan. And the scene isnt really Klaus professing his undying love or them kissing, it is exactly the build up youre talking about. Them having a deep conversation and building a comnection. But him leaving the gift: yeah, it inplies he has some sort of interest in her and that is a little out of the blue since we've never seen them interact before, I think.

Futuristic Girl

I'm not feeling Bonnie being all judgy about the Jeremy thing. It's so tired. Tbh, it's none of her business, especially after she broke up with him. It's family business.

Futuristic Girl

Paul Wesley loved playing this version of Stefan! You can just tell.

Futuristic Girl

The woman who played Meredith used to be Paul's wife.

Futuristic Girl

I need to know how Damon is making all this money. 😂

Futuristic Girl

"To beat the villain you have to be the better villain."

Futuristic Girl

I'm not sure if Stefan would've backed down. That look in his eyes scared me.


At this point Stefan literally lives in the basement of a witch house, threatens to drive his ex-ish girlfriend over the bridge her parents died at, and holds Klaus hostage with his daggered family, I just love how off the rails he is, it's by far the most hilarious version of the character.


I love how happy Damon is this morning. He kissed Elena on the pretext that now he would have something to feel guilty about. 😉But he doesn't seem to regret what he did. Damon looks like a young guy after his first date who finally decided to kiss a girl and she didn't push him away. And now he is happy and a little proud. It's so cute and funny.


As for what Elena did to Jeremy, I'm still on the neutral side. I understand that she doesn't want to put her brother in danger. But what bothers me is that Elena didn't even try to do it the normal way. I am a supporter of the fact that in any relationship it is important to talk. She should have talked to Jeremy first, told him how she felt, tried to convince him to leave for a while. We've seen how Elena can convince humans and vampires. But she didn't even try to talk to her brother. And I would accept it if it was the first time. But Elena had already had the experience of compelling Jeremy forget Vicki. And she knows the consequences. This is not a solution to the problem. Why Elena was so sure it would be safer for Jeremy to leave? If Klaus needed to push Elena through her brother, he would find him anywhere in the world. So, I am in doubt. On the one hand, I understand what motivates Elena, I understand that she wants the best for her brother. On the other hand, I can't accept her method that she chose.


I feel sorry for Tyler. He's not my favorite character, but I can't really blame him for biting Caroline. The sired bond with Klaus is a bit like compelling. He can't resist it. And he does not know how this bond works and whether it is possible to resist it. He's just a recent teenager who was forced by life to become a werewolf, and then a hybrid. We can see that he was genuinely trying to resist Klaus and he thought he was succeeding. I could see the surprise and horror on Tyler's face when he realized what he'd done. And I'm sorry for Caroline. Just as she wanted to believe him again, he bite her. And all this on Caroline's birthday. And I'm not a supporter of Klaroline either. For me, too, Klaus's interest in Caroline is too sudden. Although, I'm guessing that in this scene, Klaus wasn't so much interested in Caroline as he wanted to have a heart-to-heart conversation. It seems to me that he put some personal meaning into his words. And after that conversation, something clicked in his head and he decided to give this gift to Caroline. I do not know, these are my assumptions.


I was hurt for Elena when Stefan drove the car over the Vickery Bridge. There was so much pain and frustration in her voice. This bridge means a lot to her. Her parents had died here, and she had almost died there. As much as I feel good about Stefan, this act is unforgivable to me. Klaus wouldn’t care how Stefan turned Elena into a vampire. But Stefan chose the way that would be most painful for Elena. Why did he do that? Wanted Elena to hate him even more?


Sofie, I'm glad if you're feeling better. And don't worry if you need to review any scenes several times. Most of us are positive about this. This is exactly half of season 3. I'm very excited about what's coming next.


My klaroline heart went📈📈📈

Idun V

Exactly! Personally, I really like him. Most people seem to hate him because he's 'boring' and I get it if people don't find him interesting or find him unnecessary, but hating him seems a bit overdramatic 😂 I love Damon, but I get why some people hate him, Matt though?

Idun V

Please, NEVER stop rewinding scenes! I love seeing how much you love them 💕 It always makes me extra excited for episodes with scenes I know you'll love.

Futuristic Girl

I don't get why Stefan thinks he can defeat Klaus or why he's willing to lose everything he sacrificed for just to kill him, Killing Klaus really won't fix his problems. May make him feel better for a moment. I also want to say I wish the whole Katherine and Stefan team up thing could've continued from the homecoming episode. I feel she would've helped him make less rash decisions. And she kinda set him on this path. She should want revenge on Klaus too.


First of all Stefan this season is bothering me a lot. As much as I loved him in S2 , I feel quite the opposite in S3, he does stuff that are way out of line and with no excuse, like killing Andie with full humanity on, planning it and deliberately killing her, not a stranger but someone who's been around his house for months. Same thing here, he planned and deliberately kidnap Elena, through her phone away, use her trauma on that specific bridge to get what he wants, Than proceed to find an excuse for himself by saying "I lost you the minute I left town" which is not true because she search for him all summer and he knows so well that he had to kill Andie to push them away, so sorry the cracking on his voice is only an unjustifiable excuse for self pity. He could have apologise, instead he chooses to feel sorry for himself (he never lost her because of the situation, he lost some of her feeling for him ONLY because he acted like a dick) and leave her there on that bridge, crying and with no meaning to call anybody, since he through her phone away. That to me is way too much. That scene to me killed the appeal of Stelena.

Futuristic Girl

I find it crazy how Klaus is not really pressed about capturing Katherine like he was last season. All his attention is on Elena and using her blood to sire hybrids.


am i the only one who sees klaus and caroline's first conversation was a way of him opening up to someone who might understand who is he actually is. like the rest of the characters have had bad interactions with klaus and have fought klaus, i think thats why klaus had that deep conversation with her. In a way of him talking and opening up to a stranger that hasn't seen the dark side that he puts up. He's like when damon talked to elena in her room and he compelled her to forget their conversation because he rather be able to let out the vulnerability side of him which is the real him but instead compelled her to forget to hide that side of him and keep the "bad" side in her head. So in my eyes it was a similar way with klaus the big bad villian opening up a vulnerable side of him to caroline


I feel the same way about Stefan. As Futuristic Girl said, he's willing to bet everything on Klaus ' death. Why? He says that Klaus has robbed him of everything and he wants to get back at him in the same way. I understand why Katherine wants Klaus dead. He really took everything from her, her family, her normal life. Because of him, she practically did not live quietly all this time, forced to be on the run. But what" everything " did Klaus take from Stefan? He still has a girlfriend who is willing to accept him. He has a brother who is willing to fight for him. He has friends who are willing to forgive him and continue to communicate with him. Is Klaus ' death worth the price? Yes, as long as Klaus is alive, they won't have a good life. But after all, they can unite, solve this problem all together.


Klaus and Caroline. I thought about that and I have a theory. Klaus knows everybody in the town and carefully studied everybody since he was in Alaric's body. He used her (and Tyler) as a distraction plan in case one of the Salvatore would try to spoil his plans for the sacrifice. So he knows her very well from a distance and he must have started to fancy her. He wants to settle down on Mystic Falls so he is manipulating the town’s authority getting in their good grace. He asked Tyler to bit her so that, first, he could strike a deal of cooperation from the Sheriff, two, to have free access to Caroline home, three to appear like the rescuer to Caroline’s eyes. It’s a case of killing two birds with one stone. Then he let her see that he is a cultured man and that there is more of him that others don’t know, and let her drinks his blood directly from his arm, while embracing her, in an act that is very intimate. He was trying to seduce her and to express his admiration he gift her with an extremely expensive bracelet making Tyler’s one looking very cheap. He is very crafty.


I'm gonna say this now and i dont care if stelenas come at me lmfao im just making a point that can't be proven otherwise. Damon used his blood in s2 to turn elena into a vampire to SAVE HER FROM DYING in the sacrifice. Stefan used his blood to KILL ELENA AND TURN HER to make klaus mad and because his motive is klaus and was gonna kill her on the bridge her parents died on. Just making a point on this whole chat talking about stefan being on the "good brother" pedestal he put himself on in season 1 like someone else as mentioned. Let those facts sink in before commenting back to me lol Because what if klaus didn't back down? stefan would of done it no doubt because even if klaus kept his hybrids there, he would still lose by losing elena as a human blood bag to make more hybrids. So stefan would've still done it cuz he'd still get something out of it to get at klaus


I so agree on that. I know the show very well, if I want to watch it, I watch it. The purpose of being here is to share this experience with someone that can appreciate it and that make us live again the same emotions we all had when we saw it first. What is the point of paying someone that just watch the show without understanding what is going on and therefore has an emotional responce that is not what you aspect.I want Sofie to stop, ponder and if necessary to rewind and understand as much as she feels she needs to get it and to spark an interesting debate about it we can all contribute.


"it's right, just not right now" MY HEART, DAMONS HEART I CANT


I know, in that sentence there is all Damon.

Andrea Dcosta

Klaroline 😍😍😍 was waiting for you to get to this scene. It’s funny how Damon was the sensible one this time around backing down to klaus and he was the one stopping Stefan from being impulsive. A total switch of roles for the brothers lol. Yes he did go a little extreme this time around with Elena just feel super bad for her. I must say Matt gets so much better this season. That ending scene with him and Elena was beautiful. Thank you for these 2 reactions u made my Monday and Tuesday so so much better 😁 Eagerly waiting for episodes 12 and 13. Have a great week Sofie. Take care 💙


I so agree. Please @Sofie we like your reactions just the way you do it, please stop and rewing as many times you need, don't apologise for it, people can fastfoward if they prefer differently. We all love every bit of your reactions.


He always try to defend his brother to Elena's eyes, always trying to patch up things between them. He would never badmouth his brother with Elena, as Stefan did for all S1.

Futuristic Girl

I don't get why people would have a problem with Sofie rewinding scenes. She's watching this for the first time and tvd blows through plot. It's a lot going on. It is to be expected.

Futuristic Girl

Some characters you hate and some you just don't care about their story in the scheme of the show. You're indifferent towards them. It's subjective.


I'm not going to argue about the whole Stefan thing even though I do have a lot of thoughts. I agree with some and disagree with others. I just want to talk about my personal reasons why I understand Stefan ( not justify but understand ). Talk about ocd and depression coming up so be aware As someone who has really bad OCD and severe depression I relate to being obsessed about something and being both self destructive and destructive of others. Stefan this entire episode was on edge and desperate and omg I feel that. Some people think depression is feeling extreme sadness but sometimes depression manifests in the feeling of numbness, anxiety, desperation. Your pain is so big that you will do anything to not feel it. I have mentioned Stefans depression before. There is a scene in flashbacks with Lexi when he invites her over to his house and its a mess and he looks like he hasn't showered in days. That’s just like having an episode. You really can't think straight and you obsess over something to the extent that you hurt yourself and the people around or are willing to do so so you can get what you need to get release. It might be that Stefan has not lost anything but the thing is that he believes that it's the truth and nothing will convince otherwise because his head will not let him. Stefan doesn't want to face the reality of what he has done with Klaus and so he has pushed every other emotion away and he is only focusing on revenge. To be clear I'm not justifying what he did because it's awful but I've been in his shoes, granted not to that extreme, so I know what it's like. Also the bridge, yeah that was so fucked up and I think he should have chosen another way to get his point across. I think he wanted to do it in the worst possible way he could think to hurt Elena and to have her give up on him completely because Elena and Damon are the two people who can make him feel again and if he pushes Elena away for good he has no reasons to come back. The most depressive people can be the cruelest. I also noticed that in this episode Damon and Stefan teamed up without them even realizing it. Damon walks in on Stefan as he almost killed that hybrid and realizes that his brother is unhinged. Stefan then tells Damon that he is going to hurt Elena and then Damon goes to Klaus and tells him that HE doesn't know who Stefan is anymore. Then Stefan calls Klaus and realizes - oh shit - Damon is right and then he decides to concede. I don't know how things would have gone if Damon had not planted that seed in Klaus or if Damon had not witnessed Stefan being so crazy the entire episode. Of course many people who suffer from depression feel it differently so I'm just sharing my experience with it.


@bella Not a Stelena shipper and definitely not looking to start something but what does Damon’s actions in S2 have to do with Stefan’s actions in S3? Yes they both fed Elena blood but the situations and the emotional/mental state of both brothers were completely different. And didn’t Damon feed Elena his blood twice, once to get leverage on Stefan to get the journal? Some people think he was already in love with her then but his obsession to free Katherine was stronger. In this case, Stefan’s obsession with Klaus was stronger. The point is, I get that Stefan’s good brother reputation is annoying because they can be both good and bad in my opinion. I just think that one of the big issues with this fandom is people’s need to compare the brothers on everything. It's always ‘well Stefan did this but Damon did that’ or viceversa. Can’t we judge them for their actions without comparing the two? Or their ship? And this is not about you specifically, just the fandom in general. Also what if Klaus hadnt backed down? We can't possibly, without a reason of a doubt, know what Stefan would have done. Saying that he would have gone through with it because he would have lost her to Klaus anyway is speculation of a lot of things.


i didnt say anything about ships. I was talking about the actions lmfao. I said stelena shippers cuz they would respond. Im literally saying that the similar case of going against elenas wishes they both did the forcing of giving her their blood to turn her, but one did it to save her while the other brother did it for revenge at someone they hate. It's very clear on speaking about the actions. Idk where you see delena or stelena mentioned other than me saying to any stelena fans that would attack my comment


And I also said that this is not about you specifically. Just the fact that fans, in general, tend to compare and contrast their actions and both ships instead of judging them independently. You didn't mention ships but you are making a distinction between a stelena vs delena and what they did to/for her.


im talking about the comparison in DAMON AND STEFANS ACTIONS REGARDING ELENAS LIFE. not about their love to her. my lord reread, stop using my comment to backup your claim, im talking about the brothers actions the whole time and who did what to benefit elena. Damon fed her his blood so that she wouldn't die in the sacrifice in s2. Stefan the one time he did it was to turn her and kill her so klaus wouldn't make more hybrids hence the "say goodbye to your hybrids klaus" The whole time im talking about who did what to elena's life involving klaus and what would've helped her verus destroy her life. Damon feeding his blood in s2 would've benefited her if Elijahs plan didnt work. she still be alive. Stefan feeding his blood to her would've turned her and she would've became a vampire for no reason other than stefan getting something out of it to piss off klaus. That was the WHOLE point of my comment. Comparing which actions towards elena's life. THERE WAS NO POINT OF OH DAMON LOVES HER MORE. You're putting words there that aren't there. I've only mention stelena fans getting mad cuz I've made this comment before on instagram and mad stelenas attacked so i made a warning just in case any would attack here. You're the only one mad about it and 7 other people agreed with my comment. I dont know why you gotta start by putting words in my comment that ARENT THERE. so if you have respect for the reactor DONT RESPOND. she doesn't deserve spam comments from someone who assumed my comment and where i was getting at and putting words in my mouth


Please dont give me attitude or treat me like I'm an idiot because I know why you made that comment. Again. NOT JUST ABOUT YOU. I'm talking about what I have seen in the fandom. However, you are, in fact, making a comparison and pointing out parallels between the two and their actions. I never mentioned their love for her either but you're going to read what you want and ignore the rest so I won't bother anymore. I'm really not mad about anything. If my comments make you feel attacked then I apologize for that because that was not my intention. My intention was to have a discussion about why fans always tend to draw comparisons between the brothers and how, in my opinion, it does more harm than good. And dont say that I don't respect Sofie because I disagree with something because as I fellow reactor I have a lot of respect for her. We're here to have discussions and exchange opinions.


@Patpet This is so interesting because I don’t see depression in Damon, but again it is a matter of perspective. I don’t like justifying what Stefan does because I don’t expect Stefan to be a good person. On the contrary, it is his mistakes, his failures, his moments of darkness that makes him interesting to me. It is because he is supposed to have this “good” image and he isn’t all that good that makes me love him. People who love Damon see something special in him too. A lot of their actions are not justifiable but fans get so passionate about their love for that character that they don't want them to be seen in a negative light. I can understand that, but I don’t want to use this idea of mental health to brush what he does under the rug. He fucks up, a lot. And sometimes he frustrates me to hell. Talking about who had it worse in life, I think someone’s life and the way they are raised can play a part in whether they develop depression or not but I don’t think it’s a rule of thumb that the person who had a tough time growing up will be more damaged as an adult. I had a perfect childhood and I’ve never had any trauma and yet I’ve been sick for most of my life. You mentioned how Stefan has one problem and its a huge drama? That’s how it is sometimes. One single thing that might be stupid to someone else can feel like life or death. It’s not about quantity or quality. It’s about how much your own brain can handle. I agree that Damon is a lot stronger both emotionally and physically because he is able to control his bloodlust but also he is able to carry pain in a different way. He channels it differently. Stefan gets crushed by it. One small mistake can feel like a tragedy. To me that is depression. And the fact that he wants, needs to keep this facade of being the good brother because really this reputation is all he has. I’ve heard this comment about Stefan badmouthing Damon and how Damon never badmouths Stefan but because Damon has nothing to prove. Stefan has to constantly remind himself that he is a good person and in order to be a good person there has to be a bad one for him to compare himself to. It’s unfair, yeah, but that's what one has to do to feel better about ourselves. I know their dad always treated Stefan like the good brother too and he probably never had to work to get his acceptance. Which is why I feel bad for Damon because he was always seen as the disappointment and why I can see why he would be the one to grow up with so many insecurities. And he does have them. Damon has insecurities when it comes to others loving him but Stefan has insecurities with him loving himself. He hates himself. Regardless of how much love he gets that doesn’t go away. And so he looks for external validations. Elena choosing him, people looking at him like hes good, being reliable, etc. Because he can’t feel love for himself then he has to get it from everyone else. It is down to personality and depression plays a big part on that. It wears you down, makes you more negative, paranoid, desperate, angry, regretful, vengeful, even cruel. And were talking about someone whose had to deal with this for over 100 years with the added bonus of a blood lust. Also depression and anxiety can be genetic. I got mine from my mother’s side of the family. I don’t know what their mother was like but it could be that she and Stefan could have suffered from similar ailments.


Lol for a second I thought Stefan took Elena to use as leverage to make Klaus heal Caroline. Nope.


I get your comparison but physical pain and emotional pain are very different things. Stefan didn’t suddenly “break his leg” either. This is something that has been growing inside of him for a long time. Both Stefan and Damon were dealt with different cards. Damon went to war, he learned how to fight, he learned how to take care of himself. He already knew his father hated him and knew that no matter what he did he was never going to make him proud. To grow up without your father’s love and approval is awful, but at the same I think Damon had more freedom than Stefan did. Stefan was sheltered, he was treated like the golden boy but he couldn’t be himself. He had to be what his father wanted. He was going to inherit the estate and probably be forced to marry someone, carry the name, etc. Thats a lot of pressure. When Giuseppe told them that they were planning an attack against the vampires Stefan’s first thought was to tell their father because he was conditioned to be a good son. I don’t think Giuseppe loved Stefan but out of the two sons he was the one that was more malleable. Of course I haven’t seen the whole show so I can only comment on what I have seen from the flashbacks. He probably was his mother’s favorite too and yeah a lot of people gravitate around him and love him. On the surface Stefan’s life doesn’t seem to warrant any sort of depression. I’ve had people ask me, why the hell are you so sad? You have everything. I can’t answer that. It’s not an external problem, it’s an internal one. I guess it depends on whether you develop depression because of a life experience or if you are born with it. Which honestly would be an interesting comparison between the two. It really is about what a person can handle. Two people can experience the same thing and one of them can come out of it in one piece and the other completely broken. But using your example, let’s say this person comes in to the hospital all the time since he was a kid to get tested, pinched, etc. Like you said, he is used to it so he doesn’t make a fuss. He is also emotionally stronger and able to withstand it. Then you have this guy with a broken leg being loud and destructive and complaining about how painful his leg is. If you compare the two then yeah, the broken leg guy seems a bit silly even if its the most obvious injury. But what if the broken leg was the result of an undiagnosed bone disease? The broken leg is not the disease but the symptom of a much bigger problem.


@Patpet Yeah but Damon being the disappointment he was do you think his father was going to leave him anything? Damon being the first son was meant to follow a certain path but the fact that Damon chose to carve his own made his father look at him with contempt and disregard. So if he could not control Damon then he had another son who he could control. It's not a speculation, it's a difference of opinion. I'm not trying to make Stefan into anything but sharing what I see when watching the show. You keep saying that Stefan had no reason to be depressed but the point I'm trying to make is that there is no reason. You don't need a reason to have depression. Some people are born with a predisposition to be depressed and no amount of love it acceptance can make that go away. Which why Stefan needs external validation. He needs others to see him as the good brother so he can convince himself that he is. I'm not saying that Damon doesn't feel pain or that Stefan's pain is worse. No one is arguing that Damon has pain. But Damon's pain comes from his experiences, from rejection, from trauma. Stefan's pain feels more inherited. The difference betweening born and made. I'm just saying that to me a lot of Stefan's actions, good and bad, come from his depression and self hatred. Him having depression doesn't take away or invalidate Damon's.


I don't think I'm twisting anything, I see what I see. Damon went to war, and then left. Something that his father disapproved of and he became even more of an embarrassment for Giuseppe. I don't think its a stretch to think that Damon stopped being his choice of successor when he had expressed his disappointment in him. Yes Damon was meant to be the successor but I doubt Giuseppe would have trusted him with anything and you can see that in the different ways he treated his sons. There doesnt have to be an exposition dump about this but people can come to that conclusion all on their own. Again, people dont need reasons to be depressed, There are various causes of depressions and the main three are Genetics, Illnesses and Abuse. Damon has reason, yes. I agree with that. But just because Stefan had the perfect human life doesnt mean that he cant be mentally unstable. No, I havent seen the whole show and maybe if something else happens I will change my opinion but for now this is what I see.


It was a time of war, things are different then. If Damon was going to war and possibly die I don't think its that much of a stretch for Giuseppe to want to prepare Stefan to take over. Especially when you are supposed to get married and start being the man of the house at 17. Damon was 25 and not married. But Fine, he wasn't going to do that. Doesn't matter since that was not the point of this discussion. What Giuseppe would have or wouldnt have done is irrelevant. I dont know why you think I'm changing things to fit my ideas when it doesn't even change the narrative. Stefan is still the golden boy in both situations, growing up spoiled and protected and Damon is still the one who was rejected. You cant possibly confirm that no one in Stefan's family has ever suffered from depression just like I can't confirm that there has been. I got mine from my grandfather on my mother's side. When I look at Stefan, his actions, his motivations, his reactions, I can see it. You have watched the whole show so you perspective is different. But thats the cool thing about watching a show to begin with, that no two perspectives can be the same. If you dont see what I see that's fine. Could I be wrong? Absolutely. I'm pretty sure you have opinions about Damon that other people disagree with. The world is full opinions and points of view that are influenced by experiences and emotions. I was just sharing my own while watching the show.


Yes, because Damon was not there to do that. Wasn't he a confederacy soldier? I thought he was fighting the war? So while he is fighting with a good chance of not coming back since they were losing then that responsibility falls on the next son, aka Stefan. And Stefan who was not asked for responsibilities before had to step up and therefore had added pressure he was unprepared for. Not to mention the fact that Damon left the Confederacy and brought shame to his family. So while Damon was born with the pressure of being the firstborn he shot that horse on the face when he became a deserter and therefore Stefan was left with the burden of being a good son. It doesnt have to be mentioned thats why it's called interpretation. And yeah we probably shouldnt talk about this anymore since I dont have the full story and you cant talk about it


To you, but there are other people with other points of view and they might see something you don't. Ever thought of that? TV shows are a form of art and art can be seen from different angles, perspectives, etc. And why are you even making this about Damon? All I did was give my interpretation of Stefan and it suddenly turned into vs game. So you think there was no pressure to be the second son of a tyrant when his first son is a complete disappointment? You think Giuseppe wasn't looking to Stefan not to be anything like Damon? Stefan HAD to be the good son because Damon was not. And honestly, not everything needs to be spelled out. You can disagree with me all you want but to act like yours is the only POV that's valid is pretty arrogant. Look I'm not going to keep arguing over a tv show with someone who is not willing to respect other people's opinions and frankly its not worth the anxiety so I'm walking away from this conversation. Once again, I'm agreeing to disagree and you can do what feels best for you.


It does't really matter if we thought he would or wouldn't have done it. It matters that ELENA thought he WOULD.


@nostalgicgirl I agree completely. There is a fandom competition on who is the "better man" because several of the characters at one point or another say "he's the better man" or "be the better man" The issue is that ***THE SHOW IS NOT TALKING ABOUT WHO IS BETTER BETWEEN THE BROTHERS OR IF ONE OF THEM IS BETTER FOR ELENA AT ALL*** The show is talking about the brothers independently and their actions independently. For example: in 2x13 "Daddy Issues" Elena is talking to Damon in the bathroom at the grill after they find out Jules took Caroline and Damon says in short that he wants to go murder Jules or Tyler or whoever in general. She says "be the better man Damon" His response is that she needs to stop doing that and assuming he'll play the 'good guy' cause it's her who is asking. She is talking about the "better" man she knows Damon can be. The "better man" that saved Liz instead of killing her or the "better man" that gave Rose that dream. The "better man" that she sees inside of Damon. I honestly don't see why a huge part of the fandom thinks the "be the better man" or "he's the better man" thing is either Stefan being better than Damon or vice versa. Or pointing out one brother's bad behavior justifies the other brother's bad behavior. I hate "whataboutism".


What I find arrogant is the fact that I have already agreed that I dont have all of the story, that I already said that I could be wrong, that I’m only interpreting the information that I have and yet you come in with the whole picture to tell me how wrong I am. Why not let me discover that on my own? Why do you have to come off as such a dictator? I don’t need scenes between characters talking about how pressured they are, I can read the room. It’s all in their behavior. For starters, this is the 19th century, a patriarchal family dynamic. What the father of the household said was law. Giuseppe was particularly intolerant and cruel. He’d rather kill his own sons than lose face. I don’t think it takes a genius to conclude that he had a submissive wife either. That he even got violent with her. Then you have his children. Damon who was the first born and had the pressure of being the next man of the house and Stefan who wasn’t born with that pressure and had the freedom to be a boy. Now we know Stefan was 17 when he was turned and I’ve read that Damon was 25, which is an 8 year difference. So when Stefan was around 6, being a kid, Damon was 14 and already being trained by Giuseppe. As a first born he also had the added responsibilities to look after his younger brother. Stefan, having the freedom of being a kid probably messed up now and then and from what I know from Damon’s behavior he either got punished for not watching over Stefan or being the protective older brother that he is, took the blame. Either way, he was the one getting punished, possibly severely if we take into account how cruel Giuseppe was. Stefan watching this happen developed an overwhelming sense of guilt which honestly, to me, it explains why he feels like HE cant make a mistake because other people might suffer the consequences. So at some point Stefan became overly submissive, being the son Giuseppe wanted because that way no one else would have to suffer for his mistakes. While Damon grew to be more rebellious because he had nothing to lose. His father already hated him and he was going to get punished no matter what. Now I dont know when Damon went to war but the Confederate war started in 1861, which makes Damon a 22 year old man. Not a married man by the way. Typically around this age, especially in upper class families, there were arrangements being made for marriage. It was a business transaction. But Damon didn’t even have that and we know this because when he came back he was single and free to pursue Katherine. Which meant that either his father didn’t think he was worth the trouble, or Damon rejected the idea of marriage all together. He went to war and there doesn’t have to be a red flag to tell the audience that there was a really big chance that he was not going to come back. Especially with how much the Confederate was losing and the amount of human lives that were lost. Someone had to take over in case Damon didn’t return and Giuseppe had another son who was more easily manipulated. But Damon did come back and not because he won or was sent home. I don't know the actual reasons but from what he knows at this time is that he was a deserter. He walked out on the fight and brought shame to the family. You think Giuseppe, the prideful man he was, would leave his estate to a deserter? That would have been the shameful thing to do. So yeah, the pressure fell on Stefan's shoulders. Because Giuseppe always saw Damon as a disappointment, Stefan had to work extra hard not to be one. When Giuseppe told his sons that they were going to kill the vampires Damon was quick and ready to stand up to his dad to protect Katherine. Stefan immediately decided that telling his dad was the right thing to do because he doesn’t want to disobey him or be the cause of yet another disappointment. Whatever Giuseppe says he takes it as face value because he believed it was his duty to respect his father for the both of them. If you don’t think that’s pressure, then fine. But I do. Do they make all of this painfully obvious on the show? No. But you can draw conclusions from how characters behave, relate to one another and the environment they are in. I’m not saying these are facts, this is what I have gathered from what I have seen and from what I know from experience and from my own personal knowledge of psychology.

Dennis Bryant

He is crafty, but also, 1000 years (!!!!) old, and has so many facets to himself that have been found over those years. I cannot believe that he never took time off from just murdering everyone. All of the originals have so much time behind what we are shown, they are all wonderful characters, definitely some of my favorites, ever. Klaus may very well have a soft spot for birthdays, and may have honestly felt a bit bad about doing that to Caroline on her birthday. But that doesn't stop him from using the situation to his advantage, either. Love these characters, and the acting for them is top-notch.

Keith Engel

The key question, is do you think Damon would have went this far, even with all the evil he had done in the past, do you think he would have went this far?

Josh Lomax

Absolutely not. I truly believe that this is the most cruel thing he could have done. On my first watch, I was Delena all the way but I never HATED Stelena. After seeing this, I could never understand how she would even entertain being with him again and now on every rewatxh I've had since I have HATED Stelena.