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I've never cried so hard for a show before😭 This is not ok!

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vbjptyv9vlgezqy/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2XE21%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/flbqlgvmazlbnyj/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2XE21%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




Turning Jenna was not Katherine's idea it was klaus's.. klaus compelled her to call Jenna,and even though she was on vervain she had to pretend that she is still under klaus's control


This episode gives me all the feels every single time. The fact that they can make me sad about John dying speaks volumes because I hate that guy immensely. I don’t think the duo of Bonnie and Damon (in these earlier seasons) gets enough attention because they really are the ones who gets things done when it’s time to fight. The way they entered to fight against was so badass. As much as I do ship Delena, I have always appreciated Stefan and his selfless way of loving Elena. Everyone should have a Stefan in their life tbh.


A very hard episode. I only cried so hard over this episode, the season 6 finale, and the season 8 finale. Madly sorry for everyone. Sorry about Jenna. I really loved this character. She was treated very cruelly. Sorry about Alaric. He, like Jeremy, is having second bad luck with the woman he loves. Sorry about Elena and Jeremy. They have already lost so many loved ones. The scene in the cemetery broke my heart. John. Knowing what was going to happen to him, I couldn't treat him exclusively negatively. I don't understand some of his actions, though. But this act deserves respect. My trust in Elijah was shattered when he practically admitted that the elixir wouldn't work. And his betrayal today made me disappointed in him again. The scene at the sacrifice, when Bonnie started casting the spell and Damon wrung the witch's neck, made my skin crawl. Very strong scene. One of my favorites.


By the way, Sofie, if you're so worried about the death of your favorite characters, then you probably shouldn't watch Game of thrones.


If he hadn't been for Damon and Bonnie everybody would be dead.


one of the strongest episodes in the show for sure. Even managed to make people feel sad for John in the end. He's kind of screwed up most of the time but he's probably underrated as a character. Hope you don't make us wait a full week for the finale, can't wait 😭


This episode makes me cry my eyes off every time. Elena and Jeremy now are alone, now they've lost everybody. The look of deep sadness and resignation in Jeremy's face speaks volumes. I've never thought that John's death would make me feel sad, but with this total selfless act he did, he redeems himself to my eyes completely. After all it I understand where he is coming from, his actions were done to protect Elena. They did everything they could, to try to save everybody, but they couldn't. Jenna’s death is very sad for many reasons and for many people. The writers of this show aren’t scare to be harsh and bold, if it serves the purpose of telling a wonderful, poetic, compelling, moving story as this one is. No other show is like this one when it comes to feels, any feels.

Nezaeya (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 05:26:02 It's a bit confusing because Katherine specifically says it was her or Jenna & she convinces Klaus to choose Jenna. Regardless, it's all Klaus... but Katherine made his mind up that it would be Jenna instead of her :)
2020-11-21 20:14:41 It's a bit confusing because Katherine specifically says it was her or Jenna & she convinces Klaus to choose Jenna. Regardless, it's all Klaus... but Katherine made his mind up that it would be Jenna instead of her :)

It's a bit confusing because Katherine specifically says it was her or Jenna & she convinces Klaus to choose Jenna. Regardless, it's all Klaus... but Katherine made his mind up that it would be Jenna instead of her :)

Andrea Dcosta

Aww Sofie hope you’re feeling better. I can totally understand this episode is a very emotionally draining episode. I cried my eyes off with you watching this again 😢 Elena reading John’s letter was so beautiful with the music in the background and so so sad. Bonnie was so badass that scene was amazing and definitely the end with Damon and Stefan. The look on Stefan’s face when he heard Damon was so sad what a beautiful, sad, heartbreaking and powerful episode. I feel so bad for Alaric too he’s not lucky at all when it comes to women. What a episode And it’s not even the finale. The finale is gonna blow your mind away I can’t wait I’m soo excited!!


season 3 soon lets go!!!! my favorite and the best season in my opinion

Futuristic Girl

Is anyone else having problems with dropbox? It's really slow.


Bless your eyes with this, Paul Wesley in the list of People magazine "Sexiest men alive 2020" https://people.com/tv/vampire-diaries-paul-wesley-on-camping-and-becoming-a-man-of-the-land-in-quarantine/

Futuristic Girl

For some reason, I keep trying to download the video, but it won't let me.

Futuristic Girl

This episode was so epic. Lot of loss happened. I knew Elijah would switch up and Klaus wouldn't die like planned. You don't build up anticipation for a character only to have them die so quick. There's no payoff. It wouldn't make sense.


Everybody loves season 3, to me is when TVD really starts. Season 1 and 2 are the appetisers, where they presented the main characters and make us connect to them, establish the lore, it's the passage from the normal life they had to the life they are going to endure. Then season 3 starts and we finally are into the main course. I love all seasons after season 2, they all have something truly special.


From my understanding (I read an article many years ago but of course I can't find it) Katherine didn't mean it was a choice of who was to be sacrificed. She just meant that she either did what Klaus told her to do which was to call Jenna out knowing what would happen while also knowing that if she didn't do it he would know she was on vervain and ruin whatever chance she had to get away. When she says it was her or me she just meant that she easily sacrificed Jenna just so she could play the situation out and hopefully get away. But yeah, it can get confusing, especially when so much is happening.


I've rewatched this series too many times to admit and every time I get to this episode I still get emotional. Everyone involved did such a good job. I also have to confess that I get a very real pleasure out of watching Stefan see Klaus drain Elena. I'm sick. I know. It was just so much more satisfying than him being temporarily dead as it happened.


Doris, yes that's exactly what she meant..

Keith Engel

It's funny rewatching a person reaction to Klaus then vs now...it's shows you how well they did the characters.