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I'LL be posting the next episode first in the morning tomorrow. I got a headache after crying so much 

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jo5pt5ziv2jpsl6/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2XE20%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t5qtp2oaonadr9e/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2XE20%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0



Ashish Dahal

This episode really shows how selfish Elena is with Stefan. She just uses him for a tool for the future that she knows will be without him. Even when she is with him, she totally flirts with his brother and has no consideration at all while putting up a face she loves Stefan.


Is there a way to make your theme music in the beginning be not so loud. Headphone wearers ears are bleeding lol.


I know, this episode is freaking upsetting, because after all the building up of two season about this, finally the sh*t has just hits the fan...and huge consequences are about to take place, consequences that will change everybody's life. Your thoughts about the conversations Elena and Stefan had on the top of the hill are so spot on. Elena loves Stefan but she isn't thinking about their relationship as long term, the love she has for him isn't enough for her to be willing to give up everything to be with him forever. She doesn't have for him that type of love that makes you think you can't live without that person. So what is holding her back? At this point I though that this thoughts had anything to do with her age or with the fact he can't procreate, but more with the fact she is insecure about her feelings for him. Something or someone is disturbing the water.

Futuristic Girl

The buildup of the last few episodes is sooo good!! Elena not wanting to be a vampire even though she's dating one is indicative of the dissonance. It doesn't really make sense. Usually, when a human dates a vampire, they want to be turned so they can be together forever. I mean Bella was begging Edward to turn her. I never understood why she. She's already a part of the supernatural world, but she's human which puts her in even more danger. Stefan wants to be with her forever, but Elena isn't thinking of their relationship like that because she's human.

Futuristic Girl

I laughed when Klaus described Damon as the crazy, impulsive vampire that's in love with the brother's girl. Spot on description!!

Futuristic Girl

To be real, I wouldn't bet on Elijah's elixir back when he found it for Katherine or now with Elena. It hasn't even been tried out. It's a gamble.

Futuristic Girl

Katherine was up in that house starving. Damn. Lol.


Jenna almost always handles situations well....not telling her about vampires is the dumbest thing elena ever did...not telling her about vampires doesn't protect Jenna at all..she needs to learn about compulsion and not inviting just anyone in the house...thats what keeps her safe


Sofie, you asked a good question – what is the point of Elena participating in this sacrifice? That's what I was talking about. She knew that sacrifice required a vampire, a werewolf, and a witch. It's very unlikely that Klaus will bring them with him. This means that he will find them in Mystic Falls and they will most likely be acquaintances of Elena. Yes, even if they were completely unknown to Elena, it's still strange for Elena, who always tries to save everyone and give them a second chance. Elena, saving one, sacrifices not only herself, but also others. And the rest will not have this "magic elixir with no expiration date". This idea was initially bad. Did Elena realize that in the course of the sacrifice, other people, possibly innocent, would die? Or did she just not think about it?


A lot has already been said about Damon and Stefan's methods regarding Elena, and I won't repeat them. Damon, in an attempt to save the situation, rushed to save Caroline, and along with Tyler. Despite the fact that he did it for his own reasons, when Tyler lunged at Caroline, Damon didn't hesitate to try to protect her, and paid for it – Tyler bit him. I was so happy when Jenna and Alaric made up, and so angry when I realized what they were going to do to her. Why jenna? This is one of the few things I will never forgive writers for. Sofie, I'm really, really glad you're feeling better. I really missed you! Thank you for your reaction. Oh, we're going to cry a lot in the next two episodes.


Oh, yes, it was impossible to describe Damon more accurately. Short and succinct.


Uh oh this is when TVD gets amazing...

Futuristic Girl

I don't think they thought it through. They were so focused on keeping Elena safe. They should've assumed that he would go after them and keep them protected as well. Also, they'd never met Klaus, the threat. It was bound to blow up in their faces from the beginning. They just couldn't resist fighting the inevitable.

Futuristic Girl

I'm still annoyed that Elijah found an elixir that wasn't even foolproof to save Katherine but didn't think to tell her about the sacrifice and now he wanna offer the same one to Elena. I would've reacted like Damon. He trippin'.

Futuristic Girl

Now that I think about it why Elijah couldn't test the elixir out on a dead person. Nah, he should've came up with a better plan than that.


I don't think it is because she is human. At that age specially you jump full leg into love specially if it's your first love, it is a very powerful feeling you never felt before, the first love is the one that no matter what you'll never forget for the rest of your life. Remember, the list for turning a human into a vampire is when you find the love of your life and you want that person to be with you forever. Stefan is there, Elena is not. She made pretty clear that se doesn't see Stefan in her future. She is seventeen, she is supposed to be madly in love, head over heels, and she is not. And this is the second time she is not seen a future with Stefan, the conversation at the lake house was pretty much a little more settle way to say the same thing " you are not enough for me to fight to have a future with you". Her feeling for Stefan aren't strong enough, Stefan isn't the love of her life, not so far.


Call me anti romantic but I don’t think there is anything wrong with loving someone and yet not wanting to lose yourself for that person. Honestly I feel like this is a healthy way of loving someone. I don’t think her not wanting to be a vampire has anything to do with Stefan or even Damon, but more on the fact that she just doesn’t want to be a vampire. She already has survivor's guilt and so the idea of living forever is kind of a burden, plus the fact that she does want to have the choice of having a family and have a healthy human life. Plus she knows how much Stefan struggles with it and she is definitely not a “control freak” like Caroline so she is scared to become something she won’t recognize. All vampires have killed someone and she doesn’t want to go through that. I prefer to think about that reason than anything to do with ships. I’m actually happy that this happened and she wasn’t pulling a Bella Swan. It makes her seem a lot more mature since at that age you do think more with your heart than with your head and Elena is doing the opposite here. This is a good example of how someone should love and in a world where most teen shows and novels dedicate their plots on showing girls sacrificing everything to be with a guy I find it refreshing. Edit: also the fact that Stefan doesn't expect her give him everything but is happy to love her for the time they will have together is actually the most romantic thing about this whole scene.


I’m dying for the next episode😩🙏🏽


Ok, while I think that Damon was wrong feeding Elena his blood, I dont know why but I always love the conversations him and Elena have before he does something stupid (Season 1 finally, 2x1 and this episode). The conversation they had was so tender and honest.


Adding on a point. I absolutely condemn Damon feeding Elena of his blood as Stefan said, him of all people should know better he does things on impulse and regret them the minute after. But I understand what why he did it. He is more and more in love with Elena, and we know that for Damon feelings are his weakness; being a vampire doesn't help because you feel off the chart more powerfully. So he is getting desperate and in his mind he thinks desperate times desperate measures. Don't trust Elijah, don't trust his elixir, don't trust, his brother, when Elena said if it doesn't work then I will be dead, he looks at his brother and Stefan shrug his shoulders 🤷‍♂️ When he did it I had the same reaction Sofie had.... whaaaat? 😲 That gesture I can't understand. To me Stefan sometimes is more difficult to understand then Damon. Anyway this time Damon as he said he screwed up big.


Regarding Damon, idk but I always thought his reaction is a lot more realistic than Stefan. At least for me it is because I know that if I had the opportunity to save someone I love I would take it. I know that it is selfish but selfish love is a lot more realistic than selfless love in my opinion. Putting someone's choice over their life??? This whole thing is heartbreaking for everyone though because Elena is being forced to turn into a vampire, Damon regrets it and knows how hard it is to be forced to turn and it makes me wonder if this kinda of helped him understand the reasons why Stefan did it in the first place. Cause it all comes down to love. He told Elena that she would get over it but does that mean he got over it? Also for Stefan since he once was the one to forcefully turn someone and now he has to watch his brother hate himself for making this choice. My poor heart

Keith Engel

Season 1, Elena has Damon's Blood in her system, Season 2 Elena has Damon's Blood in her System. Third times a charm....

Keith Engel

My take on Damon feeding his her blood, it's still a reflection of Elena own unwillingness to lose any one she loves. Damon reflects this back to her as her own mirror, this is an important matter in the relationship dynamic I feel. In that he isn't willing to take the chance to see her die, just like how she doesn't want Bonnie to take that chance to to save her. She is willing to take a risk to save all of them by dying, and so Damon takes the same risk to save her life, even if it means "losing" her. Yet, he lost her before as well with "killing" Jeremy, so what does that say about their connection? In this we see the same type of resolve between both characters, when it comes to saving people they love and willing to risk everything to do that to protect them. Where as Stefan just shrugged his shoulders. I do understand the greater dynamic at work with the history of this between the brothers, and it's correlations, to what has taking place. Yet, in that moment in time with the two characters, you see this same dedication as it were to the people they love and what they are willing to sacrifice , even if in that moment of course, Elena doesn't see it due to the nature of the saving.