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I lost my mind in this episode.


Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I5acw7uZTgAQTqqX4qcbfkfumjhQEJJr/view?usp=sharing

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wD0zTnogXJNxwM9hz3fVF5wokmPS2lu8/view?usp=sharing




Yes. Nina Dobrev is so amazing. I never even think I'm watching the same actress play two roles.

Futuristic Girl

Bonnie got on my nerves in this episode again. She fails to see that this was kinda all her fault. Caroline wouldn't have been in the hospital if the device didn't go off. Also, she keeps overestimating her power. It's really annoying.


Vampires feel things more than a normal human....Damon is not a stable Vampire, If you think about Damon and Caroline are similar, they both feel like second choices. As far a Jeremy, Damon wasn't trying to kill kill him, he thought he was turning him in a Vampire. Damon is desperate to be accepted, for who he is. His whole life is that. Nina does a terrific job on her acting, you can tell if she is Elena or Katherine right away. Elena is a 17 year old human girl, Katherine is a frozen in time 17 year old, who has been around for 500 years.

Futuristic Girl

Damon's arc isn't linear because his character isn't. At the beginning of the season, he was an antagonist. Now it depends on the day what side he's on.

Futuristic Girl

Season 2 is going to get crazier!!!

Futuristic Girl

You'll find out why Katherine is here soon. Can't wait!! It's gonna be so good.

Futuristic Girl

Katherine's aura is very femme fatale. She's very confident and take charge. When you look in her eyes, it seems like she's always plotting. She's a very compelling complex character.

Futuristic Girl

Damon thought he was over Katherine, but seeing her in the flesh brought all those old feelings back.

Futuristic Girl

I like how you pointed out that we only know who Katherine is from Damon and Stefan. We still don't know the whole story.


I love that Jeremy tried to kill himself but in fact healed himself from what he tried to do. It always makes me laugh. I hate that Bonnie takes no responsibility for Caroline being in hospital. Had she have told them what the weapon did (she had the grimoire, so surely it said how it affected vampires) and instead of removing the spell, just warned them, then none of this would have happened. I'm glad she removed the spell as the tomb vamps had to die (although I'm miffed about Anna, I partially blame Bonnie for her death too). On the other hand, I totally get where Bonnie is coming from. She sees all vampires as evil, to her they are all bad and there is no middle ground. All humans must be protected from them. I understand her position, but people are being put at risk if she lies about what she has done. If she'd have been open, they would have gotten Elena's friends out of town and nobody would have gotten hurt except the tomb vamps as Stefan and Damon would have known the device was going to work. They would have evacuated instead of staying around to tackle the tomb vamps. Stefan knew Elena's things were missing and Katherine was wearing them (a fact Damon was unaware of). Elena was dressed differently when she went to the hospital, which is how Stefan knew it was her straight away. Plus he probably knows Elena's scent a bit more than Damon does. He is used to being up close and personal with her a bit more than Damon. Katherine was wearing Elena's clothes when she saw Damon so he wouldn't have even considered Katherine at that point. I always look at Katherine and think her moves are literally cat-like. She is confident and sexy as opposed to Elena who has a more innocent air about her. It is so easy to tell them apart, it is like looking at 2 different people. Obviously it isn't as easy when she's pretending to be Elena and you don't know she's in town like the last episode. Katherine said she'd already met Matt, which is the first time I've picked up on that. Matt won't be on vervain, so Katherine only needed to pick his brains with a bit of compulsion and she would have learned a lot about Elena from him, Isobel and John. “You hate me, huh? That sounds like the beginning of a love story, Stefan, not the end of one.” that line of Katherine's is appropriate for so many relationships, whether romantic, brotherly or platonic, in this show. It is legendary! Damon needed to hear that from Katherine and I respect her for telling him straight. He needed to get over her and by telling him she never loved him would help him. She clearly had some affection for him, otherwise she might have strung him along to get close to Stefan again, but she cared enough not to do that. I do wonder if Katherine just used Damon for sex, Bree did say he was quite good in bed. Damon was naïve, innocent and considering the relationship he had with his father, feeling unloved. Katherine came into his life and made him feel loved again, even if she was faking it to an extent. Now Damon has found out that he is the one who is everyone's second choice, like Caroline, (as mentioned in an earlier post by WillAlwaysLoveClark ). He was unloved by his father, who clearly loved Stefan. Now unloved by Katherine, and Elena said those same words Katherine said. He is just a wreck. It is easier for him to be justifiably hated than to to be unloved, I think it hurts him less. Elena summed it up, he prefers to be hated, it is easier for him. She has no idea how much she understands him. Elena instinctively knows how Damon thinks. It doesn't mean she justifies his actions, but she seems to be able to put herself in his shoes and understand his motivations. I do wonder if Damon ever truly loved Katherine or whether he loved the idea of her loving him, which made him emotionally dependant on her. It would explain him getting over her and then putting the past behind them. His need for love is tragic. I think, deep down, he still wants the old Damon to come back, but he needs someone who already loves him for who he is now to bring that part of him to the forefront. I think he loves Elena because she is good and she does bring that out in him. I also get why he thought Elena felt something more. Vampire have heightened emotions and heightened senses. During the dance, there was a spark between them. Damon would have felt, heard her heartbeat and sensed some change in her reaction to him. Ever since, Elena has been more flirty with him, and I guess her physical reaction to him confused him into thinking there was more to it. It is easy to have a sexual reaction to someone without having an emotional reaction. I'm not sure Damon has grasped that concept yet. I also suspect that his naivety has led him to being with women who found him sexy and slept with him before bothering to get to know him. Vampires have heightened emotions and that results in a heightened sexual appetite. So they replace love for sex, it is quite sad. Caroline as a vampire, I'm saying nothing, but personality traits are heightened as a vampire. But you are right about Liz. A vampire having a vampire hunter as a mother is very inconvenient. At some point, Liz will notice Caroline isn't getting any older. Damon said “He wants to be a vampire.” when he snapped Jeremy's neck as Jeremy may have still had some of Anna's blood in his system, although it was risky as the blood may have all disappeared. I don't think Damon's intention was to kill Jeremy, but to turn him. Anna did mention that one of the reasons vampires turned people was for revenge. Was this revenge for Elena's rebuttal? Damon's development would be a lot more unrealistic if he had achieved redemption at this point in the show. He had his humanity off for “A very long time.” He is feeling emotions, and slowly letting them in, one by one. This is why Stefan had no interest in fighting Damon, he was just happy his brother was slowly coming back from being a soulless murderer, to being the person he used to be. Stefan wasn't ready to jeopardise that progress and put even more lives on the line for the sake of a kiss. What Katherine is up to is a mystery, but she couldn't return to Mystic Falls with all of the tomb vampires around, therefore she wanted them dead. I doubt she would have agreed with Isobel and John regarding trying to kill Stefan and Damon, which may have been one of the reasons she tried to kill John. Season 2 is very fast paced. I prefer S3 and S6 over it, but many think S2 is the best. The plot is far more complicated than S1, and much faster paced with it. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Great reaction. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x


First of all, the level of acting in this series, from everybody, it is really high, there are going to be episode where their high acting skills will be obvious. Already Steven R. McQueen, Jeremy (that by the way is the nephews of Steve McQueen) prove to be is outstanding. Nina. If you think about it, she was just twenty years old and she is perfectly capable to play two different characters and make us forget that they are played by the same person. Stefan oh Stefan!! As much I didn't like entirely Stefan season one, the little liar, petty, jealous, insecure, I utterly adore Stefan season two, he carry himself differently and Stefan threatening people is always an absolute pleasure. He is finally fully on board with the brotherhood thing, how noble, mature and confident was the conversation he had on the garden with Damon and how tender he was, by trying to excuse Damon from an non defensible action. Yes Paul is different in this series, definitely hotter, he said that he didn't feel confident in the first series, because he didn't know if he got to play the part for long, but as the series exploded in popularity, he felt more comfortable and confident with the role. Damon.....his character was written to be an antagonist, a bad boy and give to play Damon to Ian and it took a life on its own, out of the writer control, it became unpredictably an irresistible character, people just loved him, so that was a further attempt to put Damon character on line, on a road far from redemption. From a character, point of view, I don't justify the character action, of trying to turn Jeremy into a vampire, by killing him, but I can't help to empathize with his feeling of not worth loving, he was told twice he wasn't loved. He was told by somebody else Katherine didn't care , he didn't hear it from her voice before. So in his head there was a possibility of love, for how he knew their relationship was, that he wasn't compelled, that they share secrets Stefan didn't know, like the scene when she showed him how to feed and kill, he tough their relationship was the real deal. To be crushed by her that not only told him he never loved him but that she loved his brother not him, why she added that? How used and played he must have felt, Damon saw his entire life flashing down the toilet and as we know vampire feels way more that human. He is desperate for someone to love him and if is not love than hate, any feeling, not nothing. How terrible it is to feel a disappointment by your father, that kills you, discover you been used for sex by a woman pretending to care, being screwed up by your brother that force you to a lonely life you didn't choose, very difficult not to feel sorry for him. Katherine is an interesting character to get to know, because you are right we really don't know her yet. Oh yes, you are on a rollercoaster journey, season one was the climbing up to the top, reached the top on episode 21 and now is going to down picking up speed. there so many episode I love about this season....you'll see.


I read once that this act of Damon's, when he tried to turn Jeremy into a vampire, was introduced by the writers on purpose. Like, by the end of the first season, Damon had become too kind and human. And so they wanted to go back to Damon, who was at the beginning of the first season. As for me, they didn't do it very well. I think this action is a little out of character for Damon. If he had done it at the beginning of the first season, I would have believed it. But not now. I can't explain my feelings correctly, but for some reason this act is out of the general narrative. Maybe I'm wrong. Watching Damon in this episode was painful. He's so desperate to be loved. But instead, he is rejected by two people close to him. One is a girl he's been looking for for about 145 years, the other is a girl he definitely feels something for. It can break another person. Very emotionally. Caroline is a vampire.... I'm loving it. I won't say anything more. I hope you like it too. Bonnie… She continues to stand her ground. I can't blame her. I really understand her behavior. Yes, Caroline was in the hospital because of her. But no one could have predicted this outcome. Besides, they left the square. Who could have known that things weren't normal with Tyler, either? And I like that Damon is still trying to fix things with Bonnie, even though she tried to kill him. I like their relationship! And of course Nina! I will never tire of admiring her talent. She is excellent at playing Katherine, Elena, and Katherine, who pretends to be Elena. Amazing! Sofie, good to see you! Waiting for the second episode!


"I do wonder if Damon ever truly loved Katherine or whether he loved the idea of her loving him, which made him emotionally dependant on her." Bravo! This is a good question. I've thought about it a lot too.

james hghg

You fail to see that if she did deactivate the device it would of killed a lot of innocent people because the tomb vampires would not be stopped. You're looking at it very one sided, she can take on a vampire that is 150 years old and she does not know katherine so she has no reason to believe she couldn't take katherine.

james hghg

Your bonnie point doesn't really make sense, she does think the vampires are evil and she was fully content on letting all of them die so it makes no sense for her to warn elena for damon and stefan that would literally defeat any reasoning behind why she would lie about deactivating the device.


True that's what I wanted to say, but it was late at night and I've got it wrong.


I agree with you, to me season 3, 6 and 7 are my personal favourite, but I can see why season two is considered by most a very strong one.


By the way Sofie your reactions are the best I've ever seen. Girl you are fab!


rip Delena <\3 Katherine said hate sounds more like a beginning of a love story than the end of one, but so many people hate Damon. Curiously, Bonnie seemed eager to talk to Damon. Their ship name is Bamon (though, every "pairing" has a name) Back to Katherine's comment about hate becoming love: I think it shows that Katherine thinks of love as a game and that's why she is after the bigger challenge; Damon is boring to her with his "undying love"

Futuristic Girl

That makes so much sense. I see play out when she asked Stefan if he wanted to play a game with her and asked how can I play if I don't know the rules, and she said one of recurring lines, "No rules".


Fist of all, the level of acting performances by everybody in this show is extraordinarily high. There will be episodes where the actors in turn will have a chance to shine. Steven R. McQueen (that by the way is Steve McQueen grandson) has proven already his excellence. Nina is no exception. If you think about it she was just 20 years old, here and she was perfectly capable to play two different characters, in a way that we all forget Elena and Katherine are played by the same person. Stefan oh Stefan!! As much as I didn't like much first season Stefan, a bit of a lair, insecure, petty, jealous, I adore Stefan season two. He is fully on board with the brotherhood idea, How noble and mature it was his conversation with Damon in the garden, and how tender he was trying to excuse his brother unforgivable action of trying to turn Jeremy into a vampire. And yes Stefan threatening people is one of the most strangely entertaining thing in the show. Paul is different (much hotter, I agree), because as he said in season one he didn't know how long he would play this character, but after the show exploded in popularity he felt more confident and committed to the role and it shows. Damon.....well, he was written by the writer an antagonist and they given the role to Ian that was very happy to play a bad boy. But the combination of great writing and a character that fit the actor like a glove took an unexpected turn, Damon took a life on its own and became irresistible, much loved by the audience and as they said "we tried but you love him no matter what". So they wrote this story line to put Damon back on track, on a road very very far from redemption. Did they succeed? You will know how we all felt after this episode, in the next episodes. From a character point of view. Damon heard from others that Katherine didn't care, not from her mouth directly. That is why in his head there was a chance for love, since from his prospective, he wasn't compelled, they shared secrets, like the one when she showed him how to feed and kill. So in his mind he though this relationship was the real deal. Now she told him she never loved him and was extra cruel by adding she actually only loved his brother. Why did she add that detail? He saw his life going down the drain as a totally wasted life. He was unloved by his father, that killed him, he was used for sex by the woman, that loved his brother, and screwed up by his brother that force him to turn and condemn him to a lonely life he didn't choose. And to top the cake, Elena told him the same thing Katherine said with the same words. As we know vampires feel way more intensely then humans and Damon hurting is his Achilles heels, he can't handle it and that's the tragic result. He is desperate for someone to love him, because he was never loved, now in his mind he just had the confirmation that he is unworthy of love and as Elena said he prefers to be hated, rather than having people feel nothing for him. Trying to turn Jeremy by killing him has no justification, but still, personally I cannot bring myself not to feel emphatic for such damaged, unloved character. Katherine. Who is she really? We all suspect at this point, she is up to something. Why she is back now? Why she wanted all the tomb vampires killed? Is she back for Stefan? We will see. Caroline, adorable, neurotic, insecure Caroline is going to be a vampire, with her mom being a vampire hunter/the town sheriff...how that will play? And Tyler. I know why people don't like Tyler, he is a privileged bully and a douche. But when writers give characters serious motivation and dept for being even an utter douche, it's another story, as you felt in this episode, for the first time. Anyway my personal favorite seasons are the following seasons, but I totally get how season two is a favorite among so many people. It has so many episode I totally love too. This show is a rollercoaster of emotions, season one was a ride up to the top, episode 21 was reaching the top and now you are riding down picking up speed episode after episode. Be prepare and tell to your mom that you are going to scream plenty more...😂


My Bonnie comment is about blaming Stefan and Damon and taking no responsibility for her actions.

Futuristic Girl

The reasoning why she lied didn't make sense. My problem was that if she didn't want the device activated she should've said that. Stand on your point. You just gonna pretend to deactivate the device and act like nothing happened. If I was in Bonnie's shoes, I would've made. She saved them in the end so what was the point of lying? She truly is Emily's ancestor because Emily did the same thing. She said she was going to save the vampires by putting them in the tomb, but then tried to stop the tomb from being opened over a 100 years later. She should've just let them burn in the church. Like pick a side. All this vampire hate is tired. If you really felt a way about it, then why are you still? If the device did kill Stefan and Damon, what would she have did then? Elena would've been pissed. All I'm saying is it wasn't well thought out. They wanted the tomb vampires gone to. They could've came up with a plan where people like Anna who didn't even want revenge wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. They could've came to the founder's day prepared for what was about to go down.

Futuristic Girl

Exactly. I get she's anti-vampire, but come up with a better plan instead of lying to someone who is supposed to your best friend. Don't pretend to be on their side. I don't get why she would lie in the first place. Stand on your own two.


Totally agree. She is a 500 years bored vampire. used to a high level risks life, easy things are not what she is used to, she is a thrill seeker and Stefan resisting her is a thrill, Damon being totally available don't present any challenge.

Patpet (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 05:29:45 Here you get the full extent of how super sexy and extraordinarily beautiful Paul, Ian and Nina are. This is a 5D photo shooting, it is a bit boring at the beginning but it start to get interesting after 18.10....enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVddVCClU3A&t=1369s
2020-08-29 02:29:27 Here you get the full extent of how super sexy and extraordinarily beautiful Paul, Ian and Nina are. This is a 5D photo shooting, it is a bit boring at the beginning but it start to get interesting after 18.10....enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVddVCClU3A&t=1369s

Here you get the full extent of how super sexy and extraordinarily beautiful Paul, Ian and Nina are. This is a 5D photo shooting, it is a bit boring at the beginning but it start to get interesting after 18.10....enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVddVCClU3A&t=1369s

james hghg

The point still stands... she lied because she doesn't like the vampires. You literally said " If she'd have been open, they would have gotten Elena's friends out of town and nobody would have gotten hurt" when that makes no sense because she doesn't care, her lying about that proves that she was okay with them dying.

Futuristic Girl

If she was okay with them dying then say that upfront. There was no point in lying because they would find out anyway, and they did! She shouldn't of saved them then if she really didn't care. What I'm saying in if you don't like a vampires stand on it and come up with a more realistic plan. Pick a side! Don't be over here after you lied talking about Elena will never forgive me. Then you should've said I didn't want to do it. Lying didn't make sense because she was going to get found out no matter what. That whole move was lame.

Futuristic Girl

I also think her loving Stefan more has to do with how Stefan always being the guy seen has the hero. He reminds her of her humanity a bit I believe.


I agree, Bonnie is being a hypocrite. She was the one who lied about the device to save Jeremy, yet she is absolving herself of any blame. The problem is that her lies are one of the reasons why Caroline ended up in hospital, and she won't take any responsibility for that. It is fine her lying, but she needs to accept the consequences of her actions instead of blaming others. Had Bonnie have been honest, Caroline would not be in the situation she is now. I love Bonnie to bits, but she occasionally frustrates me, especially at this point in the show. She is coming into her powers and trying to one-up the vampires, and when things go wrong, she blames them because if they weren't there, she wouldn't have done what she did in the first place. The world doesn't work like that. It is like if someone gets drunk and says 'I wouldn't have gotten drunk if alcohol hadn't existed.' I guess it is partly true, but nobody forces a person to drink in the first place, it is a choice. That is my rubbish analogy.


i agree, If Bonnie had the courage to state her "I don't want to get involved" and stand her ground picking a side, they would have come out with a different plan, Caroline wouldn't have been in the hospital, Anna would have been alive, as Taylor's dad. Not only she is directly responsible, but she totally denies her responsibility, blaming Damon for it, that was the one that almost died because or her lying. Not only she is making threats too. I like Bonnie but not in this period. Though, the Damon/ Bonnie taunting is very entertaining.

james hghg

well no that would just be silly. i wanna kill someone, here's a good plan... let's tell them i want them dead... like... what?


That's not the point of the comment. The point is Bonnie is not taking responsibility for her actions when it is entirely her fault that Caroline is in hospital. That is factual, the rest of my point was entirely hypothetical.

james hghg

that's what im saying... i literally said it doesn't make sense, im so confused...


Are we agreeing that Bonnie is at fault for Caroline being in hospital?

james hghg

XD this isn't about blame it's that your hypothetical doesn't make sense for the character that's literally what i have been saying this whole time...


It is astonishing to me that the 3 of them are even more beautiful and super hot in reality than on screen.....Ian moaning...😮🔥

I Am Not Chamari

This season premiere pulled out of all the stops. To me, this was Damon's lowest moment. He certainly has a hell of a journey this season, but somehow, it's my favorite Damon season.