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Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bEQQqMLdBbU8JFb5og6fnCg_qFnt98nO/view?usp=sharing

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j2b_WvyczmkSWvgWCNojIIHCTWPq4H4g/view?usp=sharing

Ps: the videos are still processing.




I loved your breakdown on the characters so far. I won’t talk about much until you get further into it but you are correct about Nathan and Lucas. Dan is basically forcing Nathan into playing while Lucas naturally loves the guy.


You said 5 episodes....trust me...you are already hooked :)


Lol, Dan telling Nathan he needs to block out everything that bothers him. Then Nathan tunes out his dad.

I Am Not Chamari

I have joined the party late, but I love your reactions! To play the devil's advocate, I don't think Dan was purposefully trying to throw Lucas off of his game. I think, during the game, he was intending to get Nathan's attention. And in the hallway, I don't think he recognized Lucas from behind. He just assumed he was a random basketball player, headed to the locker room. Or, at least that's how I read that moment.