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So you guys we finished season 1. I just want to thank each one of you for your heartwarming support, insightful comments and just for this lovely community that you guys are apart of. I hope that our journey continues to be a memorable experience. Love you ❤️


Sunny Sudles

yaaasss we love you too and cant wait for s2 you are gonna love it :)

Jasmine Reigns

Season 2 is so much fun 🥰 I really hope we get to at least 3 reactions a week 🥺


Sofie, I love you too, and your reactions! The first season was amazing. I'm looking forward to the second season. There are so many more interesting things to come! Why did Katherine come to Mystic Falls? Who is Tyler? What will become of Caroline and Jeremy? Oddly enough, the real vampire Diaries are just beginning.


The love is mutually Sofie. You are clearly a bright and caring person, and it comes across in your reactions, that is why we love them so much, you have the right emotional approach, and you enjoy the show as much as we do. I also appreciate the people comments here and the debate we create, very interesting. We have here a nice bunch of passionate TVD connoisseurs and a great reactor. Loving it. 🤟❤


<3 season 2 hyyype


I can't wait for her to get to season 3 and 4....😂😂


Oh yeah, those reactions will be very interesting. 😂😂😂


When will you be starting S2?