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Ladies and gentlemen's that was hella of an episode.

PS: the videos are still processing specially part 2


Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CAZ5PaEwgEc6UyuvipeIZ82wHkQk4Xci/view?usp=sharing

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ah16BQNt3-xvObrR6doEvZtoI-wlaL2H/view?usp=sharing



Ashish Dahal

Why would a guy not be jealous when is girlfriend is actually showing interest in his brother? it's not normal, I know the stans love it when these things happen, but it's incredibly unhealthy


Ahhh I clicked so fast 💕


You caught on pretty quick to "Elena" acting weird, and if you didn't notice Jenna said "You should probably come inside" after the kiss and that's how Katherine was able to enter the house. This is one of my favorite finales and reveals! Nina Dobrev is such an amazing actress and portrays Katherine's role perfectly. I can't wait for season two, loving your reactions <3


Oh yeah, the kiss!!! We all got confused and shocked, we love it because, oh boy...Ian is such a fantastically good on screen kisser, that kiss it's undeniably smoking hot, and at the same time we all hated it because...what the hell Elena, you just said to Stefan I love YOU and that he had nothing to worried about! Even Damon was shocked and couldn't believe it she kissed him back!! I don't think Damon though about his brother, this was one of those moment like when they dance together, he was in a bubble, caught in the moment of irresistible attraction, drown to her and even if is crystal clear that Elena loves Stefan, the physical attraction to Damon is there and Damon feels that, we all see it and feel it, but that doesn't mean that Elena would act on it. So now what will happen to everybody? Tyler and his mom Carole, Caroline and Liz, Jeremy, John, is Bonnie going to be a problem? Damon kissed Katherine...she is here now...and she was invited in...😱 things are getting complicated. They know how to end a season, but they also know how to start a new one and if you think this episode was a lot, wait to see the next one, a bomb 💥!! As usual you picked up on the difference between Elena and Katherine, (Nina is extraordinary) well done! You are getting better and better in noticing the little details. Your reaction are so enjoyable that every time a notification comes out, no matter what time it is, I have to watch it immediately. Can 't wait for the next one.


When thinking about Damon/Stefan "brother's girl" thing... everyone was mad at Damon for kissing 'Elena' but everyone seems to forget that this isn't the first time they loved the same woman, Stefan knew Katherine was 'with' Damon too and Stefan seemed to be just fine with it then. He didn't "respect" Damon and Katherine's relationship so I'm not sure if the brothers are seeing this as the audience does. It has to be said that no matter what Stefan did then, it doesn't make it okay for Damon to do the same thing now.

james hghg

what always turned me off was that damon actually tried to pursue it even though she was with stefan

james hghg

i don't think i have disagreed with anything you have said this whole season except for the jeremy thing, he had his memories taken away without his consent and that's the one thing that should be most important I can understand why elena did it but i don't agree with it, he needs time to forgive her she can apologise 100 times but ultimately its his choice to when he forgives her.

Futuristic Girl

I was wondering if you were going to peep that it was Katherine, and you did!!

Futuristic Girl

Even as a werewolf, I didn't care for Tyler.

Futuristic Girl

Finally, my girl Katherine is here!!!!


As you can tell, it is quite easy to tell the difference between Katherine and Elena. Nina is brilliant at portraying them both. They may have the same face, but it is like looking at 2 totally different people. Katherine is more cat-like in her movements. She acts older. Elena on the other hand is almost clumsy in comparison. Her body moves like that of someone much younger. With the humanity switch, I think there is a third option. When vampires have no humanity, they are cold and ruthless. When they turn it back on they have to face whatever made them turn it off in the first place, and also face the consequences of what they did while the switch was off. They have to face the guilt from the trail of dead bodies they leave in their wake. When a human has a lot going on in their lives, sometimes if they focus on one thing, it helps them get through the tough patch. This is no different with vampires. Damon was focused on getting Katherine out the tomb. That isn't a spoiler, my comment is based on human nature. I focused on something unimportant when my dad died to get me through the grief. It is an easy way to help cope with overwhelming emotions. Vmpires have heightened emotions, therefore it is even harder for them. So when did Damon turn it back on? I would say his humanity has been on less than a year (this episode is set 25th February 2010, the pilot was set 7th September 2009). if I had to hazard a guess, it would be in the third quarter of 2009. You'll understand why it is hazy. Even with the humanity switch off, it wouldn't have stopped Damon getting Katherine out of the tomb. He'd been planning it for so long, he would have used his ruthlessness to help him. He might not love her while it is off, but he knows he will be turning it back on. So if Damon had decided to turn it back on not long before getting Katherine out of the tomb, he would have been preparing for it. The humanity switch doesn't remove common sense. They might not personally care, but they still want a hassle free life, so they do have to take certain things into consideration for when they turn the switch back on. There have been a lot of clues that Tyler and his father are slightly different. The anger and a few visual clues. The kiss was really hot, but I ship Stelena at this point in the show. Damon is still a loose canon. My reaction first time was pretty much the same as yours. I do agree with you regarding Damon kissing who he thought was Elena. Kissing her on the cheek, fine, but the lips is a step too far. I think he was guaging her reaction and she looked at him seductively (of course she did, it was Katherine) so Damon took it as an invitation. It was wrong, but it wouldn't be the first time they dated the same girl. My advice to every woman on this planet, do not date Jeremy Gilbert, he might be hot, but so far, dating him appears to be a death sentence. I hated seeing Anna die, I really liked her. It is a good season finale and is ranked 3rd for me for season finale's on this show. Really looking forward to S2, it is regarded by some to be the best season (not me personally, I rank is joint 3rd). Great reaction. Looking forward to your S2 reactions. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x


Funny observation… Every time Damon is about to kiss someone, you say: "No, no, no!" Who can Damon kiss? 😂 😂 😂 The kiss was delightful. 🔥 I don't even know if I'm happy that he kissed Katherine instead of Elena, or not. In any case, there will be problems and someone will be hurt. Damon did (or tried to do) so many right things today. He thanked Bonnie, stood up for the city, and apologized to Jeremy. I like this heart-to-heart conversation between them. Although Jeremy hates Damon, he listens to Him. And it seems that he even forgave him at that moment (at least, he nodded his head affirmatively). And Damon wouldn't be Damon if, after all the right things, he didn't do something stupid. Kiss his brother's girlfriend the same day he told Stefan that he and Elena were just friends… It's a little treacherous. I agree with Mandizpop that Damon felt a backlash from Elena/Katherine, and it served as an invitation to him. Just look at the look on Katherine's face after the kiss on her cheek. Although that doesn't excuse Damon, of course. How I love Nina in this show! One face, one clothes, one hairstyle… But two completely different personalities. The first time I looked, it was only after John's words that I realized it was Katherine and not Elena. But when you look at it a second time, it's absolutely obvious that it's Katherine. Look, facial expressions, gait, gestures ... Bravo, Nina! 👏👏 This is amazing! I also liked Bonnie in this episode. She has a firm position and is ready to protect her loved ones, which is what she says openly. I absolutely understand it. Put yourself in her place. Because of the vampires, a lot of innocent people die, your closest person dies trying to save another, in fact, a killer. Would you be able to treat vampires well after that? I don't think… Still, she finds the strength to save Damon, in the hope that He won't do any more harm. Otherwise, she would be willing to get rid of him, even if she had to sacrifice Stefan. A powerful moment when Bonnie recites a spell. This voice and the environment… It gave me chills on the skin… Sofie, thank you for this wonderful reaction! I will wait for the second season! 💖💖💖


"My advice to every woman on this planet, do not date Jeremy Gilbert, he might be hot, but so far, dating him appears to be a death sentence". 😂😂😂🙌


Pleasee we need more reactions in a week!!......I am addicted to your tvd reactions lol


I totally forgot to talk about bonnie in the review I pretty much agree with what you sait about her


honestly same, I go back and rewatch her reactions when waiting for new ones 😂


To what has been already said I only wanted to add one thing....Ian is such a spectacular on screen kisser, to be honest I've start to notice how actors kiss on the screen after his kissing and not many actors can convey such level of intense passion. This part suits him like a glove. The difference between the two brothers had to be that Stefan is beautiful, romantic, sweet, sensitive, strong willing, and Damon has to be gorgeous, sassy, wild, unpredictable, sexy, damaged and Paul and Ian are just so good at it, so perfect.

Futuristic Girl

I also have to say that Bonnie aggravated me these last few episodes because she knew that the invention was going to take out vampires and potentially Stefan and Damon and then tried to fake despell it. I don't know why she didn't think they would find out, and then Elena would've been really mad with her. She should've not did it in the first place. It was just like Emily. Why would Emily put the vampires in the tomb to protect them when she knew all along that she wasn't going to let anyone open the tomb in the future. That's sneaky shit. She might as well let the founding families burn them up in the church. If you don't mess with vampires stand on that and don't be underhanded and pretend you're helping them because in the end they're going to find out and they are stronger than her. It wasn't smart. I also didn't like that scene between her and Stefan after everything went down because it wasn't believable. Bonnie's not that type. She's not intimidating and she's still a newbie witch. Like she didn't convince me that she would or could actually do that. That's not her and that's fine. Just stop acting like it is.

Futuristic Girl

I don't necessarily dislike Bonnie. She's cool at times. That move was just really stupid. Like you thought they weren't going to find out that you lied about despelling it. What was the point in that when you still saved them in the end? What if she didn't lie and then they could've come up with a plan to counteract the council? Maybe Anna would still be alive.


I agree, would have she been more honest and just refuse to do it, probably they would have taken steps to prevent what happen and probably Anna, Taylor 's dad ( I know nobody cares, but I do, he was still Taylor's father), would still be alive and Caroline wouldn't be in the hospital.


Great reaction! I personally blame Bonnie for every bad thing that happened in this episode. Especially Anna's death which broke my heart. Just because she helped save Damon in the end doesn't excuse what she did & truthfully I was surprised that he let that go by saying he was grateful that she helped Stephan save him. She betrayed her best friend & the people she cared about. I disliked Bonnie for a long time because of these actions. Karma is a bitch Bonnie. As for the kiss between Katherine as Elena with Damon, I do not blame him because Katherine was totally giving him that kiss me vibe with her eyes. And yes I am totally a Delena fan. It happened for me the day of Ms Mystic Falls with that incredible dance. It was electric what happened between them.


I totally agree with James here. I also understand why she did it, and yes she’s a kid who had no idea what she was doing. However much you guys might want him to forgive her, or think that apologizing is enough, it’s not. Jeremy read the journal so he knows what she did, but it’s doesn’t reverse what happened right? He has a hole. Imagine losing a loved one, then reading that you loved them and they died but having no memory of it; and your sister was responsible. IMO taking away free will, the right to make your own choices, is borderline unforgivable.

I Am Not Chamari

Vampires are the reason Grams is dead. And so many other people in this town. Bonnie's duty, what she learned from Grams, is to always protect the humans and the land. Of course, she didn't despell a device that would get rid of vampires in the town. That's who she is as a person. And still, she chose to save the day, when she didn't have to. I don't understand how these characters and the fan of this show don't feel indebted to her when she's literally saved so many people's lives. Sure, people are bitter about Anna's death, and maybe Anna might have still been alive if Bonnie had despelled in the first place. I just think she is not under any obligation to help vampires, so she could have just ignored the initial request. I cannot help but to think that Anna would have been killed by John anyways. But, that's just me.