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I am a mess now after this episode ....


Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kjR7NlpJaEcnM9GZST5Ss5j3HhlRotG3/view?usp=sharing

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UexfTMmaLgSyThUz7mDSMZ2ItmrEupwR/view?usp=sharing




I'm so glad Bonnie's back. For some reason, many viewers do not like it in season 1-2. I don't understand it. Bonnie from a young girl gradually turns into a strong witch (which she demonstrated in this episode). She has her own opinion and her own view of life. And she really can't pretend that everything is okay when it isn't. it's a pity that the relationship between Elena and Bonnie is currently strained, but it's inevitable. Each of them must deal with their own feelings and thoughts. Stefan... The moment came when he finally lost control of himself. What upset me was that he didn't want to admit until the last moment that something was wrong with him. He thought he could handle it, but it didn't work out. It is very important to have close people around in difficult moments. And I'm glad that Stefan has an older brother and a girlfriend who are willing to take care of him. I'm happy for Caroline. Her victory was well deserved. I was touched by their conversation with Elena.😊 Caroline behaved with dignity and selflessness, despite the fact that she really wanted to win. I even respected her. Well done. And finally, Elena and Damon's dance. Oh, it was magical!😍🔥🔥 It was lucky that Damon was wearing a suit with a white shirt today. As if he had a premonition. 😂After all, before that, Damon had worn all black to various events. This dance scene is one of the most recognizable and memorable in this show. Many people remember it and review it, especially those who ship Damon and Elena. And this dance will be mentioned several more times in the show . I like your reaction and your thoughts about this scene. This largely coincides with my feelings. You're right, Elena was really aware of what was happening at that moment (am I the only one who remembers Elena's words from season 6 when I watch this dance?😄). The electric tension between them was mesmerizing. And how they look together! Both of them are incredibly beautiful. Those looks, those half-smiles...I couldn't look away. And Yes, it's OK to ship both Stelena and Delena at the same time😉😂. The wars between the fans of Delena and Stelena lasted almost until the end of the series (or maybe they still do). I was really looking forward to this episode. I was glad to see your reaction, Sofie! 💕💕I embrace you. Waiting for more. Further only more interesting!


We told you! This episode is the standard you are going to get in this show. Season one is not the best season is the beginning of a very emotional journey and this episode is an indication of the level you are going to get. First of all, Paul, saying that he was outstanding it’s an understatement. The writer of this show Kevin Williams after this episode had such an admiration for Paul’s craft, that recently wrote a role in a television show, for him. It doesn't get more flattering than that. Stefan. In this show nobody and I mean nobody is completely good or completely bad and the good and the bad things they do or did or will do, have a psychological motivation. The characters are far from shallow, they are as complex as they can get, and as beautiful, as human, as faulty, as fragile, as damaged, as poetic, as relatable as a character can be. Stefan is sweet and terrible, kind and very scary, Stefan has no middle ground and he knows it and because Stefan is so empathetic, he can't stand his bad side and as Damon said, instead of learning to control his hunger, he simply denies it, he learn to go on will power, his "kryptonite" is losing control and show he does have this side of him, he is so ashamed of specially to Elena, that makes him look not as the good/better brother he portray himself to Elena, "now she knows and everything is ruined". That is why he doesn't like to dance Stefan hardly ever let loose, he is very self conscious, because his bad side is very uncontrollable. Damon is the opposite, he is all middle ground, he is as loose/easy going as you can get, doesn't care what others think, and learnt to embrace what been a vampire means, that you hurt people before or after, because Damon is a survivor, was already a survivor in his human life (as you notice...daddy issues, the war....) so he puts up a wall of sarcasm, confidence, coolness, to shield himself, because his "kryptonite” is hurt, he feels hurt as Stefan feels being exposed of his weaknesses of being not the “good brother” but been just as bad, both find it extremely hard to cope with those part of them. How much I love both characters is hard to express. Caroline...one word, adorable!! Last but not list “THE dance scene”, the iconic dance scene, so important for the rest of the show. They both look so stunningly gorgeous. I remember the first time I saw it, I reacted the same, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There is chemistry and then there is Damon and Elena, (Ian/ Nina) they are on another level, you can cut the attraction between them with a knife that solid it is and it is undeniable, and they both know it.....yep Elena never looks at Stefan that way..... But Elena is in love with Stefan and now this is what it is. Damon to Elena, is like the rain drop dripping, that drop by drop slowly infiltrates in the cracks and breaks the rock in two. Anyway, the next episodes....oh boy....be prepared....you'll finally get to know why, what everybody wondered since the first episode..... can't wait!! Sofie just thank you your reaction are so incredibly great you are the best!!


How you described Elena's feelinggs towards Damon gave me goosebumbs. You were spot on.


I was just typing a similar comment "it's consuming her" Yep.


Yes, it's okay to love them both. I did. As far as Damon wanting Stefan to drink human blood, yes he did. Yes he has seen Stefan like this before but Damon was still on his "eternity of misery" kick. The difference is now he cares about his brother. He sees what the blood is doing to Stefan and doesn't want Stefan to suffer through that. (even if Damon is saying otherwise)


PS. One important part of the show is the music....the match of the music the scene and the words of the songs is genius....


Indeed. This particular song is perfect for Damon. I'm dying to catch my breath Oh why don't I ever learn? I've lost all my trust, Though I've surely tried to turn it around Can you still see the heart of me? All my agony fades away When you hold me in your embrace Don't tear me down for all I need Make my heart a better place Give me something I can believe Don't tear me down You've opened the door now, don't let it close I'm here on the edge again I wish I could let it go I know that I'm only one step away From turning it around Can you still see the heart of me? All my agony fades away When you hold me in your embrace Don't tear me down for all I need Make my heart a better place Give me something I can believe Don't tear it down, what's left of me Make my heart a better place I tried many times but nothing was real Make it fade away, don't break me down I want to believe that this is for real Save me from my fear Don't tear me down Don't tear me down for all I need Make my heart a better place Don't tear me down for all I need Make my heart a better place Give me something I can believe Don't tear it down, what's left of me Make my heart a better place Make my heart a better place

Futuristic Girl

He wanted him to be strong, but he didn't really know how Stefan was going to spiral.

Futuristic Girl

The next few episodes are sooo good!!


Interesting you picked up on the switch and how much Damon was consuming her. The switch is something that will be referred to again as it is part of the mythology of vampires. As is pretty obvious from the other comments, I'm not the first to point out your choice of words. Damon saying "It's different this time" and "The urge is too strong" suggests Damon knows exactly what the problem is and has seen it on possibly more than one occasion (that's what I take from the way he says it). Although Stefan is displaying addiction issues, this is his natural diet. He should be drinking human blood, which isn't directly comparable to addiction, it is more like an eating disorder. Stefan wasn't resisting, he was hunting. He mentioned it in an earlier episode, the hunt is often as exciting as the feed/kill. Damon wanted Stefan on human blood at the beginning as he was not close to Stefan (they mentioned it had been 15 years since they last saw each other). They've now been living together for 4 months and Damon has clearly mellowed towards his brother. Damon knows he can't get Stefan to moderate his feeding while he is high, he needs to get him back on animal blood and introduce human blood gradually. The dance is beautiful. You can see that no matter how much she loves Stefan, her tummy flipped when she saw Damon at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her. He was her hero, rescuing her from being stranded and embarrassed. Elena was clearly attracted to him in that moment, they were in a world of their own as if there was nobody else in the world, then the music stopped and life came crashing down around them. If you remember when they went to Georgia, it was similar, they escaped for a day, then life caught up. This was just a step further with physical contact. I agree that she was consumed by Damon, but she was also confused and conflicted by the effect he had on her. She clearly felt guilty at the thought of him in any way other than as Stefan's good looking, evil older brother (evil being subjective to who is the narrator). Few comment on Damon's reaction to the dance. I see confusion at what is happening. He sees Elena as young and a bit boring, although he gets on with her. He likes the fact that she challenges him and can be judgemental, however she does forgive him. He thought he had eyes only for the sexy seductress of a vampire, Katherine. The innocent Elena was not on his radar in that sense. He was always only teasing about wanting her and her being his and Stefan's girlfriend to wind up Stefan. I think this is the first time Damon saw Elena as a woman and not just Stefan's girlfriend. However, I agree with you on the Stelena/Delena argument. No matter how much chemistry Delena have, at this point in the show, I do not ship them. Damon is unstable and Elena is too young (she is 17 and Damon is biologically 25). Stefan is what Elena needs and Elena is supportive of Stefan's needs. Damon is still in love with Katherine and Stelena are in love with each other. Delena might have a sexual chemistry and an understanding friendship, but that is all. Oh and Caroline being Miss Mystic Falls, hell yes. That girl deserved it. Great reaction. Looking very much forward to the next one (I love that episode as much as this one). Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x


I was trying to add up Damon from what I’ve seen. I read the comment about vampires feeling more deeply than humans, sorry I don’t see that. I thought who am I describing? A person who kills a man’s wife, ridicules him as being inadequate and says ‘oh good I can watch you die’. Someone who kills another person immediately because they said they knew he did something. Someone who said a couple of college kids would fill him up, to his brother. Who is completely narcissistic, doesn’t care what anyone thinks about him unless he wants them. Enjoys hunting things more than killing them. Is endlessly manipulative, charming, good looking ... Damon? Actually I was thinking Dahmer or any one of a list of psychopathic/ sociopathic serial killers. Damon has been around for 150 years */- he definitely wouldn’t care if Elena was 17. Would a young adult of 25 find a 17 year old too young? In most states in the US she’s not a minor so... it would not matter to some human young adults, even the 7 year gap is borderline. IMO most people like Damon do have relationships with very young girls. Why not? Is there anything he wants that he doesn’t set out to get, regardless of the consequences? After all he’s got to be totally fed up with every kind of relationship after that length of time. If you look at any universe where immortality is possible one of the greatest burdens is that you can’t die,. I don’t think you can look at him and apply any kind of human social norms. As a character he is great. He is a blast. I had some mates just like him growing up. One was a psychotic depressive, the other was schizophrenic, really. 😂 . Bear in mind I’m just commenting on Damon,. The show is a lot of fun. SoFie, your reactions and analysis to this and actually everything are really excellent, absolutely the best. Thanks.

Keith Engel

Seriously one of the best reactions to the Delena dance scene I have ever watched. I had to go back and watch it again it was so good.

Josh Lomax

Damon is a way more complex character. As you know, vampires can shut off their emotions. They can shut out every emotion or targeted emotions. For a long time, Damon has had most of his emotions off, grief, guilt, remorse, etc. The only emotion he could feel was love, for Katherine. He shut out most of his other emotions so that he could find Katherine and not feel bad for what he had to do. However, knowing Elena has made him question everything and you can see him gradually get his emotions back. Also, its not his fault that he turned Isobel when she asked him to. He told Alaric the way he did because he was trying to rip off the bandage and Alaric was trying to kill him. Damon killing Alaric in retaliation was just self-defense. Damon has done a lot of messed up stuff, before and after this but with Alaric, you can tell he actually felt bad, because he could relate to being abandoned by the woman he loved and probably felt he was doing Alaric a favor by putting him out of his misery. Definitely a jaded point of view, but he was drunk off his ass and in a spiral of pain, due to the shock of Katherine's lie bringing 145 years of grief and sorrow into him all at once.