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Damon and Teddy bear ^^


Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iMd4FQnZwVKxH37GgqPlD-aaH2dNcPAT/view?usp=sharing

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hawUFIk23ArPpEA4GyXOVD2HNz7ifVan/view?usp=sharing



Futuristic Girl

Vampirism def affects people differently. It amplifies who you were as a human. Damon embraces being a vampire, so he knows how to control it. It doesn't overwhelm him. Stefan has tried to deny his nature and as a result, his bloodlust is his kryptonite in a way and he doesn't know how to control it. The next several episodes kinda point to that fact. I can't wait for you to finish season 1.


In the next episodes everything will be revealed, everything crucial. Stefan came to town with a plan to have a clean slate, to leave the past in the past and start new with someone that doesn't know who he is and doesn’t know his past. But reality is catching up with him and his life, his issues cannot be denied. How will he deal with it? How Damon and Elena will deal with it? The story of the two brothers start to take shape and layers. What was the issue Damon had and still has with his brother, their past with Katherine or there is something more? The writers will keep adding layers, season after season and that is why this show feels different to me, the characters are so complex, deep and incredibly well though that they feel emotionally real and very relatable. Every single character in this show act the way they do for reasons rooted in their life, in their past, in the traumas, in their abuse, in their let downs, in their loss, in the nature of who or what they are. And you are right Paul is an amazing actor, in the next episode he will be off the chart phenomenal. We share the same likes in the episode scenes, Damon in Elena bedroom is hilarious, the way he lay down on her bed with the teddy bear on him, I have no clue whatsoever why it felt so sexy 😂😂😂 the way he is rummaging in her draws and pulling out her bra 🤣 and Elena chasing him around trying to get her stuff back from his hands while keeping the serious conversation going.... I mean....what can I say.... These little details, those little scenes that give a character his personality are testament to the writer’s and the actor’s geniality. To pull off a funny line or a hilarious behavior isn't less difficult than pull off a good dramatic scene, you need to own timing. I couldn't possibly imagine anyone else that would embody Damon as well as Ian does. Damon is such a larger than life character that the show would not exist without him and Damon would have not be so amazing without Ian. I cannot wait for you to react to the next episodes, specially the next two. As usual your reactions are the best of the best!! 💗


I don't quite agree with that. And not just because he doesn't recognize himself as a vampire. This is only part of the reason. After all, he could drink human blood from the bag without killing anyone or hurting anyone. Like Damon is trying to do now. He has not killed anyone for a long time (for food), drinks blood from bags. There is another reason that will be revealed in the third season. If you've watched this season, I think you know what I'm talking about.

Futuristic Girl

It's the main reason. Idk what reason you are referring to. Season 1-2 answers those questions.


Well, then I'll explain what I mean later, when the time comes. Perhaps we just understand it differently


I thought I was the only one who thought it was sexy... I think it also shows that Damon is actually more gentle and caring than he really wants to show. And how he came to us not at the first call, without even asking why! "You ask? I come. I'm easy like that." Then his good-natured banter and a shrewd and understanding look when he saw the devastation in Elena's room. This all shows a slightly different side of Damon. By the way, Paul Wesley (Stefan), Zach Roerig (Matt) and Michael Trevino (Tyler) also auditioned for the role of Damon. I can't imagine any of them in Damon's place.


John Gilbert's appearance is epic. Without warning. Just arrived and started muddying the waters. It is clear that no one likes him, but they are forced to accept his presence. Damon tried to solve the problem more globally, but John's ring prevented him from doing so (the Damon-Alaric team is back in business😎). It's getting harder for Stefan to contain himself. It's a good thing he overcame himself and didn't kill anyone. But he looked so lost and sad that I wanted to hug him and comfort him. I want to note that Paul played a great drunk. Those unfocused eyes, those lazy gestures... Bravo. Few people can reliably play drunk. I liked the way Damon watched Stefan and Elena closely when Stefan asked her to dance. And then he'd look out from behind a Bush when Elena was talking to Matt. Damn spy. 😂😂 Tyler and Kelly's scene was even more disgusting than Damon and Kelly's. 🤢 I can't even imagine how Matt felt at that moment. After all, his mother not only shames herself but also does it in front of all his friends and acquaintances. Damon added a touch of humor to the series. Tried to compromise Elena in front of her younger brother. Although, Jeremy didn't care who did what. He was completely engrossed in his meal. Damon and the Teddy bear, Damon and the bra, Damon and Elena's picture... He does it nice, funny, and so kind. 😊 If someone else had done it, they would have been a pervert. I wonder what Damon remembers when he went into Elena's room. Yes, at the beginning of the series, he was in her room. But we know this, and Elena was asleep at that moment. She wasn't even surprised when he said it. Sofie, thank you for your lovely reaction! 😍 I'm looking forward to the next one.


By the way, the actress who plays Jenna is only 2 years older than the actress who plays Elena. I was surprised when I found out.


I agree Damon has certain qualities that only Ian has and can bring to life. There has been hardly ever in television history an actor so perfectly match to his character like Damon and Ian.


Tyler and Kelly, ugh!!! This episode is set 11 days before Tyler's 17th birthday. Kelly and Damon was gross, but this is on a whole other level. Stefan's issues are very much rooted in him trying to keep himself under control by avoidance instead of acceptance. There's more to it, but that will be addressed later in the show. For the time being, you are right in what you have seen apart from the potential to control it. Stefan is trying to avoid feeding from the diet he truly needs. This is where it differs from addiction. It is more of an eating disorder. Stefan's idea of control is avoidance, while Damon's is acceptance. Clearly acceptance is the safest way to go as Stefan, even on animal blood, could end up unpredictable around anyone who has hurt themselves. Damon has less of an issue because he can control his bloodlust. A lot more is going to be revealed in the next few episodes. The scene in Elena's bedroom is brilliant. He's like a child who has their hands in everything. His point was that Elena doesn't know Stefan as well as she thinks she does. He's not Edward Cullen (despite the Twilight scene), his reasons for not drinking human blood aren't like Edward's. Great reaction. I really, really can't wait for the next one. It is a brilliant episode. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x


the problem for me is that I can't see Ian as anyone else but Damon it will be hard for me to watch his other projects.


Yeah... The show started in 2009. Now the actress is 33 years old. So at the time of the first season, she was 22 years old.


Have you seen the show "Lost"? There, one of the characters is played by Ian. So, for me, these are two completely different people. And this is surprising because I watched "The vampire diaries" earlier than "Lost". It took me a moment to realize that this was the same actor who played Damon. Although the appearance of both characters is the same - but they are completely different.


I have the same problem , he is so much like Damon in regard of attitude that is difficult to separate the character from actor.


By the way.....next two episodes...oh my!!

Futuristic Girl

For anyone who knows astrology (if you don't that's fine), I think it's interesting that Stefan is a Scorpio and Damon is a Gemini. If you pay attention, the behavior matches up. Stefan is super emotional, brooding, and tortured. Damon is really quick witted, unpredictable, and light-hearted.


Ian has the habit to date his co-stars. This is Lost, he pursue her for months and she didn't wanted to kiss him because she wanted to wait to shoot this scene. So this is their real first kiss...after that they went out for 3 years, that according to Ian... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjqgZ3eKy50


I still find it crazy how Caroline said Stefan was a gemini in episode 1 .... I'm assuming she got the brothers mixed up when getting her information between 3rd and 4th period LOL but then again no one knew about Damon at that point....

Futuristic Girl

I guess it was just a mix up. 162 Candles, Stefan's birthday episode came right after Haunted, the Halloween episode, so his birthday is Nov. 1. Stefan gives me peak Scorpio, so it makes sense. Side note: Also, I assume you're a Katherine fan by your profile pic, and I love that.


I don't think the writers do a lot of research when it comes to birthdays. Elena is in the wrong year at school. Stefan was actually 163 in 162 candles and he's a Scorpio, not a Gemini (Damon's the Gemini). Damon hasn't got a clue about how old he is. Jeremy is 14 their parents died, however, the following March, he was 16 and had a drivers license. Almost everyone in this show (except Stefan) is born in either February, June or October. To quote Caroline, "Seriously?!"

Futuristic Girl

I said Damon was a Gemini. He's around 7-8 years older than Stefan. Stefan's birth year was one year off from what it supposed to be in the show. I don't really have any qualms about that. According to the birth year on tvd wiki, Elena would be 17 in 2009, and she was in her junior year at the beginning if I'm right. Season 3 episode 1 was when she turned 18 and in that season was when their senior year started, and it ended at the end of season 4. I heard that each season represents a semester.

Futuristic Girl

It's confusion between what's on the wiki page and what happens in the show. I'm going by the show. I know Stefan's birthday episode was after Halloween, and that Elena's birthday was in the summer. I just wanted to talk about what sign they would be based on who they were in the show. It makes sense for Damon and Katherine to be a Geminis, and Stefan to be a Scorpio, and Elena to be a Cancer. Also, in Season 3, Caroline's 18th birthday was near the time school was starting, so I would assume she's either a leo or virgo.