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Stefan and Damon for life ♡♡


Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IlYhronc8nvDaXeSSaygE7m_iOPvlD0X/view?usp=sharing

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_DV6U9ROMQNeloxUDt7FQVb25B3P0qnP/view?usp=sharing




LOL I loved when you said Elena's gonna do something stupid - yep - Just surprised it took her so long. It usually doesn't. Damon is right - she's insane.

Heather Hollenbeck

I'll take Stefan and Damon's brotherly relationship over any of the romantic relationships ❤ They’re the heart of the show, honestly.


Defan forever (with a splash of Dalaric). The true love story of this show is Defan. It ranks above the love interests. However, the love interests are also very important to the development to the Defan relationship. Ian and Paul are close friends in real life and that growing friendship comes across on screen. A rare glimpse of Stefan on human blood. As you picked up, there's a reason he drinks animal blood. I agree that he tries to put on an act and be human with Elena, which means she forgets he's a vampire and judges Damon for being his natural self. She doesn't know Stefan, but Damon does. This is a really good episode, however, the next few get even better. You are right about Caroline, she is a danger magnet. Great reaction, looking forward to the next one. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy.x


Now you know for sure, they might fight, they might say to each other mean things, but they love each other and they would die for each other. I love the story of those two so much. So far, we have learned far more about Damon character as a person and as vampire, than we know about Stefan, that has been so far too superficial, too relegated to the good brother, the good friend, the good boyfriend. And he is about to get much more interesting and multi dimensional, Thanks also to the stellar performance of Paul Wesley that is such a great actor. The writers of this show are so good at giving the characters many layers to make them emotionally complex and real, making us viewers feel empathy and get emotionally attached to them. Alaric and Damon are fantastic, they have a lot in common and Alaric is a bad ass, very strong and fearlessly courageous as you've seen. Life is chancing for the brothers, Elena and for the circle of friends and is chancing to a very fast pace. I'm glad you are back, love your emotional engagement with Stefan and Damon. Next episodes are going to be very exacting.

Futuristic Girl

Elena thinks Stefan is this vampire unicorn, and now she's seeing the other side of Stefan. I must say Stefan on human blood is not the same Stefan she knows.


Damon and Stefan brotherly hate/rivalry/love story is beautiful, is the one part above all, that made me fell deeply in love with this show. As you said they might fight and be mean to each other as only brothers can be, but they love one another and the chemistry of the actors makes the story even most compelling. So far we have seen more sides of Damon than we have seen of Stefan, now we got a glimpse of Stefan vampire on human blood and Stefan character is going to be more multidimensional. As we seen so far Elena treat both brothers as normal human being and that made her even more attractive to Stefan and Damon, but reality is something else, the brothers are not human and if she realized that with Damon, the reality of it with Stefan only start to be evident now in this episode. Alaric and Damon are fantastic and even they if tried to kill each other they have more in common they care to admit at this point, since they are both been betrayed by their love interest. I love your empathy, great reaction.


How I love this episode! Here opens another facet of Stefan and Damon's relationship (correctly noted that this is one of the main lines of this show). Yes, Damon and Stefan have reasons to hate each other (this will be explained later), but they are still brothers who care about each other. They may resent each other, fight and swear, but this is their personal relationship. And they will never allow others to hurt their brother. Here is another of my favorite lines from this show - the relationship between Damon and Alaric (Dalaric). 😎 They have some chemistry. And in this episode, they were really a cool team. They worked smoothly and professionally, despite their differences and different views on life. The moment when Damon kills the mistress of the house... The way he easily and expertly finds out all the necessary information, and then gracefully breaks her neck in one movement - it is both fascinating and frightening. This is terrible and beautiful (in a certain perverse sense). It is sad that in this show, the lives of ordinary people often become a bargaining chip, and their death is taken for granted. There is another side of Stefan that comes out, the side that comes out when he uses human blood. The ending of the episode is not forgotten - scattered blood bags and Stefan, who greedily drinks human blood. Although, he just recently stood in front of Elena and said that everything is fine with him. Even Damon didn't seem happy about it, though he always teased him about drinking animal blood. And it wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for Elena's stupid act. This was partly due to the fact that she didn't listen to Damon and went into the house. Because of this, Alaric had to go back there for Elena, and Damon had to cover for Elena and Stefan, risking his life. It would have been much faster if Damon had grabbed Stefan and they had run away using their speed. And Stefan wouldn't have had to drink Elena's blood to escape that vampire from the tomb. But at least now we're learning a new side of Stefan. Sofie, I'm very happy to have you back! 💖💖 All the best to you. Waiting for the next episode.


By the way, did you notice that Damon is also a part-time carpenter? 😂 I just don't know if he's good at it or not. But, I don't know why, Damon at the beginning of the episode with a hammer when he punched through the wall with some plywood, and then with a screwdriver when he wound up the clock, looked very cute and funny. 😂 Besides, he has a good intuition. After all, Stefan hadn't been home that long. He might have other things to do, or he might be with Elena. And Damon already insistently calls Elena and even went to her home. That's what fraternal ties mean.


Yes, Dracula was a real person from history, sort of. The fictional Dracula was based on/influenced by the historical Vlad Tepes II, ruler of Wallachia, popularly known as Vlad the Impaler, his family was the House of Dracul, meaning 'dragon'. While he never did anything that would sound like vampirism exactly, there was at least a rumor of him drinking the blood of babies. He was also known for being extremely violent and brutal. So he is where most of the fantasy ideas about vampires come from, like Romanian/Hungarian origin, dark castles, names like Vladimir, etc.

james hghg

my girlfriend can barely boil water and she can put some nails in a wall lol and she's far from a carpenter


Aahhhh the Bromances. So many to choose from...... "That seats taken"

I Am Not Chamari

A very strong Defan episode and the beginning of Dalaric! I HAVE to stan!