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Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12zpMmSNiD0A-qy_0aKSPiGclr31OVCtb/view?usp=sharing

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1znsq8kiQNz-dF6nGbnLxDXE7jZ7D1Qfr/view?usp=sharing



Futuristic Girl

John is a weasel. Nobody likes him. I wanted Pearl and Harper to leave and be happy, but John just had to be a hater. Also, Damon only wanted to be a vampire to be with Katherine, so it makes sense that he was mad that Katherine turned Stefan. He wanted her all to himself. There's more to the story when it comes to Katherine. I'll leave it at that.


This episode is a milestone for lots of things. Damon and Alaric, the beginning. We love to hate John. But most of all, now you know the real reason why Damon is pissed off with Stefan, not because Katherine turn him too, that is clearly a lie as you guessed, but because he force him to turn. Even so, Damon cares about his brother, it is obvious, and when he saw Stefan suicidal, no matter what happen in the past, he wanted to unburden him of the guilt about turning him, the consequences of that action and about the fact that Damon's life after it didn't turn out to be the way he pretended it was with Elena, that is the only thing you got it the other way round, when Damon said: "it was the hell of a ride" if you listen to it again you can hear he has bitter/sarcastic tone, with a hint of self pity, as usual Damon doesn't want to show his real feelings not to Elena or to his brother. Damon and Stefan story after turning is going to be very interesting for you to discover, across the seasons, it will make you love those two even more. I loved this episode, the real beginning of everything. As usual your reactions are so interesting, insightful and enjoyable. You have a kind heart. 💗

Jasmine Reigns (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 05:30:13 Pleaseeee tell me you’re releasing episode 21&22 the same day 🥺🥺🥺
2020-08-12 01:55:25 Pleaseeee tell me you’re releasing episode 21&22 the same day 🥺🥺🥺

Pleaseeee tell me you’re releasing episode 21&22 the same day 🥺🥺🥺


There are a lot of flashbacks in this episode and I like it. Here we finally learn the truth about how Stefan and Damon became vampires and understand why Damon is angry at Stefan. Perhaps there is some resentment in the fact that Katherine turned Stefan too. But I'm sure the main grievance and pain is that Stefan made Damon turn. He didn't want to be a vampire, he wanted to be with Katherine. And he was deprived of the choice to decide what to do with his life. Can we blame Stefan for this? I don't know. I think he didn't want to be alone. He needed his brother's support. And now Stefan repents of his act. And nothing can change. And Damon has a right to be mad at Stefan. And he does it. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care about his brother. He continues to worry and take care of it. And Elena sees it. Elena was also able to find words to convince Stefan to move on. I like Elena because she can find words for almost anyone. Once again, we see the team of Damon and Alaric. I like the fact that Alaric called him on this case. I don't know how to describe their relationship at this stage, but there is clearly a warming and understanding between them. I think they are now comrades and a good team. 😎 Did Damon always look in the fridge first when he broke into people's homes? 😂😂😂 And finally the appearance of Isobel... I'm glad she's here. This gives a new tension to the series. Alaric had spent so many years searching for her and trying to understand the mystery of her death. And she was standing there, as if nothing had happened, smiling. Oh, what will happen next... Sofie, keep it up. 🥰 I'm glad you're with us! Thank you!


Wow, you are so smart. I love love you analyzes of TVD relationships. Hope you'll continiune reacting and reviewing episodes this way.


You are very perceptive regarding Damon's motives for what he said to Stefan at the end. You understand the characters and their motives. When you are open to all of them, it becomes harder to be judgemental of them. You are right regarding the difference between Stefan and Damon and Emily's words. Stefan's youth and innocence is his curse. Anna is similar, however, she had her mother and when she turned, being 15/16 wasn't viewed as young as it is today as people didn't live to be as old. Children grew up quicker and were often married with children at her age. Damon could technically stay in one place for up to 15 years because of his age, whereas Stefan would only manage 6 or 7 years at the most. Damon never wanted to be a vampire, he just wanted to be with Katherine so much that it was a price he was willing to pay. The less said about John right now the better. Hello Isobel. You are right about Dalaric, they have a lot in common, which Damon did tell Ric before he killed him. Great reaction, looking forward to the rest of the season. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x

Futuristic Girl

She be catching on to the subtle stuff pretty quick, especially for a first time watcher.


By the way I love how you pick up on little things, like when Damon came back from the "errand with the teacher" of all the place he could sit he chose to sit under Elena's legs....I don't know if those little gestures are in the script or are the actors input, I find the characters in this show amazing.


This is one of the few episode where i disliked damon, how he was all ready to be a vampire for katherine but not for his own brother.


Stefan (who wasn't himself) forced Damon to turn so (they) can be together. While Damon wanted to turn just so he can be with Katherine, but yet there are still delusional people out there that are saying Damon is a better brother/person than Stefan. I want what ever drugs yall are on cause mine isn't hitting that hard.

Josh Lomax

Damon wanted to be with the woman he loved for eternity. Stefan killed their father and then forced him to feed so he wouldn't be alone, despite the fact that Stefan knew Damon didn't want to live with out Katherine. There are a million examples over the course of 8 seasons where Damon was the better brother. Everytime Stefan and Elena were going through a rough patch, Damon was always honest with her, telling her why Stefan acted the way he did, so that she wouldn't leave him on something she didn't understand. And when Elena chose Damon, Stefan acted like a complete d-bag for half a season, to both of them, by his own admission. There are many other examples that happen later in the show that I won't say due to spoilers, but Damon's always been the better brother, maybe not always the better person, but always the better brother. Anyone who says differently is either delusional, biased or just wasn't paying attention.


@Josh Lomax How was he the better brother? Damon tried to kiss elena multiple time while she was dating stefan, in season 2 he forced himself on to elena and then when she rejcted him like she had done 2 times before, he litterly killed her brother for it. after it happened stefan defended damon and tried to convince elena Katherine was at fault. In season 4 he was pissed because his brother litterly started to date his ex right after they broke up. Imagine that happening to you and tell me that you wouldn't be annoyed or angry. Stefan cares more about damon than himself or Elena, while damon puts both himself and elena before stefan, there is a scene where he litterly says before he met elena he didnt care about anyone else but himself, his brother included, so how in the world is he the better brother, so fucking stupid. you are completely delusional by writing this. You really see what you want to see.


what is the correct way to act after something like that happening to you? tell me? are you supposed to be happy that the love of you life and former girlfriend starts to date your brother, was damon respectful to stefan and elena when they dated or did he go after his brothers girlfriend? did Stefan do something like that when damon started dating her? did he force himself on to his brothers girlfriend? no. so stop talking. A person that only wants to live for himself is a selfish character, which is what damon is. damon doesn't care that his brother needed him.