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Dashing, gorgeous, irresistible?



Futuristic Girl

Damon did see himself in Alaric when it pertains to the whole requited love thing. He grows a lot from this point forward. Note that it will be a rollercoaster ride.


Well ...Ian/Damon, that scene...my reaction was I've lost my breath for a moment and then I had to pick up my jaw from the floor😲....Adonis Belt isn't also called sex lines for nothing!!! He is such a WOW.😂 They cast Ian and Paul because they are seriously good actors, and they embody Damon and Stefan outstandingly, on the top of that they are also off the chart gorgeous and naturally sensual and seductive, very rare qualities, what the chances to get all of that in two people!! Astonishing. And we don't say it enough but Nina is beautiful and sexy too and a really great actress. But let's go back to the plot . At this point in my opinion, Elena loves Stefan and Damon loves Katherine, Damon and Elena they have a special relationship, Damon see the difference between Elena and Katherine and start to feel something for Elena he cares about her, but he is super loyal and even if he is told Katherine didn't care for him, he hasn't fell out of love for her jet. Elena as well cares about Damon and they have a special connection, they get each other more than anybody Stefan included, also, even if unconsciously, she is physically attracted to him, in the close up with him she looks at his lips a lot, more often that she realizes, that is attraction. But well, who wouldn't be!!! Damon is smart and perceptive, he knows that, as any normal very attractive men know when a woman is attracted to him, and he is a teaser, he likes to play with that....the button shirt trick...so hugely entertain to watch. Stefan faces about his dumb ass brother actions, is priceless. Damon reacts to hurt, betrayal and to love and affection exponentially, there are many reasons for that, that will be explained in time. Alaric, everybody loves him and sure Damon sees a lot of himself in Alaric, fortunately he didn't killed him, so Damon and Alaric dynamic will start to unfold in the next episodes, you are so very perceptive as usual. I love your reaction so much!!


Well ...Ian/Damon, that scene...my reaction was I've lost my breath for a moment and then I had to pick up my jaw from the floor😲....Adonis Belt isn't also called sex lines for nothing!!! He is such a WOW.😂 They cast Ian and Paul because they are seriously good actors, and they embody Damon and Stefan outstandingly, on the top of that they are also off the chart gorgeous and effortlessly sensual and seductive, very rare qualities, what the chances of getting all of that in two people!! Astonishing. And we don't say it enough but Nina is beautiful and sexy too and a really great actress. But let's go back to the plot. At this point in my opinion, Elena loves Stefan and Damon loves Katherine, Damon and Elena they have a special relationship, Damon see the difference between Elena and Katherine and start to feel something for Elena he cares about her, but he is super loyal and even if he is told Katherine didn't care for him, he hasn't fell out of love for her jet. Elena as well cares about Damon and they have a special connection, they get each other more than anybody Stefan included, also, even if unconsciously, she is physically attracted to him, in the close ups with him she looks at his lips a lot, more often then she realizes, that is attraction. But well, who wouldn't be!!! Damon is smart and perceptive, he knows that, as any normal very attractive men knows when a woman is attracted to him, and he is a teaser, he likes to play with that....the button shirt trick...so hugely entertain to watch. In this episode Stefan faces about his dumb ass brother actions, are priceless. Damon reacts to hurt, betrayal and to love and affection exponentially, there are many reason for that, that will be explained in time. Alaric, everybody loves him and sure Damon sees a lot of himself in Alaric, fortunately he didn't killed him, so Damon and Alaric dynamic will start to unfold in the next episodes, you are so very perceptive as usual. I love your reaction so much!!


Hi, Sofie! I'm very happy to see your new reaction. How small the world is! Elena's birth mother is Alaric's ex-wife. And who but Damon could have killed/turned her? Of all the vampires, Isobel had found Damon. Funny. I would like to note the cast. Elena is very similar to Isobel (figure, oval face, eyes, hair). As if they were related in real life. It wasn't worth going to see Isobel's friend Elena, of course. She didn't even warn anyone. Not only did she put herself in danger, but an innocent person was injured in the end. I don't understand why she had to kill this woman. If Isobel didn't want to be found, she could easily compel her not tell anyone. Instead, she compelled another person to kill her. It's complicated. Maybe someone else will explain. I don't understand yet. I wonder what Damon was doing in Stefan's room. Didn't he have any clothes of his own?😄 If this is for the sake of a spectacular appearance in front of Elena's eyes, then well.. it was 100% successful. Still, the cast is perfect. How many hot actors. I can't name a single unattractive actor in this series (but, of course, the brothers are out of competition). Well. The scene was both funny and hot. Elena is fully dressed (even the coat is tied with a belt) and Damon is shirtless, with his trousers barely hanging on his hips.😆 It was funny to watch a vampire who could kill a man in a few seconds not be able to button his shirt. Although I'm sure it was a performance for Elena. Did you notice how quickly he continued to fasten it himself after Stefan appeared? 😉 And Elena, a naive soul, was led and immediately rushed to help the vampire with a hangover. Stefan came in at the wrong time. A little more and Elena had time to say her mother's name. Which, by a happy coincidence, was "killed" by Damon. Damon is an amazing phenomenon, you can't stay mad at him for long. It's like a kitten that chewed your shoes and ruined your curtains. You will scold him, of course, but as soon as he lies on your lap and purrs, and you immediately stop being angry at him. It's the same with Damon. Although I must admit, in this series, he tried to be good. He didn't kill any girls, and he made sure they woke up at home. Although not so long ago, he would have just killed them. Then he helped Forbes with a charity event. Although, today he was clearly not up to it. But, apparently, so many good things for the day for Damon-this through dibs and he decides to kill Alaric. I love Alaric. This is one of my favorite characters in this series, and it's great that Isobel gave him that ring. Thank you for your reaction! I will wait for the next episode. All the best to you and good luck!💕


Your reactions are my favorite 🥰 I feel like you’re understanding the show the way I did when I first watched! We even dislike the same characters lol, which is always different depending on the reactor. Also you’re so beautiful it’s actually ridiculous😍 Can’t wait for the coming episodes!


I love your reactions so much that often I watch them twice. I cannot wait for you to get to ep. 17 and forward, you will enjoy the show even more...


Mariya amen, the Damon phenomena explained to a T. 👏👏👏


Oh, thank you! ☺️ I am glad that you understand me and share this point of view.


Damon's lashing out issues are a bit of a problem. He tends to be really affected when he's hurt. Vampire's feel emotionsmore powerfully than humans, but that is no excuse. He's not had anyone to keep him in check like Stefan has. He had Lexi and now Elena. Damon has sort of got Elena, but they're not even close friends. Damon and Liz is one of my favourite friendship's on the show. It seems genuine on Damon's behalf. She's a strong woman, which means he respects her. I don't think Damon wanted to kill Alaric. And I think he was spilling the home truth's about Isobel to rip off the band-aid and try to make Ric see sense. Giving Ric the ring meant Isobel was clearly planning her move to become a vampire. Damon does have a point about Isobel seeking him out. A descendant of the woman he loves comes to him off all vampires to turn her. It does seem a bit fishy. I was right in my last comments when I predicted your reaction to that Dashing, gorgerous, irresistible scene. My eyes just gravitate to the hips, I can't help it. I think Elena knows Damon is attractive, but the things he does overshadow that, which is why she isn't attracted to him, especially as she is in love with Stefan. When Damon turned Isobel, he didn't know she was tied to Katherine and he didn't know Elena. He knew that a woman he found attractive had sought him out and wanted to become a vampire. He granted her wish. He didn't do anything wrong from his perspective. Ric needed to hear what Damon told him. Damon and Alaric are similar in the way they have been abandoned by the women they love. Damon felt a kinship towards him. I think he genuinely felt a bit sorry for him. But Ric continued to attack, granted Damon did goad him when he said he slept with Isobel. The bad person in all of this is Isobel, Damon and Ric were just pawns (although I think she did love Ric as she gave him a ring to protect him from demons and potentially herself after she turned). Will Damon try to kill Alaric again? Will Alaric try to kill Damon again? Or will they let bygones be bygones and acknowledge that Isobel was the one at fault? I think Stefan suspected Damon turned Isobel when Ric told him they never found her body. That is why he was pressing Damon and not telling Elena too much. Matt's mum, the less said the better. Her insulting Liz and Caroline is enough to make me hate her. Great reaction. Looking forward to the next one. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x


I agree with you. Now Elena is in love with Stefan, and Damon is his close relative, with whom it is better to be friends. And despite his attractiveness, his lifestyle is unacceptable for Elena. If it's not a secret, have you watched season 6? After it, I now look at Elena and Damon's relationship in seasons 1-3 in a completely different way. I hope Sofie gets to these seasons and we can see her reaction.


I have seen every episode multiple times. S6 is my second favourite after S3, it is a very underrated season. It is the most human season of the show. Something happens in it which I could personally relate to, so I think that might have an impact on my opinion of that season. That is clearly not a spoiler.


I can't exactly describe my attitude to season 6. I can't say that it is my favorite season. For me, there are quite a lot of controversial moments and plot twists. But there are certain points that are worth watching. Unfortunately, I can't say here because it will be spoilers. If there is a 6th season, I will explain what I think about it.


This time I disagree with you Mandzipop on one point. It is true Elena is unquestionably in love with Stefan and it is also true that she strongly disapproves Damon life style, but I believe their relationship at this point is more than just, "he is Stefan's brother and I have to get along with him", they do get each other, on Elena part it is because she is a smart girl and she is driven by compassion, she senses hurt and understands when Damon put a facade of "I don't care" when he actually does. The physical attraction, to me is there. From Elena part, it is not consciously acknowledged, because she is loyal to Stefan and she disapproves of Damon choices, so she in total denial about it, but it is there. She looks at his lips a lot when they are close to each other, that is not random body language, or the actress mistake, those are deliberate little reactions, that are there for a reason....all the elements are there, in the body language. I agree with the love on season 6. 😊


@Patpet I wasn't the one who mentioned Elena putting up with Damon because he is Stefan's brother, that was Mariya. However, my comments are based upon what Sofie has seen and how I perceived the show at the point Sofie is at. That doesn't reflect my current opinions after watching the entire show goodness knows how many times. Bearing my disclaimer, I would say Elena sometimes finds Damon attractive, but she is trying to bury it deep down because she disapproves of his behaviour. She knows he's good looking, but she's not shallow enough to fall for someone because of their looks. On the other hand, I think she realises there is something else about Damon that she can relate to, but doesn't know what it is. I'd hazard a guess is that they both suffer from PTSD. Damon's was from being a soldier, and Elena after the car accident. It is something they both try to cover up and hide from their friends and family. Do I still believe that? I know that is how I felt at this point in the show as other than Elena finding Damon 'dashing, gorgeous, irresistible', I couldn't feasibly fathom any other reason for her body language.


I may have spelled it wrong. After all, I don't speak English very well. And I can't say everything I think without spoilers. I didn't mean that Elena can't stand him. And of course she understands that he is a very attractive and sexy man. But is this enough to make Elena fall in love? "No, I don't think so. And if Damon wasn't Stefan's brother, were they even friends? I don't think so either. Rather, she would have hated him. Their relationship began because Damon is a close relative of Stefan. They're kind of friends now. Elena sees the soul in him, understands that he is in pain, and sympathizes with him. Perhaps she even thinks that he can improve. And, of course, she is attracted to him appearance (and who would not look at his lips, being so close? 😉😆I think few people would have held back). But it's not enough for her just to fall in love. And at this stage, she won't even admit to herself that she's attracted to him. I hope I have formulated my thoughts correctly.


Most surely she is not in love with Damon, she loves Stefan, that is for sure. But a special connection, whatever he reasons are, it is there and it is obvious since the kitchen scene, the road trip etc. I agree also that it could very well be due to their traumas, the accident for Elena and the war for Damon and their similar way react to it, pretending they are perfectly fine. And there is the attraction component, that is another thing that is there. I agree they have no idea why they have this connection and they don't care to explore why, Elena loves Stefan and Damon is not over Katherine. It's just something that is just there.


To be honest I have hard time to choose among seasons which one is my favorite, all seasons have something that makes me love them all as pieces of a big complex puzzle I adore to put together over and over again because it gives me lots of joyful entertainment.

I Am Not Chamari

Loving Damon is often a losing battle. I think the beginning of Season 2 was the lowest, but it surely does feel like a rollercoaster even after that.

Josh Lomax

I dont get why everyone says he's lashing out. What did he do to lash out? Feed on those Tri-Delts? Thats what Vampires do, except for Stefan and he's an insufferable martyr. Not like he killed anyone. Other times he's gotten hurt, he absolutely lashed out, in bad ways, but this definitely wasn't one of those times

Josh Lomax

I've never seen it as a losing battle. I've loved Damon since S1E1, when I was 16 and every "bad" thing he has ever done in the show, I really haven't seen as a bad thing. Hes a Vampire. They're supposed to feed on people and kill them on occasion and control them. Its why I've never been a big fan of Stefan. Hes boring to me and not at all what a Vampire should be.