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I was planing to post this earlier in the day but I had technical difficulties every time I try.  I'm finally able to upload it but the quality is not good ''360p''  . I tried to fix  it but nothing worked. I'm sorry guys I'll try to fix the problem before the next video. Hope you''l like my reaction though.




Futuristic Girl

Your theory about Katherine is interesting. So much I wanna say, but I don't wanna spoil anything. All I can say is that the questions about Katherine and whether Stefan loved Katherine and her compelling him will be answered soon enough. Love your reactions btw!


Stefan is very considerate as character, apart from when it comes to his brother, where the sibling rivalry and other issues, that will be very soon reviled, take over, but that is also another reasons I love Stefan because he is very humanly imperfect. Damon is super loyal with his heart, but he is a vampire all emotions are on overdrive, sex impulse too, so when he sees an opportunity he'll go for it. The question of strength, I do believe that Anna is older than Damon, but she is much smaller in size, and apparently Damon, at list in the books is described as very powerful, very strong, That's why, probably, the almost matching of strength. I don't add anything else because all your questions will be answer in the next episodes. From now on so much will happen, so much very important will be reveled, that what you seen up to here, is just the calm before the storm that is coming.... I can't wait.


Hello, dear! I am very glad to see you and your rection again! Don't worry about the quality of the video. If you hadn't written about it, I wouldn't even have noticed. The vampires from the tomb want to take back the city. How do they understand it? Kill all of the founding Council? To make Mystic falls a city of vampires? Interesting how old are the tomb vampires, other Pearl? I thought they were about the same age. But Pearl with frightening ease can squeeze out Damon's eyes, and 2 other vampires could not cope with Damon and Stefan. Oh, that eye-gouging moment. My own eyes hurt when I looked at it.😬 But I want to note Damon's ability to be at ease (almost), even when the situation is not in his favor. Only he can be sarcastic and smirking, sitting in front of vampires who are about 400 years old. There were 2 awkward dates in this series. Elena-Stefan-Caroline-Matt and Jenna-Kelly-Damon. Caroline was sorry, but what did she expect? She only made it worse. Even if Matt didn't care about Elena, it's still awkward. Elena and Matt had only recently broken up, still fresh in their minds. It would have been much better if she had spoken directly to Matt, as they did later in the car. I really liked Stefan in this series. He behaved naturally and correctly. Even smiled, finally took off his Pokerface mask. The second date was no less awkward. The word "awkward" is the motto of this series. 😄 I was happy to watch Jenna having fun, she clearly misses it. But the company certainly failed. How could Kelly be friends with Elena's mom? Elena's parents seemed to me serious and correct people. I can't imagine their friendship with Kelly. I don't like this character. And the end of these two dates happened in the same place and also very awkward. Damon was hot, of course. I can't blame him for that. He needed to release the tension and break away. Did you notice his disappointed groan when the guys entered the room? Even a little sorry that they were interrupted. Maybe Damon would have killed her after a hot night. 😄 I feel incredibly sorry for Matt. To see such a thing, and even in front of his friends. Why is this happening to him? He is one of the kindest and cleanest characters in this series. I laughed at the scene where Stefan and Elena were having a nice conversation on the phone about their "human" date, and in the background, Damon was dragging the corpse of a vampire from the tomb across the floor. 😄 Very funny. This moment defused the situation. Thank you for this great reaction. I wish you to have as few technical and other problems as possible. I look forward to the next reaction.


Damon is 170 and Pearl is 400 years on him making her born around 1440 (the show being set in 2010). Anna is obviously slightly younger than her mother. Strength is also determined by how old they were when they turned. Anna was 15/16 so she wouldn't have been very strong, plus she is only slight in build. It's like Damon would always be slightly stronger than Stefan on human blood as he was 25 when he turned as Stefan was 17. Damon being a fully grown and fleshed out man, plus a soldier, would have made him a physically stronger person than Stefan who was 17 and quite bookish. It wouldn't make a vast amount of difference, but it would still be there. Can I make a disclaimer about this episode? Out of the 171 episodes in this show, this episode is ranked as 171, it is my least favourite of the entire show. Jeremy is an idiot. Vampires have a high sex drive, Stefan mentioned that hunger translates into lust. That is one of the reasons Damon brought Kelly back to the house. I also think he fancied something fresh from the vein. I wouldn't have minded being in Kelly's shoes with Damon. 😉 Matt has it rough and this is his role as the human in a world full of crazy. The Salvatore's have great taste in cars and I like that they stay vintage. Older vampires who were around when cars were invented are likely to appreciate them more. They enjoy a buzz and speed, so having a sports car is what would be expected. They are able to get hold of money, so they can have any car they want. Not a spoiler, but there are some nice cars in this show. Great reaction. The show starts to pick up another gear after this episode. Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy. x

Andrea Dcosta

Can’t wait for this week’s reactions. Almost end of season 1!!


I join you in waiting for the reaction to episode 17. I've already missed Sofie's reactions. I hope she'll fix the technical problems soon and we'll see heк new reaction. Sofie, please come back! We're waiting for you! All the most interesting things are ahead.


sorry guys for keeping you waiting I'm out of town I'll come back tomorrow and try to finish season one fast


this says photo? where is the video?

I Am Not Chamari

When I click the links, it says the album is empty. Sad. Guess I'll just skip this episode!