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The feels in this episode😭




Fatima Bah

Lol it's funny how Sofie keeps saying Elena is very compassionate and forgets that she is herself compassionate. Eyes watering almost every scene, I love her.


I’ve been waiting for this one. This was the episode where everything changed for me and became hooked on Damon’s character. Felt really bad for him. And I also really started to like Anna.


To answer to your question, they sleep so they do get tired, probably much less than humans because they are much stronger, but the do, specially Stefan that doesn't feed on human blood and they seam to get more tired if they don't feed. In regard of this episode, I agree with you, the story of the two brothers is the main course here, couple shipping is a very secondary thing, I do enjoy Stefan and Elena as I do much enjoy Damon and Elena probably also because their chemistry is insane, Ian and Nina dated at a certain point and that spilled over into the show, the way they look at each other is riveting. Elena compassion is one of the thing I love very much about her character. But the two brothers...oh my....It is undeniable that even if they fight, even if they hurt each other, there is a deep root of love that is not shaken by the events in their past, and Damon is the most fragile, the most wounded among the two of them, Stefan knows that, and yes, absolutely Stefan cares. Damon looked for a way to have Katherine back for 145 year and she didn't care, imagine that, The writers are doing everything in their power to make Damon unlikable but it is very difficult not to feel empathy for him, we all love Damon, because he is unloved. The writer are geniuses they know how to convey the maximum of feeling with the minimum of actions, the two brothers sitting in front of the fire saying nothing, is way more emotional than any words they could have said and they are supported by a cast of actors that is just spectacular. Grams death emotionally is the beginning of viewers heath breaking scenes, This show is incredibly entertaining, like nothing I've seen before, it will make you laugh, giggle of little joyful scenes, feel compassion, provoke you, live you on the edge of the sit and make cry, I've never cried so much like I did in this show and I'm not the only one. More than a show, this is an emotional journey. I believe not everybody is capable to get out of this show the full extent of what they give you but definitely you can. Love your empathy and your perceptiveness. 💗

Andrea Dcosta

So true well said. This show is everything makes you cry, laugh, angry at times, fills you with joy, has amazing music btw one of the best soundtracks for sure. Damon will grow on you slowly. I love him. So happy to see that you understand him. Waiting for the next reaction 🤗

Andrea Dcosta

And the story and plot twists ahead will be so interesting you will be shocked can’t wait to watch it along with you!!


Hi, Sofie! I am very happy to see your reaction to this show again. Surprisingly, your emotions and thoughts are much the same as mine. I am very sorry if there are any errors. English is not my native language, but I really like your videos and I couldn't resist leaving a comment. This series is one of my favorites. Finally managed to open the crypt and it turned out that Catherine was not there and never was. It was very painful to see Damon's emotions. He really loved her. He had been looking for her for 145 (!) years. And she didn't even let it be known that she was alive and well. In this episode, you can see how he was hurt by Elena's betrayal. In fact, he was trying to establish a relationship with her without resorting to suggestion. And he was able to believe her a second time. The scene when Elena convinces Damon that She is ready to help is just AMAZING! I also like that you forgot to breathe at some points. This chemistry was felt through the screen (Oh, I'm looking forward to watching episode 19. For many, it was a coup). Many say that this chemistry between them is because Ian and Nina met in real life. But I want to point out that Ian has chemistry with a lot of the actors in this series. Acting chemistry. Return to the episode. Here you can see how Elena trusts Damon, no matter what. She went to him alone, knowing that he was not in a very good mood. She took off the pendant to prove that she wasn't lying. However, I don't think this is proof for a Damon. She could have swallowed vervain. But he still trusted her. There is indeed mutual understanding and trust between them. I watched it all with a sinking heart. Very explicit and sensual scene. And he left the tomb only after Elena's request. This proves that, despite his selfishness and some cruelty, he wants to trust someone and have a real friendly relationship (without the use of compel and threats). Elena was able to reach him. I have read or heard a very interesting theory somewhere. Elena treats him not as a vampire or a monster, but as an ordinary person. A person who has his own feelings and experiences. And Damon feels this attitude. That's why such a friendship was born between them. I liked the scene with the brothers by the fire. It is a silent understanding. Stefan, no matter what he says, is worried about his brother. I like Stefan this season. They are very complementary. Despite their quarrels and misunderstandings, they remain brothers. My heart was torn between Stefan-Elena and Damon-Elena. I'll make my choice later. I won't say everything now, so as not to spoiler it, I'll explain more later. At the end of this season, I started leaning toward Damon, and by the end of the second season, I finally took his side. I think you'll understand why later. Sofie, thank you for your reaction! You are a very nice and pretty girl. I apologize for my confused comment. I hope you understand. Continue in the same spirit. Success and good luck in all your business!


Thank you dear, English is not my first language either so don't you worry. I totally understand and agree with you. Damon and Elena's friendship was unexpected for both of them and it's really something I'm looking forward to. specially want to see how much this friendship will develop


Damon does have a type of woman he gravitates towards. Some think he likes Elena because she looks like Katherine, but it is her compassion which he likes. She also stands up for herself, and wasn't intimidated by him. So much so that even after she found out what he was, she was still prepared to slap him in the face. She challenges him and makes him consider his actions (whether he listens to her or not is irrelevant). This also applies to female friendship. He is more likely to be considerate to a woman who is strong-willed and compassionate (with a little bit of sass thrown in). This is why he didn't like Caroline, she was too desperate and in his mind, shallow and weak. He likes someone with a bit more substance to them. As a human, he loved Katherine because she was different to the women of the day. She was strong and knew what she wanted. As the heir, he would have been expected to marry a subservient woman who was expected to churn out a few children to ensure the business was passed down. That was not the type of woman Damon was attracted to. He wanted a 21st century woman in 1864. This is not a spoiler as it is already a pattern. He's playing around with the powerful women of Mystic Falls; Sheriff Liz Forbes and Carol Lockwood (the Mayor's wife). The pattern is already established (albeit not too obvious unless it is pointed out). To me, the real love story of the show is Defan. The love the brothers had/have is important. It is strange because at this point in the show, Ian and Paul didn't have that much chemistry as brothers (they look completely different). But as the show progresses, they bounce off each other and their bond becomes very believable. In real life they are extremely close, they even have a business together; they're practically brothers. This spills over into the show. The one scene which brings a lump to my throat is the scene where Grams died. Kat Graham's (Bonnie) own grandmother died a week before shooting this scene, so her tears were real. There are a few scenes in this show where they seemed to mimic what was happening off-screen, thus the reactions from the actors were quite real. Katherine is a bitch! As Damon mentioned in a previous episode, vampires can't procreate, but they love to try (ie they have a high sex drive). The Salvatore's were her sexual playthings. Plus she was using them to feed from so she didn't alert the town to her presence. Damon has spent 145 years waiting for her, not allowing himself to feel for another woman, and all of this time he was just her plaything. He was emotionally loyal to her (a vampire with a high sex drive is never going to last 145 years being celibate). The spell didn't work right because Bonnie and Grams weren't strong enough. They didn't want to break the seal, just lift it temporarily. If Damon hadn't have attacked Bonnie, Grams would never have done what she did to him. He was the one who saved Emily's family and has been protecting it ever since (granted for selfish reasons, but Sheila and Bonnie only exist because of him). Great reaction. I really enjoyed this one, Very much looking forward to the next one (a certain scene in particular). Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x


Oh, thank you. You so accurately described my thoughts about Damon and why he is attracted to Elena. I couldn't put it that well. It is very interesting. This is the first time I've heard that Kat Graham's real grandmother died a week before the shooting. I still can't watch this scene without crying. Her grandmother was a support and support in magical matters, was her guide and mentor. And when she was gone, Bonnie was essentially alone. Yes, she has friends. But no one will understand her like her grandmother. I'm crying. A very heartbreaking scene. I can even guess what scene you're waiting for (I'm waiting for it as well). 😄


I would love to see 3 reactions per week atleast on patreon...I love your channel!!

Futuristic Girl

There is a deeper reason why Katherine went away and didnt return. You'll find out soon enough.


I cannot wait for you to get to ep 17 and onwards...

I Am Not Chamari

Clearly Damon had the right idea by bringing Elena into the tomb with him... Too bad that he didn't think that he would be trapped inside and she wouldn't be.