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Please leave a request in the comments, and when I'm doing a 10-15 minute warmup before settling into work I'll occasionally pick requests from the comments  :)


  • One request per person on this post (once I have finished all the requests on this post I'll close it, and make a new post, and everyone will be able to  leave a new request on the new post)
  • You can leave your request at any time, for as long as this post is 'open' - I'll check back periodically for new requests
  • Requests must be SFW, and not racist/hateful/transphobic/etc.
    (I don't think I need to clarify this for any of you, but I want to cover my bases just in case some sad internet stranger decides to throw me a dollar specifically so they can troll me)
  • Only one character per request please. Or one animal, animals are great! Or possibly even one object - I remember being asked to draw a mug of hot chocolate once and sure, why not, I am happy to draw objects too :)
  • Please provide a visual reference + a sentence of extra description (eg. 'This is my DnD character, they're always tired, here is a link to a picrew I put together to show their face, and another link of an outfit they might wear.)
  • I will simplify requests as needed to make them quick, refreshing warmups.
  • I will make a genuine attempt to draw everything that's requested, but if you ask for something far out of my comfort zone it will almost certainly look terrible!
    This doesn't mean you can't ask for things out of my comfort zone, I just want to provide fair warning :D


Marco Ransom-Hughes

I'd like to request a drawing of a magical item! The Bow of Searing Sinew. The stave of the bow is made of twisted and knotted old wood, seemingly one massive curved branch, and the string is a black sinewy substance that has the occasional wisp of smoke curling off it.

Marco Ransom-Hughes

Longbow size ref: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.etsy.com%2Fau%2Flisting%2F265902400%2Fhandcrafted-traditional-english-longbow&psig=AOvVaw2vC5odbfysEbGT51yICH0E&ust=1597204299995000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCNDD0-mfkusCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD


If I'm still free to add a suggestion, one chubby kitty