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Well here we are...This update will mark the final day that the main focus is on flash for this patreon. It might have taken a while, but we got here.

In this last major Vagrant Blade update, I've added what should be the bulk of the gameplay mechanics. Here are the changes:

-Every 5 enemies that you kill will refill your health, and make your character stronger. Defeating Melona will also do this.

-Melona gets stronger every time she respawns.

-Shield characters can perform a counter by pressing attack following a successful guard. Leina charges forward, Risty does an area attack, and Echidna can poison enemies. Cattleya can also guard, but her guard is different. It requires timing in order to get the counter off, but it does massive damage. Alleyne can now dash to avoid attacks, and is the only character that cannot be grabbed by thugs while she is standing.

-Simple scoring is in place.

-Thugs are a little harder now.

-You can now be defeated. You get kicked back to character select screen if you are grabbed while 0 health.

-Last but not least, seeing as this is the only mini game with significant male on female "interaction", I've put a disclaimer at the beginning so that I don't get yelled at.

These files can be found...in this very post! That's right, no DM this month guys. Things are changing. =)

Next month, I'll be attempting to have some initial Demon Tale stuff in Unity for you to mess around with.

Edit: Vagrant Blade had some bugs fixed.



Best wishes!


Honestly game over scenes would be awesome! Plus it would make it easier to pick a different character rather than closing and reopening the game