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Afternoon all! I just sent out the initial build for Demon Tale! You can control Chako and walk around the simple track for a bit. This is the groundwork for what is now the official featured game, and I'll be building on this monthly until it's substantial! Just a note, right now a proper windows controller is necessary for this. I may add more control schemes in the future, but the priority for that is low, so..yeah...have that joystick =).

In other news, I should have some more Bedlam previews shortly, so look forward to that as well.



??wasd/arrow keys worked for movement. the model looks good from what I could see from not being able to move the camera lol. its a good base to start from that is for sure.


Can't I play with just the keyboard?


yeah I don't own a controller either. not sure if this is a keyboard only problem but I've found walking speed varies based on direction: up/down goes really slow right/left goes fast I imagine you programmed it using input.getaxis("Vertical"/"Horizontal") as input reading and then applied both movements separately, I suggest you check on that. Also you might want to normalize movement to avoid moving twice as fast when doing diagonals if you haven't done so.


Yeah, it seems the camera angle is affecting the movement speed. I'll iron that out going forward.


Feel free to ask for help if you find yourself stuck, I've done A LOT of camera work on unity recently.