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So basically, I'm at the point where I feel like I want to introduce this small project into the fold. To preemptively answer some questions:

Isn't this the same as bedlam or whatever else?

No.  Because Bedlam will feature many more characters and things you can do during a match, as well as differing set pieces, dialog, interacting with objects in the environment, and scripted scenarios. Even the model style is different. Anything else, you can figure out by just looking at the two games and using common sense.

Will you consider adding more characters to this in the future? 

It's not off the table, but seeing as this game is meant to be relatively simple, it's unlikely. I may/may not include more outfits for either character though.

I don't have a joystick, so how can I play the game?

Keyboard controls are in there, if you don't have a joystick.

In this first build, the controls are extremely simple:

  • A button/Left Click on a controller attacks/grabs 

  • Left bumper/F Key to Pin

Right now the CPU is a pushover, but later this will be configurable. The initial road map for this, involves creating a game similar to any of the previous 1v1 wrestling games that I've made, where the two wrestlers do a bunch of different things to each other, and things such as health, speed, stamina, outfits perhaps, are configurable by the player before the match begins.

I'm also planning on letting players assign the moves that they want to see to either character before a match, as well as being able to choose a character, or let the CPU battle it out like with those other games.

The first build of this game, build 0, goes out to all patrons today. Subsequent builds will be released at the same time as the featured game, again, at my leisure. As stated, $10 patrons may get access to these releases much earlier, or even special versions of a release.



Watch "PvBFull" on Streamable.


Ieven st

Can't wait to get my files for the game, Looks amazing <3


how do you get the files?


very low fps on amd7500m + i7-3740 and keyboard seems non responsive.


Goes without saying, optimization and graphics options will happen at some point. On a side note, did you know that your graphics card is from 2012?

Freeko Suave

The camera feels too close to the action for my personal preference. There seems to be a way to rotate around but no way to zoom in or out?

Maaron Ays

This is awesome, my favorite release of yours in a while! (although I'm sure bedlam has a good chance to beat it) Think letting us choose moves and outfit is a great idea!