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So going into next month, I want to implement some changes that I think will improve things as a whole.

First, I'm implementing what I'd like to call a discrete game, which is basically a game that I will only put out updates for, sometimes. Not unlike the line goal game, this is mainly to let me control the pace I work at, but instead of releases being based off of a goal, it will be available much easier. The overall depth of the game will also likely remain very simple throughout it's development.

As for the game in question, I'll be posting a video of it shortly after this, and explaining more about it.

Secondly, tier rewards are changing to give a little more to people who donate at higher tiers, Specifically, the $5 tier and above will get extra controls and features in their Demon Tale releases. The $10 tier may get early access to some discrete game releases.

More on the discrete game in the post following this one. 


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