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In this month's update:

Grab attacks.

I've added the ability to grab the dryad. You can grab her while she's standing, or while she's on the ground. Of course, this means that she will attack you now. The dryad can also grab you while you're standing. Either of your grabs can be interrupted in the same way the chomper grabs could be interrupted in previous versions. Defeat a dryad by giving her some "tail" and you'll get access to her special ability. A small placeholder graphic should play to show when you've gotten it. I'm working out the balancing for grabbing as well as other things. I'll also be slightly refining the grab animations going forward.

Keyboard controls.

If you don't have a joystick plugged in, the control scheme should automatically switch to using the keyboard. Otherwise, if you want to switch manually, you can do so by bringing up the pause menu, going to the options, and toggling the option there.

Lastly, I've included a control list for the game in this month's files.

Next update, I want to try adding some initial navigation, mess with the backgrounds, and perhaps implement another enemy type.

Files have just been sent out. If you missed them this month, you can catch them again next month.




At last I know why there was no attack on keyboard. needed mouse to play. strange controll scheme


I feel like most 3D games of this nature use this control scheme.


Mouse easily go outside game window trying to adjust the screen. Enlit3D did something that makes mouse fixed in the center. When mouse moves, it adjust the screen, but mouse remain fixed in the center of the screen. That would solve getting the mouse out of the game while adjusting view. It was in their “Heroine Rescue Team” game if you wanna check it. I know keyboard schematic is a 2ndary concern, so I could get used to current movement. It’s manageable. And apologies if you’re not okay me mentioning another creator’s games here.