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Juicy Wonderpark p2.

Olivia took a few steps back as juice seeped out of the Pool of Tears room, the woman they had tricked into testing their new blueberry wonder park now pressing against the walls of the Poll of Tears room like an overstuffed balloon. “This is bad. This is bad.” The blue-skinned woman paced back and forth, her boobs bouncing up and down. “Where is Red when you need him?”

“How is she doing?”

Olivia took a deep breath. “Sir! You are back!” She ran up to Red and hugged him, her breasts squishing against him.

“I am. How is our guest.” He pushed Olivia away and put his hands on his hips. He was surrounded by a few other blueberry ladies, all with sleek, curvy bodies, huge asses, and big bouncy breasts. “She didn’t outgrow the room yet, did she?”

Olivia shook her head. “No, but there is juice dripping out of there, and she has been moaning nonstop for the last hour.” Olivia turned her head. “I have no idea how we are supposed to get in there to even juice her at this point.”

Red rubbed his forehead. “Ughh, if we lose one of the star attractions of this theme park, I swear.” He took a deep breath. “Okay, we need to get some of that juice out of her, and to do that, we need to get inside.” He pointed at the others. “You all should still be able to squeeze in there. We don’t have our usual tools, so you are going to have to do it the old-fashioned way. Make her way to release those juices before she damages my future property.” The girls nodded their heads.

Red then looked at Olivia. “After that, see if you can convince the young woman to test out the rabbit house for us. I am sure you can find some way to get her to do it.” He snorted. “And no fucking it up this time. You hear me!”

Olivia nodded her head. “Yes, sir!” Olivia looked at the other lovely assistants. “You heard him. If you ever want a chance at feeling the wonderful juices inside of you flow again you will get in there and juice that woman. Our fun time is on the line, girls!”

Carol laughed. “Red didn’t say that.”

Olivia pointed at the squishy blue door. “I said move it, blueberry! Move it before I juice you and take away your wonderful curves.”

“What! You wouldn’t dare!”

“Don’t tempt me!”

Carol walks towards the door leading into the juicy wonderland. “Okay, okay. I am going.” She squeezed herself inside, the blueberry lady inside moaning.

Olivia looked at the others like a blue drill sergeant. “Well, what are you all waiting for? Get moving!” The rest of them followed suit, sliding into the circular room. After they were all inside, Olivia took a deep breath. “Into the breech, I go.”


Jade moaned as she slowly continued to fill up with blueberry juice. She had been for the last few hours after returning to the abandoned wonderland park and eating a stick of gum marked eat me. At first, she was shocked that she had been turned into a blueberry, but as the hours passed, she slowly began to enjoy it, especially as her body pressed against the walls. Everything was so sensitive, and she just kept getting bigger. Her skin rubbed against everything, sending pleasure shockwaves through her system. Her breasts made monster truck tires jealous at this point, her nipples rubbing against the wall as blueberry juice seeped out of them.

Jade had no idea how much bigger she could get, but she enjoyed the ride, nonetheless. She could feel the walls around her struggling to contain her girth; it was only a matter of time before she would break free and roll around. Who knows what kind of fun she would be able to get up to when that happened.

Then suddenly, Jade felt something squirm against her ass. The sensation caused her to cry out in joy, blueberry juice shooting against the wall, staining it blue. She had no idea what was going on, only that something was working its way across her big, massive booty. The sensations sent a ripping effect through her body, which was just pure heaven.

Then she could feel more strange bodies press against her own. Jade struggled to contain herself as her own precious juices leaked from her body. “Ughh god!” Eventually, one of the figures wormed their way up and onto the top of Jade’s body, bouncing on her juicy body as they walked over to her head. “Why, you are a big berry, aren’t you.” The blue woman rubbed Jade’s head. “Name’s Carol. The other lovely berries should be up here in just a moment.”

“Huh?” Jade moaned as she felt the bodies squirm against her backside. “Ohhh fuckkkkk!”

Carol giggled. “It was tight getting up here.” She sat down cross-legged in front of Jade’s face. “It is a good thing we got here when we did. You don’t want to swell up too big now.” She grabbed Jade’s cheek and shook it. “Bad things can happen, you know.”

Jade giggled as she felt another berry woman pop onto her right breast. “How can. . . being so. . . full of. . . juice be a bad thing?”

The other berry woman walked over. “Well, for starters, you could pop. You can’t just fill up and up forever, you know.” Jade’s eyes went wide. “And the other thing you think this room can hold you forever?” She shook her head. “Bad foundation aside, no. It is slowly turning you into blueberry jam, missy.”

“But I. . .”

Olivia popped out and landed on top of Jade. “Phew. It is tight down there.” She pulled the last berry girl out. “There we should be good now.”

Jade looks at all the lovely ladies who have come to join her. “Just. . . what is going on here? Did you all eat that gum as well?”

Olivia shook her head as she walked over. “Nope. We are blueberry ladies like yourself. But more, so we are berries tasked to help you get your juices under control missy!”

“Huh?” She took a deep breath. “Wait, I remember you. You are. . . that strange woman from before.”

Olivia nodded. “And I am here to help.” She produced a needle. “First things first, I do need to know the. . .”

Carol shook her head. “You don’t need that. Her juices are lining the wall, Olivia.”

“Ohh. . .” Olivia blushed. “Right.” She walked over and scraped some of it all the wall. “Sorry.

This is for testing purposes later on.”

Jade arched an eyebrow. “So, what are you all here for then?”

Olivia walked over and sat down near Jade’s face with the others. “We are here to juice you, darling.”


“Oh, don’t be so dramatic. You are overflowing with blueberry juice. We need to get it out of you. It will be fun.”

“But I like being a blueberry.”

One of the other ladies, Allie, rubbed Jade’s right breast. “Oh, come now. You will love this.” She squeezed her boob. “There is only one way to get that juice out, baby, and it is one of the most pleasurable experiences in the world.”

Carol pressed her naked body against Jade’s skin. “Ya, so stop fussing, and let us help you.”

Jade moaned as the curvy blueberry ladies began to pleasure her. “Ohhh fuckkkk. . .” She took deep breaths as she felt her juices bubble inside of her. “I. . . I. . .”

Olivia giggled. “That is okay. Let it out.”

Jade slowly began to squirt out her juices. It wasn’t much at first, but the process slowly ramped up as the berry girls rubbed their bodies against hers. Feeling their bodies squeeze against her beasts and rounded. . . well, she wasn’t sure where else they were squeezing. Jade was just so big. But she didn’t care. “Ohh fuck!” More and more juice shot out of her, and she could feel herself shrinking. Down and down, she went, her sensitive skin starting to rub against the side of the walls, only adding to her pleasure. “Ohhhh.”

“That is right,” Olivia whispered into her ear. “Let it all out.” She then licked her neck before twisting her nipples.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh!” A torrent of juice shot out of Jade, almost knocking Allie against one of the walls. Jade was. . . her body was on fire. She no longer wanted this silly juice in her; she wanted to embrace this wonderful feeling. She was sooo fucking. . . happyyy! She slowly regained the use of her limbs, and the other girls slid off her body. “Oh yes. . . yes.” Jade giggled as she licked her lips, finally able to move around. “I. . . feel sooo. . .”

Olivia kissed her. “Good?”

Jade nodded her head. “Yes.” She looked around. They were now standing in a pool of blueberry juice. Jade had a fabulous curvy figure. “Whoh,” she moaned. “I can’t believe. . . wow.” She took deep breaths, her body on fire. That was the best experience she had in life. She almost wanted to swell up again to experience it all over, maybe even have someone. . .

Olivia giggled. “I know that look.” She crossed her arms. “You went on the blueberry ride and want to swell up again.”

Jade nodded her head. “It was. . . it was so good. I think I orgasmed.”

Olivia laughed. “I know, right. I wish I could have that, but I am just a berry girl assistant. I have to keep this figure, or I get in trouble.” She lowered her voice. But what if I told you that you could swell up again tonight?”

Jade moaned, blueberry juice squirting out of her nipples. “What do I have to do?”

“We need more testing for this park. As you have already guessed, we are trying to bring a blueberry wonderland experience to life. You already proved a bit too well how the Pool of Juices will go.” She snickered. So, let’s move on to something a bit different, shall we?” They turned around. “Follow me, and I will explain on the way.”

Jade took a deep breath and trotted after Olivia. “So, umm. . . will I be like this for my entire life? A blueberry?”

Olivia giggled. “Only if you want to be hun. We could fully juice you if you wanted. But do you really want that?”

Jade shook her head. “Noooo. I. . .” She blushed. “It is fun.”

“Good. I can’t recall anyone who would want to go back after feeling that wonderful juice flowing through their veins.” She giggled once more. “They would have to be crazy.” They eventually came up to a small-looking house that was in surprisingly good condition. “Ahh, here we are. The—”

“The rabbit’s house. I know.” Jade put her hands on her curvy hips. “I think I get where this is going. You need me to test out this attraction as well.”

Olivia nodded. “Yes. We need to make sure the place is stable enough to handle people swelling inside. It was designed for someone to grow, not exactly swell inside it.” She turned her head and looked at the building. “So, it is up to you to ensure the building can handle a blueberry.”

Carol nodded her head. “And by the time you have had your fun, we should have better equipment here to juice you.” She lowered her voice. “Trust me. You will just adore it.”

That was enough for Jade. She rushed past them and into the house. “Wait!” Olivia followed after her. “You need the gum. Hey!”

Jade hurried up to the second floor, not hearing Olivia. She searched through the dusty drawers, wondering if they had planted some secret blueberry swelling food for her. “Where is it? Where?”

Olivia took a deep breath as she walked into the bedroom. “Didn’t you hear me?”

Jade turned her head as she held up a tattered glove. “Huh?”

Olivia tossed the piece of gum at Jade. “Take this and eat it,” she said. Then she turned around. “Hurry up already before I get jealous of all the fun you get to have.” She crossed her arms and pouted. “I hate that I have to be Red’s assistant sometimes. I have to let others swell up, and I never. . .” She stormed out of the room.

Jade giggled. “Well then.” She tossed the gum into her mouth. “At least I get to be a big. . . ole. . .” She didn’t even bother chewing, instead swallowing the gum. Her entire body shook, and she could feel the juice inside of her jolt. “Oh fuck.” Jade’s face turned a dark purple for a moment. “That was. . . a bit intense.” Her belly began to swell a little. “I umm. . . ohhh.” She giggled as she could both see and feel the effects taking place. “Well, I guess there is. . . .” She moaned as her butt suddenly swelled a few inches. “Ohh fuckkkk. . .”

Jade looked around the house as her hips slowly swelled. “Wait. . .” She gulped. “If I get so big that I can’t move, how are they going to juice me? How. . .” Her eyes went wide. “This is a bad idea. I should. . .” She turned around. “Girls! I think this test is a bad idea. I don’t think you will be able to get in here when I am fully. . .” She moaned as she swelled another few inches. “Ughhh. . .” Jade pressed her hands down on her growing belly, her juices quickly getting out of hand. “I. . . ohhh. . .”

She looked at the door, realizing she couldn’t wait for them to come to her; Jade needed to get out before she was one trapped blueberry. She waddled towards the door, feeling her weight increase by the second. Her boobs bounced around on her chest, pressing harder against her body as they grew another cup size. “Ughh soo full. . .” She panted. “It feels soo good though. . .” Her eyes flashed blue. “Must get out before I. . . I. . .”

She finally reached the door, her body swaying back and forth. But there was one problem. She was much bigger and rounder than she was when she entered. “Ughh.” She tried to squeeze through, but her massive hips just wouldn’t budge through the tiny door. “Damnit all! Ughhhh! Olivia!”

The young blueberry lady rushed up the stairs. “Oh my. What is wrong?”

“I. . . I don’t think I can. . .” Jade tried to push through the door but slowly became wedged in. “You won’t be able to juice me, and I will . . .” She moaned. “Just swell bigger and bigger.”

“It’s fine. Don’t worry. We will get you.”

“Ohhh. . .” Jade suddenly popped out of the door, bouncing back into the room. She rubbed her head and looked around as her legs swelled out in front of her. “What. . . what is going on?” She was somewhat keeping her feminine form despite her legs becoming thick with blueberry juice.

“Oh, that? We are trying a specialized gum brand for this. So you will swell up big for this kind of like a blueberry Alice.” Olivia giggled. “I hope you like it.”

Jade fell onto her ass as she continued to swell. Her arms slowly squeezed out of the windows as her legs pushed their way down through the door and towards the house’s first floor. Her limbs were filling with juice so fast she couldn’t believe it. “Ohhh fuckkkkk!” Then, her breasts pressed tightly against the front of the house like two giant water balloons. “What. . . ohhhhhh. . .”

Then, all at once, her body shot out of the house. Her swollen arms flailed about as her puffy legs burst outside. And her boobs shot out of the building bouncing against one another. She felt like some overstuffed toy. “Ohhhh. . .”

Olivia giggled as she looked up at Jade. “I think it’s mostly a success. Even if she did ruin the house.”

Carol snorted. “Well, I don’t think Red will like it if they do that every time.”

“I won’t like what?” The girls gulped as Red walked up behind them.

Olivia smiled. “Hi, sir. We are proceeding apace. As you can see, the girl is testing out the rabbit house quite nicely.”

Red crossed his arms. “It looks more like she might be outgrowing it a bit too much.” He looked at Olivia. “I don’t want her to break it like she almost did the Pool of Tears room. Olivia. . .”

“Sorry, sir. I just. . . wanted this to be perfect.”

Red rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Just tone down the blueberry effects; otherwise, this will be a short theme park. And get that girl juiced before she destroys the house.”

“Yes, sir.” Olivia saluted Red. “Come, girls. It’s time to juice her once more.”

Jade shook her head. “No way. I am never coming out.” She slammed her left foot down. “I am at home in here.”


The sniping spy

I don't think this park will survive the testing phase at this rate


We will have to wait and see. But I guess Red didn't think this through.