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Blueberry Jam.

Marget rubbed her eyes. “Ugh, what time is it?” She grabbed her phone as she slowly sat up. “Hello?”

“Marget. Where are you!”

“Mr. Fenderson? I. . .” She hiccupped. “I’m sorry, sir. I’m a bit sick after the company party last night. I don’t exactly know what happened, but I just. . .”

“You need to get here right now. Do you hear me! You don’t want to lose your job, do you?”

“But sir. I said I am. . .” Gurrgglle. Marget rubbed her belly as she felt something jostle around. “Ughhh.”

“Look, I don’t care if you have the bloody plague. Just get here. If you are not here in an hour, you are fired!” The line went dead.

Marget’s eyes went wide. “What?” She sighed. “Since when is he like that?”

She snorted. “I have been sick multiple times, and he never threatened to fire me. . .” She hiccupped again, this time tasting blueberries. “Ugh. . .” She forced herself to her feet. “They must really be short-staffed if they need me to come in when I feel like this.”

She walked to the front door and grabbed her jacket. “Ahh, well, I guess it can’t really be helped, can it?” Marget sighed. At least today is Friday.” She dug her car keys out of her jacket pocket and walked out the door. The air outside was crisp. Spring was on its way, and Marget was ready for it, or she would be when she was over this strange illness.

As she started her SUV, she coughed again, the taste of blueberries on her tongue. “Ughh. . .” She snorted. “What kind of illness makes me feel. . .” She shook her head. “No, that is crazy.” She turned her head and backed out of the driveway. “I would have to be crazy to think I would feel like a blueberry.” She giggled as a blue dot appeared on her nose.

The drive to work was uneventful. It usually was, as Marget only lived two blocks away from the blueberry factory where she worked. Still, she hoped that she could finish her shift quickly and head home. “Phew.” She pulled into the parking lot. “My stomach is bubbling up a storm.” She took a deep breath as she parked her car. “I am going to have a word with HR about this.” She pushed her door open, her face slowly turning blue. “This is just absurd.”

As she walked into the building, people looked at her and talked in hushed whispers. “What is going on?” she snorted. “I am not that sick.” Gurrgle. “Ughh.” She slammed her belly as it rumbled loudly. “Just shut up.”

“Ahh, Marget. There you are.” Mr. Fenderson walked up to her. “And you look so good. I could almost eat you up.”

“Good,” she coughed again. I don’t feel that great. I think I might be getting a bit bloated.” She rubbed her belly.

“Ohhh. Don’t worry; we just need you to check one thing.” He giggled. “Come, come.

It won’t take long. Then you can head home. I promise.”

Marget rubbed her blue head against her dark brown hair. “What do I need to do?”

Her boss sighed. “Well, you see, one of our new blueberry processing units isn’t working. I need you to get in there and inspect it.”

“That isn’t really in my job description.”

He put his hand on her shoulder and stared into her blue eyes. “Well, it is the only thing I need you to do. It will be straightforward, Marget. Come on. I know you can do it.”

She sighed. “Fine.” She followed him into a part of the factory she hadn’t seen before. Mr. Fenderson then led her up to a giant circular tube. “Here we are. Just walk in here.” He opened a hatch. “Something inside here broke, and I need you to tell me what it was.”

She crossed her blue arms. “Really? I can do that nice and quick.” She walked inside.

He laughed. “I am sure you can.” He shut the door and locked her inside.

“Hey!” she turned around. “What is going on?” Marget slammed her hands against the smooth, circular door. “What are you?” she blinked her eyes as she noticed her blue hands. “What in the world?” she held them in front of her face. “What is this?”

Lights suddenly flooded the room, allowing her to see just where she was. “Sorry for the deception, but I knew you wouldn’t have come here if you knew just what was happening to you.” She narrowed her eyes at the speaker near the top of the circular room.

“Just what is going on!”

“We are testing a new product. Last night at the company party, you drank a spiked drink with some experimental blueberry powder in it. It has taken some time to work its way through your system, but we seem to be seeing the first stages of the effects now.”

She looked at her arms. “What? You wanted me to turn blue?”

Mr. Fenderson laughed. “No. We wanted you to become a big blueberry and make us some wonderful jam. It is all a part of a new product line.”

“What!” she turned around. That is insane. I am leaving.” She tried the door, but it wouldn’t budge. “Let me out!”

“You can go after the test is complete.”

She threw her arms to the side. “I may be blue, but I am no blueberry.” Gurrgle. “Do I look round to you?”

“In a way, yes. You look more tubby than you did when you came in today.”

Marget looked down and gasped. “Ahhhh!” She grabbed her waistline as she tried to shove it back in, her hips slowly swelling by the second. “What is happening to me.”

“Why your juices are just telling you that they love you. Soon, you will be sharing them with the rest of the world.”

Marget gave up, her hips bouncing around, and walked up to one of the walls. “You see here. You are going to let me out of here. Ughhh. . .” She moaned as her jeans began to stretch, her ass ballooning out. “Fuckkkk. . .”

“Look, you are going to be in there until you start producing some juice for us. That is just how it is. So, get to it. Bye.”

“Wait.” She snorted as she was left in silence. “This is just absurd.” She gulped as her belly began to grow, almost as if it had a mind of its own. “This is crazy. Just pure craziness.” Marget looked around the room. “You can’t really expect me to. . .” She moaned as her boobs suddenly felt full and heavy inside her t-shirt. “Ughh fuck. . .” She took a few steps back, her hips wobbling around as she resisted the urge to rub them. “Ughhh. . . so. . .” Her blue cheeks turned bright purple. “Ohhh. . .”

She couldn’t explain it, but she was starting to become deeply aroused. The fear she had slowly drifted away as she took slow breaths. “God, what is happening to me. I should be scared. . .” She closed her eyes and gripped her hips, moaning a little as her ass bounced around.

“But I just. . . Ohhh god.” She backed against the wall and rubbed her big, curvy cheeks against the smooth metal. “It is getting. . . so hard to. . .”


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