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Berry Inspection.

“So, you were trying to steal from a bank, were you?” Bethany tapped her finger on the table, staring into Alexa’s eyes. “Kind of a major crime, don’t you think?”

Her fellow officer crossed her arms. “And don’t deny it. The dye packs are still on your skin.”

Alexa blinked her eyes in confusion. “You think this is dye?” She pressed her hands against her waistline. “You have the bank footage, right? They tried to turn me into a fucking blueberry! I was lucky I shrank down long enough for you to bring me in.” She took a deep breath. “I. . . I don’t know if I am going to get this. . . this shit out of my skin. I don’t want to be blue for the rest of my life.”

Bethany looked over at Sam before laughing. “I have heard a lot of strange tales in my life, but that takes the cake.”

Sam nodded as she sat down in one of the steel chairs. “You can’t seriously believe that crap. I mean, lady, do you really think you could have turned into a blueberry? That is physically impossible.”

Alexa snorted. “I did! You have the security camera footage. Why won’t you believe me!”

Bethany looked at Sam. “I almost want to make a bet off of this.” She looked at Alexa. “I mean, the girl is so adamant over this after all.”

“Making a bet off of the perp? You are feeling a bit spicy today.”

Alexa crossed her arms and sat back in her chair. “I am right here, you know.” She sighed. “Why did I get such jerks to interrogate me. They don’t listen, and now they are betting on me?”

Bethany smiled. “If we feed her a blueberry product and she swells, then I get fifty bucks.” She looks at Alexa. “And you don’t have to go to jail as you were telling the truth. I mean, we have been getting strange reports from that bank after all.”

Sam stood up. “Sounds good to me. I will be right back. I had a slice of blueberry pie in the fridge. Hopefully, one of the others didn’t decide to steal it again.”

Alexa crossed her arms. “Great. Now my choices are to either go to jail or become a big. . . lovely. . .” She moaned. “Why does the thought of swelling up again excite me? I. . .” She shook her head. These officers had no idea what they were getting themselves into or even if such a thing was possible. The bank had used a strange gas on her, which caused her to swell up like a blue human balloon. She doubted that having a—

Sam set the pie down in front of Alexa. “Here you are. Now eat it and settle this debate once and for all. If you don’t swell, you will have some tough questions to answer.” She snorted.

“And you are going to have to give me back my lunch!”

Alexa snorted as she took a bite out of the pie. “I don’t see how this is going to. . .”

She gulped, feeling a sudden jolt in her belly. “I umm. . .”

Bethany crossed her arms. “Everything alright?”

Alexa rubbed at her ass as she took another bite. “Everything is fine officer.” She gulped. She could feel the juices in her body start to jostle around. She didn’t know how, but the blueberry pie had a strange effect on her. Still, it wasn’t enough for the officers.

“Okay, that is enough. Give it here. I am not letting you eat my entire lunch you—”

Alexa twisted around as she felt her belt tighten against her waist. “Noo!”

She moaned. “I am eating it all.” She took a deep breath. “I am going to finish this. I. . . am going to become a blueberry again.” Gurrggllle.

The officers took a step back as they heard the juices in her body vibrate. “What the hell?” They backed against the wall as Alexa began to swell, her hips slowly expanding outward. “This is your fault!” Bethany pointed at Sam. You shouldn’t have given her the pie!”

“Me?” Sam narrowed her eyes. “I was just doing this because you dared me.”

Alexa stood up as her hips pressed tightly against the jeans the police department had loaned her. She. . . she liked this feeling. Sure, she had been scared the first time she had swollen up, but it was fun. Alexa squeezed her curvy hips as she walked over to the door, pressing her big round ass against it. Her body now looked like she had stuffed a small pillow into herself to stretch out her waistline. “Oh, it’s okay.” She took a deep breath as her shirt became stained with blueberry juice. “It just means we are going to have a fun time, is all.”

The two officers looked at her. “Why are you standing in front of the door?” Sam took a step forward. “Explain yourself right now!”

Alexa moaned as her boobs swelled a few inches. “I. . . I want you two to share in this experience.” She took a deep breath, feeling her butt vibrate against the cold metal. “You wanted a blueberry, so you are going to get one.”

Bethany walked up and tapped her finger against Alexa’s chest. “Now see here. We don’t want to have to get rough, but we—”


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