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Bikini World Chapter 8.

Alice moaned as she looked at the bowl of blue liquid. “This won’t turn me into a blueberry, will it?” She gulped as she looked up at Karren. “I have had my fill of blueberries.”

Karren laughed. “No. It is blue mushroom soup. They grow all around here and are quite tasty.” She put another bowl down in front of Greg. “And as an added bonus, they keep me from drying out. So, it is a win, win.”

Alice picked up a spoon as she tried to convince herself to eat the suspicious meal. “Why do you need to avoid drying out Karren?”

After she put a bowl in front of Alex, she walked around to her seat and sat down, her enlarged breasts pressing against the small wooden table. “Because I am stuck being like this. A blueberry magi.” She sighed. “I should have never gone through with the initiation process.” She shook her head as she picked up her spoon. “It has been a major burden more than anything else. Having to keep myself watered. Blueberry juice dripping from my body.” She sighed. “Dealing with needing a steady supply of blueberry juice in my system.”

Alice sighed. “That sounds rough. I am sorry to hear that.”

“Oh, it’s fine. I just wouldn’t recommend this life to anyone. I wouldn’t even wish this on my worst enemy despite the perks.” She laughed painfully. “I mean, I get to cast some of the best magic around, but at what cost? I am a slave to the blueberry juice.”

Alice raised the spoon to her lips. “If I may ask, why did you go through with this process in the first place? Was it like Jewel and the others did? To fight against the giantesses?”

Karren giggled. “Me? No. Oh no. I don’t want anything to do with their so-called rebellion.” She sighed. “No, I was a part of things back when we used to have the capital, and being a magi was part of defending the royal court.” She giggled as Alice’s face puckered up. “The soup has a strong taste, but you will learn to love it.”

Alice sighed. “Maybe. It does have a very. . . unique taste.” She shivered.

“But you were saying something about working for the capital before those giant ladies took over?”

Karren nodded her head. “Yes. I worked for the family in charge and was supposed to defend them with my life.” She sighed. “But I just. . . my efforts weren’t good enough. One day, we were attacked, and the people I was tasked with defending were taken out into the center of the capital. Then one of the giantesses, who goes by the name of Beth, slowly stamped the life out of them, squeezing their juice onto the pavement. Why? Because they said we were abusing our power and they wanted to establish a better government for the people. It was ironic that things took a dark turn when they took over.”

Karren took another sip from her soup. “Everyone who was connected to blueberry magic in even the slightest form was either chased out that day or squeezed. The lucky ones were the ones who were not the magi, as they were able to survive the process. But the magi, my sisters. . . we can’t live without blueberry juice. They either withered away or were. . .” She shook her head. “And I heard that the giantesses imposed laws to make sure no one would do anything that would be outside of their gigantic views. It is why they crack down so hard on not only blueberries but the thieves who shrink others and those from the inflation kingdom. It is unnatural to them. Hell, being a normal human is unnatural to them.”

Alex nodded his head. “You are lucky if you are not a giantess to get a “normal” job.

And by normal, I mean to be sucking up day and night to one of those gigantic freaks. Otherwise, you are expected to stay out of sight. It is why the other people were terrified to leave their homes. They didn’t want to have Jess do something to them when she was in a bad mood.

Something that might have been permanent.”


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