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Read the Label.

“Sir. You wanted to see me?” Devin tentatively pushed the door open to Fredrick’s office.

“Yes, now get in here.” Fredrick didn’t look up from his desk.

Devin gulped as he adjusted his tie. “Ok, sir.” He walked into the office, closing the door behind him. “This is a bit sudden. Can you tell me what this is about?” He gasped as he noticed the gigantic hole in the side of the building. “What the hell caused that?”

Fredrick looked up from his desk. “That?” He looked out over the city. “We had a rouge giantess come here and try snatching me. It was nothing.”

“Nothing!” Devin’s eyes almost burst from his sockets. “A gigantic woman comes in to attack you, and you call it nothing? Sir, if I might say—”

Fredrick folded his hands. “No, you may not say anything. The situation is being handled. Now sit down.”

Devin gulped. “Yes, sir.” Devin took a seat and shivered, blinking his green eyes as he looked up at his boss. “So, what did you want to see me about?”

“How is our research into creating giantesses coming?”

“Umm, good sir. We have a seventy percent success rate. Having access to the giantess blood has really made things easier. But. . .” He pulled at his arm.


Devin laughed. “It’s silly. You don’t want to hear it.”

Fredrick tapped his fingers on the wooden desk. “Tell me everything. I want to know every little detail. That is if you value your job.”

Devin pulled at the collar of his suit. “Well, sir, we can increase the test subjects in size like you want. The only thing is we can’t keep them that way.” He sighed. “Nor can we actually cause anyone to shrink. So, we just have products out on the market that temporarily cause people to grow.” He laughed. “But it still works. Right?”

Fredrick sighed. “Devin, do you know what we are trying to do here?”


“We are trying to sell people false hope.” Fredrick turned his head. “Sure, we will tell people they can change in size, but in reality, we will trap them at fifty-plus feet tall. And when they don’t like it, we will offer them a way to reverse it.” Fredrick slammed his hand on the desk. “But how can we even make money off of this when we can’t cause people to shrink in

the first place. Not to mention the money we could make on making people shrink and then withholding the growth antidote. I want results, Devin. Results.”

“But sir. We need more time. And possibly more blood samples. Someone stole—”

Fredrick slammed his fist down again. “I don’t want excuses. If I don’t see results soon, consider you and your associate’s job at risk. Do I make myself understood?” Devin nodded his head. “Good. Now get out of my office.”


“Just one minute.” Hope pulled up her pants as she made her way to the door, water still dripping from her amber hair. “I swear people come to the door at the worst times.” She groaned as she zipped up her pants. “Ughh fuck. This is not how I expected to spend my birthday.”

She swung the door open to see a UPS man staring at her. “Hello, ma’am.” He smiled at her. “Nice day today.”

Hope nodded her head. “It is. What are you doing here, though? I didn’t order anything.”

He handed her a box. “Well, you are receiving a package. If you want to inspect it to make sure everything is alright.”

Hope looked at the box and noticed who it was from. “Oh, it’s from Harry. I didn’t think he would get me anything.” She smiled. “I am sorry. The person I have been seeing is halfway across the country for business. I haven’t seen him for almost a month.” She smiled. “Thank you.”

The young man tipped his hat. “Have a nice day.” He turned around and walked towards his truck.

Hope scratched at her head as she stared at the box. “I wonder what is in this.” She walked toward a nearby table. “Hmm, I guess it could be anything.” She set the package down and slowly tore it open to reveal a cake along with a letter. “Oh my.” Hope pulled out the letter as she licked her lips. “I hope that is chocolate.”

She held the parchment up to her face. “Dear Hope. I hope you are doing well. My business venture with Fredricks Fancy couldn’t be going better. I think I am due for a promotion soon. I will call you later tonight. Please enjoy your birthday and this lovely cake. It is a Fredrick's Fancy special.”

“Also, my job is becoming serious, so we should talk soon about if you want to join me out here.”

“Love you. Harry.”

Hope looked into the box and smiled as she pulled out the cake. “Well, how thoughtful. Though I am not sure, I am ready just yet to move.” She sighed. “I mean, we have only been dating for how long?” She shrugged. “Still, this birthday cake is lovely.”

She turned around. “Now, where did I leave a knife? I want a slice before I head out.” She sighed as she walked into the next room. “My sister wants to do something for my birthday.” Hope picked up a knife. “I don’t know exactly what it is. She has been pretty tight-lipped about it. Hmm, maybe I should bring her a slice of cake as well. I am pretty sure she would enjoy it.”

Hope walked back into the other room, smiling as she looked down at her food. “Ok, so I get two slices. One for now and one for my sis. The rest can go into the fridge.” She licked her lips as she cut the delicious-looking cake. “Oh god, I can’t wait to dig in. Aww, it is chocolate. Harry knows me so well.” She slid her sister's piece into a plastic bag. “Ok, sis. Here you go.”

She then looked at her piece. “I can’t wait any longer.”

Carefully using her knife, she cut away smaller pieces and then balanced them on the flat edge before raising them into her mouth. “Oh, this is so good.” Her eyes rolled into their sockets. “Why, it makes my entire body tingle.” Hope quickly devoured the rest of the slice, enjoying the pure heaven that engulfed her senses. “Ohh god. Fredrick's Fancy products live up to their name. They are a delight of the senses.” She moaned. “My entire body just feels so. . .” Hope looked at the piece she had saved for her sister. “No. No, I will keep that for Dora. I will be a good sis.”

She stood up. “Phew.” Hope giggled as she rubbed her ass. “My senses are a little too delighted.” She took a moment to rub herself. “I am going to have to give this cake a good review. It makes your body feel like pure bliss.”

Hope shook her head. “Ugh, crap.” She looked at her wristwatch. “I just wasted like seven minutes rubbing myself down. If I don’t get going now, I will be late.” She grabbed her sister's slice and sighed as she looked at the rest of the cake sitting on the table. “Ugh, I will put that away when I get home.” She grabbed her keys off the table and rushed out the door. Hope then quickly flung open her truck door before jumping inside and starting the engine.

“Ok, sis. I am finally on my way.” She shivered. “Ughh, that cake is still fucking with my senses.” She moaned as she pulled out of the driveway. “Keep calm, Hope. Keep. . . ohhhh!” She cried out as she pulled out onto the street, her breasts suddenly tensing up. “Fuck!” Sweat dripped down the back of her neck as she slowly drove forward. “That was oddly intense.” She scratched at the side of her right breast. “It felt as if my breasts were on fire for a moment.” She moaned. “Ugh, my bra feels a bit tight now. This is going to bug me the entire trip.” She scratched at her boob. “Oh god, that just makes it worse.” Hope panted.


As she turned the corner, she felt intense pressure welling up within her once again. “Oh god! Ahhh.” After a few seconds, the intense feeling died down, and she opened her eyes. “This is a bit insane.” She scratched at her forehead as she came to a stop sign. “Ughh, it is the cake, right? It has to be. I mean, what else could be giving me such intense pleasure spikes. They promote Fredricks Fancy products as giving you sensations you have never felt in your life.” Hope rolled her shoulders. “Ugh, everything is so fucking tight all of a sudden.” She flexed her right foot about. “I swear I just got new shoes, and now they feel too tight. Not to mention my jeans.”

Hope tightened her grip on the steering wheel as she pulled forward. “Well, what was the other thing that Fredricks Fancy was supposed to be known for?” She narrowed her amber eyes. “Is it just me, or am I speeding up?” She gasped as she realized that she was indeed going faster than normal. “Holy crap!? Ahhhhh!?” Her body tensed up once again, her foot slamming onto the gas pedal. “What is happening?” She moaned as her boobs squeezed against her bra.

“Ohhh fuck!”

The steering wheel seemed small in her hands as she tried to slow her truck down. “Ughh fuck!” She moaned as she felt her jeans stretch. “Sorry, sis!” She turned hard as she skidded across Dora’s lawn, dirt and gravel flying everywhere. A young woman in a blue dress came running out of a two-story house.

“What the hell is going on? Hope? What kind of nonsense is this?”

Hope took a deep breath as she shut off the engine. “Finally.” She closed her eyes and wiped the sweat from her forehead. “That was insane. I hope Dora isn’t too mad with what I just did to her lawn.” Hope unbuckled herself and then reached for the door. “Ugh, that is strange. Who shrunk the door handle?” She rolled her eyes as she pushed the door open. “As if I need any more craziness today. Oww.” She narrowed her eyes after hitting her head on the truck door. “Fuck.”

Dora already had her hands on her hips. “Do you find this funny?” She looked up. “Whoh. When did you get so big?”

Hope was shaking her hand angrily at her truck. “Stupid thing was trying to kill me.

I am sorry for the mess. But what do you mean by when did I get so big?” She turned her head and gasped. “Holy crap? When did you get so tiny?”

Dora crossed her arms. “I have been the same size I have always been. It is you who have grown.” She looked at Hope’s chest. “In more ways than one.”

Hope looked down. “What the fuck?” She grabbed her boobs. “I don’t remember them being this big. How the—”

“Looks, sis, can you just come inside? I can explain what I have planned in there.”

“Wait. I have something for you in my truck.”

Dora smiled. “I will get it. Just head in, okay?”

Hope nodded her head. “Alright.” She walked across the torn-up lawn and up to the cute yellow door. “Wow, I have grown.” She ducked as she stepped inside. “This is a bit crazy. I wonder if it has anything to do with these weird sensations I have been having.”

Once inside, Hope realized just how close her head was to the ceiling. “Whoh.

It is a good thing I didn’t grow anymore.” She giggled. “I am not trying to jinx myself or anything.” She ducked as she entered the living room. “I mean, who knows. I could start growing at any moment.” Her breathing increased rapidly. “Oh god.” She put her hand on her chest. “Here it comes. Ahhhhh!” She licked her lips as her boobs swelled under her hand. “Fuck.” She looked down, the buttons on her blouse about to give way. “Oh god. As if going from a D cup to an E cup wasn’t bad enough.” She sat down on the nearby couch, the springs groaning under her weight. “I wonder what is happening to me.”

“I am guessing this slice of cake is for me?” Dora walked into the house.

Hope smiled. “Yes. It is from Harry. I thought I would give you a slice. It is delicious.”

Dora raised an eyebrow as she walked into the living room. “Is it just me, or are your boobs even bigger than they were outside?”

Hope shook her head. “Nope. I think you are imagining things.”

Dora walked into the kitchen. “I am going to save this for later. Is that, ok? I just have to hide it, so Riely doesn’t get into it. I love her, but I wish she would move out. I want to support her and all.” Dora walked back into the living room. “But she is almost twenty. She needs to focus on getting a place of her own.”

“Ya, that must be tough.” Hope changed her seating position as her clothing was just too tight on her body.

Dora sat forward, her hands in her skirt. “But let’s talk about you, shall we? I want to know how you got so big?” She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. “It just doesn’t make any sense. I mean, I was going to take you to Leroy’s Adventure, that roller-coaster park you enjoy. How the hell are you supposed to fit into the rides now?”

“I don’t know?” Hope tried leaning back on the couch but instantly sat forward after the couch cried out in agony. “It just happened today out of nowhere.” She tapped her finger on her chin. “Though to be honest, it did start after I ate the cake Harry gave me. It did make me feel so very wonderful. Just like these growth spurts.”

“Wait.” Dora gripped the arm of her chair. “The cake you brought here?” She snorted.

“What kind of cake is it?”

“Oh, just the most wonderful chocolate cake in the world.” Her mouth watered as she thought about it. “I can’t believe Fredrick’s Fancy could ever make such a thing.”

“Wait? Did you say Fredrick’s Fancy?”

Hope shrugged. “Ya? Why?”

Dora slammed her hand down. “Why? Don’t you know what their products are known for?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Great taste and sending great sensations throughout your body?”

Dora jumped up and grabbed Hope’s bouse. “No!” She shook Hope. “They cause people to change in size. Harry sent that cake to you so you would get bigger.” She lowered her voice. “I never thought he had a giant lady fetish. But who am I to judge.” Her eyes widened. “Oh god, you could grow at any moment. Get out of my house. Now. Now!”

Hope jumped to her feet. “What? Why?”

Dora narrowed her eyes as she stood up. “Do I have to explain it to you? If you start growing again, you might become too big to get out. Now march.” She kicked her sister in the shin. “I won’t ask you again.”

“Ok, ok, I am going.” Hope snorted. “You don’t have to be so. . .” She moaned.

“Oh god. Ohhh.”

Dora’s eyes widened. “Oh no.” She slammed into Hope’s legs. “You are not growing in my house.” She gasped as Hope squealed with joy, her entire body swelling in response. “Nooooooo!”

“Ohhh yesss!” Her feet burst out of her shoes as her head hit the ceiling. “God, these growth surges feel so good.” She squeezed her right breast, sweat dripping from her face. “I can barely contain myself. Ohhhh.”

As Hope fell onto her hands and knees, Dora pressed her body against her sister's ass. “Well, contain yourself.” She groaned as she felt her sister slowly swell. “You have to stop growing.”

“I can’t. . .” Shrrippp. “It feels so wonderful. My senses are on fire! You don’t know what it’s like!” The buttons on her blouse burst apart in a shower, her boobs giggling about as her sister inched her across the room. “No. I won’t hold it in any longer.” She moaned as her body swelled again. “I am going to grow like there is no tomorrow.” Her swelling ass knocked Dora onto her butt.

“Hope!” She scooted across the carpet as her sister's swelling ass came closer and closer. “I don’t have giantess insurance. So, you get your big ass out of my house now! Oh god.” She gasped as Hope’s pants tore apart. “That is one good-looking ass.”

“What did you say?”

“I just. . . look, I like people’s rear ends ok. And you have a nice gigantic one.” Dora shook her head. “Anyways, now get that massive booty of yours out of my home! Do you hear me?”

Hope moaned. “Fine. Buzzkill.” She crawled towards the front door, her breasts dragging across the floor. “Oh god. Ohhh.” Hope licked her lips as her nipples pressed against her bra. “I wish there was some more room.” She tried to push herself up but was immediately met by the ceiling. “Ah, well. Never mind. I guess I can live with it.” She squeezed her breasts against the floor, her bra-snapping off as she did so. “That is much better.”

Dora put her hands on her hips. “Hope. Hurry up before you are trapped.”

Hope blushed. “Right. Right.” She reached out and pushed the door open, or more so, knocked it down. “Oops.”

“What did you do?”

Hope laughed as she pulled herself towards the doorway. “Let’s just say I was making a wider entryway for myself.” She giggled. “I mean, this door of yours does seem a bit tiny. I am not sure I am going to fit.”

Dora slammed against her sister's ass. “Well, you better fit. Now move it. I won’t ask you again.” She rolled her eyes as Hope moaned. “Stop enjoying this and get your gigantic butt out of my house.”

“Fine.” Hope squeezed her shoulders through the opening. “You are no fun.”

“Why would I want to be fun when I am worried about you bursting apart my house.”

Hope made sure to drag her breasts across the ground as she pulled her body through the gap. “Ohh, that is right.” She licked her lips as she dragged her torso outside. “Ohh, baby.” She squeezed her boobs against the wet grass.


“Oh, right.” She giggled as she pressed her hands against the house. “Don’t worry, I am working on it.” She blinked. “Huh.”

“What was that, huh?”

Hope pressed down as hard as she could, her hands leaving an imprint on the side of her sister's house. “Ughhhh. I think I am stuck.”

Dora gulped as her sister's ass continued to swell. “Fuck I knew this was going to happen.” She turned around and dashed further into the house. “You didn’t listen. You just wanted to grow.”

Hope tapped her fingers on the grass as she felt her ass press against the ceiling. “I don’t see what the big problem is.” She smiled as Dora rushed around the side of the house. “Oh, hey there.”

Her sister snorted. “You are going to pay for this.”

“I can send you some cash if you want.” Hope groaned. “Ughh, your house is starting to get tight on my ass.” She scratched at the side of the building. “Maybe I should grow faster. My butt needs some more room.” She rolled her eyes. “And now my feet are up against something. This is so annoying.”

Dora walked up and kicked her sister in the right boob. “No. No, no, no!”

“Hey.” Hope looked down at Dora with an irritated gaze. “You can’t just kick me like that. If you weren’t my sister, I would. . .” She tapped her finger on her chin. “What would I do? I mean, at my size, I could do just about anything. Oh my god. When I get out of here—”

Dora kicked her sister again. “Stop it! I want you to stop all of this nonsense! You are about to destroy my house. And you just view it as an inconvenience.” Dora paced back and forth. “This is insane. I swear it is like talking to a brick wall. What am I going to do? What am I—”

Hope wrapped her fingers around Dora and picked her up. “Ugh, I can’t take any more of your whining.”

Dora slammed her hands on her sister's palm as Hope raised her into the air. “Let me down this instant.”

Hope shook her head. “Nah.” She slid her sister in between her boobs. “Ahhh. Not only does that feel good, but it shut her up.” Hope squeezed her right breast. “Besides, I am sure Dora will love it in there. Eventually.” She turned her head as the house began to creak. “Huh. I think my ass finally broke through to the second floor. Ughhhh!” She shook her head. “This is going to take a while.”

Hope’s eyes darted back and forth as the ground shook beneath her boobs. “Huh?

What in the world? That can’t be me? Can it?” She turned her head to see another gigantic woman walking towards her. “Holy crap!”

The massive lady knelt down next to her. “Hello there. I see you are a bit stuck. Do you want some help?”

Hope couldn’t take her eyes off of the lady's naked breasts. “I umm. . .” She watched as the woman moved towards the house. “I. . .”

“Hmmm. I should have you free in just a moment.” With a grunt, the woman pushed the house over like a child, knocking over a doll house. “There we are.” The lady dusted her hands before extending one out to Hope. “I do hope you are quite alright.”

“I am. And you are?”

“Karren.” Hope took her hand. “It is nice to meet you.”

“You too. My name is Hope.”

Karren giggled. “Nice name. So, Hope. Do you enjoy being large and in charge?”

Hope blinked her eyes. “I. . . I love it.”

Karren slid her arm around Hope. “Well, what would you say if I could help you stay this way.” She pressed her boobs against Hope. “And more?”

Hope moaned. “I would want nothing more in the world. Sign me up.”

Karren smiled. “Then follow me.”


The sniping spy

Fredrick is going to have to account for the fact that people might not want to shrink down at all