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Surrendering to Desire.

Maddie tightened her grip around Beck’s arms. “Move it!” The other officers in the precinct laughed as she pushed the young man through the room.

“Where are his pants, Maddie?”

She rolled her eyes. “Didn’t find any on him.” She held up a bag. “Besides his indecent exposure, this is all I found on him. I had to tackle the guy to the ground to keep him from rubbing his dick.”

Another officer snicked. “Sounds like you had a hard time apprehending the perp.”

Maddie snorted. “Very funny.” She pushed Beck towards the jail cells.

“I have to take down a man who can’t stop fucking himself in the middle of the street, and all you guys can do is laugh.”

Karren burst out laughing. “Well, I mean, it is funny. Top ten hilarious busts. Hope you didn’t help the guy hit the climax.”

The room burst out in laughter as she forced Beck into the next room. “Just a bunch of comedians.” She narrowed her eyes at her prisoner. “And I am guessing you are still enthralled in ecstasy?” She sighed as she pushed Beck into a cell, only for him to vigorously rub his dick as she shut the bars. “I don’t get it. How can you still be going?” She picked up the bag. “Well, time to take this down to the evidence locker.”


She turned her head. “Oh, now you say something? I thought you were just going to be silent this whole time.”

“Don’t touch the power in that bag. It gives the most thrilling sexual experience of your life.” He moaned. “But the effects are tripled for ladies. You can’t handle it.” His eyes widened. “Give it back to me!”

She twisted around. “Not on your life, creep.” Maddie stormed into the next room, setting the bag on the counter. “My fellow officers are laughing at me, and the perp is a complete weirdo. This is not the day I wanted to go out before my vacation. Shesh.” She looked down at the bag. “Well, I better get this off to the evidence locker so I can head home.” She tapped her fingers on the desk. “I do have to wonder, though, why he thinks ladies couldn’t handle this stuff? What is this anyways?”

She opened the bag a tiny bit, and her senses were instantly overwhelmed by a sweet-smelling aroma. “Ohhh my. . .” She shivered. “What is that. . .” Maddie licked her lips. “I know I should close this bag. It is evidence. But I can’t help but want to. . . to. . .” She moaned, strange thoughts entering her mind. “To rub this powder against my bare breasts. To see what would happen.”

Maddie shook her head. “Ughh. Noo.” She pushed herself away. “What am I thinking? I need to put this in the locker. I need to. . .” She took a deep breath. “I. . .” She grabbed a tiny bit of the powder and closed her eyes as she reached up her uniform to rub it against her breasts.

“Ohh fuck. Ohhhh.” Her entire body tingled as her nipples hardened. “That feels so good. How does that feel sooo good?”

She heard someone coming, so she pulled her arm out from under her uniform, as her face turned red. “Oh, crap.” Maddie took deep breaths as heat pulsed throughout her body. “Oh hey, Bill.”

“Hey. Don’t you need to take that to evidence?”

“Ya well. . .” She giggled. “I was just about to do that.” She moved her hands behind her back, gripping her ass as she felt her butt press tightly against her uniform.  “Ohh fuck.

So tight. So fucking tight.”  Shrripppp.


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