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A Blueberry World.

Christin stretched her arms, feeling the sun warm her blueberry body. “Ahhh.

What a fantastic start to the day. The sun is out and warming my body.”

Gurrggle.  The juices inside of her bubbled, her breasts slightly plumping outward. “What a wonderful day.”

Landon walked into the room. “I am glad you see it that way, my sexy blueberry.”

Christen blushed. “You. You are still here?”

“Ya. You don’t remember? We spent the night together.” He sat down on the edge of the juice-soaked bed. “And what a night it was. It was so juicy and—

Christen waved her juice-filled arms. “Ok, ok.” She sighed. “I just can’t believe we moved so fast. I. . .”

“Are you having second thoughts?”

“I don’t know. It’s just after the year I have had; I don’t know what to think.” She looked at Landon. “I guess I would like to take this slow.” Christen narrowed her eyes. “So, if we are going to do this and date, we need to do this properly. You understand?” Juice squirted out of her nipples.

Landon laughed. “So, does that mean I can help juice you or not? I mean, it looks like you might need all the juicing you can get, Christen.” He pointed at her bloated body; her big round features almost too big for the bed. “I mean, I don’t know if I did a good enough job last. . .”

Christen tried to sit up, but her body had too much juice. “I can juice myself, thank you very. . . ohhh.” She laid back on the bed as blueberry juice oozed from her nipples.

“Though I do feel very full this morning, and that sun warming my body is only making me swell more. Maybe you could juice me a little.”

Landon smiled. “Of course.” He walked over and began to rub her body. “Even if we are still dating, that doesn’t mean I won’t help my blueberry girlfriend.”

Blueberry juice began to squirt from her nipples. “Dating? I don’t know if. . .” Christen sighed. “Wow, I really have a boyfriend, don’t I? A blueberry like me.” She blushed.

“Is it really that hard to believe?” He pressed his elbows against her belly. “I mean, you are sweet and well smelling like blueberries is a plus. Honestly, I don’t know why people haven’t wanted to date you before this.”

“Well, umm. . .” This wasn’t a topic Christen wanted to talk about. Her dating history was very, very bad. “Let’s just talk about this later when you are not forcing juice through my breasts ok. . . ohhhhh.”


Christen’s body vibrated as the ringing of her phone caught her off guard. “Holy crap.”

She pushed herself up, knocking Landon to her floor. “Who the hell could be calling at this time of day?”

Landon shook his head, blueberry juice dripping down his chest. “It is nine in the morning. Anyone could be calling.” He laughed.

She chucked. “Ohh.” Christen turned and grabbed her phone. “Of course.

I guess I wasn’t really thinking.” She held the phone up to her ear.


“Do I have the pleasure of speaking to Christen?”

“Yes? Who is this?”

“My name is Linda. I have been very interested in talking to you ever since I saw you on the newsreel. You know, the one where you blasted that icky newscaster for making you swell like a blueberry for him and outing what he did to his last co-anchor. Such a jerk.”

“Umm, ok.”

“I do have to ask, though. You don’t think that people should stop being blueberries, do you?”

Christen blinked her eyes as it was a bizarre question to be asked. “Umm, what do you mean?”

“Oh, why honey I know you were trying to expose corruption in your town, but do you really think it’s so bad to be a blueberry? I must know.”

Christen scratched at the back of her head. “Well, I guess not.”

“Good. Then I just have to meet you in person. Please come to the office at—”

“Wait!” Christen slammed her hand down, blueberry juice squirting out from her nipples. “I can’t go to your office. I am too big right now to squeeze into any of my shirts.”

“Oh, come now. A blueberry like you can come down here at your leisure. What do you need shirts for you wonderful berry? Now please come to my office at the end of Twenty-fifth Street. You should easily be able to see it due to the big blueberry sign out front. I expect to see you soon, honey. Goodbye.”

“Wait!” The line went dead. “What was the weirdest conversation I have ever had in my life.” She looked at Landon. “Can you believe it? Someone wants to meet me at their office because I am a blueberry. It is déjà vu all over again.” Christen sighed. “And she was praising me for exposing the blueberry corruption in my town. What a hypocrite.”

“I wouldn’t be so quiet to judge. Just go down and see what this person wants.”

Landon smiled. “I mean, I like you partly because you are a blueberry. But you are so much more. Maybe this person is the same way.”

“I. . .” Christen took a deep breath. “I guess I can head down there. But like I said on the phone, I am still a bit too big to fit into anything. I mean, even walking is going to be hard.”

“We could always try and juice you a little more.”

Christen blushed. “Umm, no. No.” She rolled herself onto her butt. “I think I can waddle down there. Thank you.”

He grabbed her sides, gently squeezing them as he said, “Are you sure? I can try and relieve that stress you have as well.”

Juice squirted out of her nipples as she jumped to her feet. “No, no.

That is quite alright. You did quite enough for me already.” Landon laughed as she made her way to the doorway. “Now, if you don’t mind, I have to go and meet this Linda lady, hopefully before my body decides that I should swell some more. You know.” She giggled as she pushed the door open. “I will call you, ok?”

Landon smiled. “I will be waiting patiently for my blueberry to contact me.” He waved to her. “Until next time Christen.”

She blushed as she squeezed her way through the door. “Until next time.”


About an hour later, Christen arrived at her destination. There wasn’t much to it; the building was just like the others on the small block, small grey cobblestone with only a few identifying markers to tell it apart from the others on the block. The blueberries covering the building gave it away as where Christen was supposed to meet Linda. “Well, time I went inside.”

Christen squeezed herself into a revolving door. “Ughh. This is a tight squeeze.” She gulped as she slid out and into the main lobby. “Hello? I am here to meet a Linda?”

A bright blue lady strutted into the room, her breasts bouncing against one another. “Welcome, Christen. Welcome.”

Christen couldn’t believe her eyes. “You. . . you are a blueberry? Where is Linda?”

The woman spun around. “Why, I am Linda, honey. In the juice.”

Christen was awestruck. “But how? Who did this to you?”

“Did this to me?” Linda rubbed her cheek. “Why, whatever do you mean, did this to me?” She laughed. “If I had to say I did this to myself, honey.”

Christen blinked her eyes. “What!?”

“Don’t look so shocked. I mean, I do look beautiful, don’t I?” Linda struck a pose. “Please. Give me your honest opinion.”

Christen was flabbergasted. She had never met anyone like Linda before. “You umm. . . you look wonderfully juicy. Juicy and naked.” She scratched at the back of her head as she watched the juice drip from Linda’s nipples. “This isn’t what I was expecting when you decided to call me over here, if I have to be honest.”

Linda giggled. “I know. I get that a lot. I am guessing you are wondering why I asked you to come down here.”

“Yes. I am very much wondering that.”

Linda pulled up a chair and sat down, her big squishy ass poking out the sides of the chair’s tight confines. “Well, you see, almost twenty years ago, I used to work with a man named Larry running a blueberry factory.”

“Wait, did you say Larry? Is this by any chance that creep that is going around trying to sell a bogus blueberry cure?”

Linda nodded her head. “Yes. He is my ex-husband.” Christen’s eyes widened. “Years ago, we used to be in a humble blueberry business. You know, just trying to sell blueberries across the country. Our old factory is in this very town.” She sighed. “Old times. But one day, our prototype for some experimental blueberry juice malfunctioned, and well, I turned into this.” She smiled. “I was a tad shocked at first, but I quickly found it was a blessing. I haven’t had to eat in years. Just a quick soaking of sunlight, and I am good for an entire day. And well, I. . .” She moaned. “Everything is always so juicy.”

Linda sighed. “For a time, we worked on trying to share this with the world. But slowly, my husband grew distant before abandoning the project entirely. We still had our fun in private. But things really started to go downhill when the blueberry outbreak here started. He blamed himself so much that he viewed me and every other blueberry as some horrible thing to fix.” She shuddered. “I didn’t know who he was anymore.”

“Why are you telling me all this?”

Linda smiled. “Because from what I saw on that newscast, I see something in you. I see someone who can help me show this town, no the world, that berry women are not something to be feared. That swelling into a blueberry is not a curse.” She stood up, the chair popping off her big blue ass. “That it is something to embrace. That we should not be used for only corporate gain, but instead swell because we want to.” Linda smiled. “I want a wonderfully berry world where all our blueberry women can have juicy and happy lives.” She spun around, juice flying all over the room.

Christen chucked. “That is. . . that is bold and ambitious. I kind of love it.”

“See. . .” Linda pointed at Christen. “I knew you would.”

“What do you need me for, though?”

“Well. . .” Linda walked over and extended her arm around Christen. “I need someone to help me show people that being a blueberry isn’t such a bad thing. Get rid of the stigma that people have put around it. So, I thought you could help me as you are already in the public eye.”

“Me?” Christen pointed at her big juicy breast. “But I was only on television once.”

“Yes.” She slid her arm around Christen, her juicy boobs squishing against Christen. “And you helped show people that it isn’t such a bad thing to be a blueberry. I think you will be a perfect spokesperson for my small business.”

Christen sighed. “Ugh, another business.”

“Well, hun, you have to make a living somehow. I don’t plan on just doing this for the money. This is more for our blueberry future. What Larry and I used to want to do.”

She smiled. “Here, let me show you.” Linda turned around and clapped her hands. “Rachel. Would you come in here, please? It’s time.”

A young lady with glasses walked into the room. “Yes, Linda?”

“My guest Christen is here, and I would like to demonstrate the product to her. I know how much you have been wanting to try it.”

Rachel’s face lit up. “Really! You are going to. . . I will go get it right away.” She ran into the other room.

Christen crossed her arms. “What are you doing?”

Linda laughed. “I am going to show you what I will be doing here. I mean, I want you one hundred percent on board.” Linda smiled. “As I said, I am working hard to bring blueberries into the world as a wonderful and glorious thing.” Rachel reentered the room with a jar filled with blue, glowing liquid. “So, I want to make it people’s choice if they become big juicy people. And I will make products for them when they become blueberries.”

Rachel held the bottle in her hand. “Linda is a wonderful inventor. I have been wanting to be a blueberry for a long time after working with her. I understood why I had to wait, but now. . .” She shivered. “Now, it is finally my chance.”

Linda smiled. “Show our good Christen my blueberry juice, will you?”

Rachel smiled. “Of course.” She unscrewed the cap. “I have been waiting over a year for this.” She drank the glowing liquid, her face slowly turning blue as she did so. “Ohh, my god.”

Christen tapped her fingers on the side of her body.

“I am still not sure how this is different than what Red does. I mean. . . he turns people into blueberries for profit.” Christen watched as Rachel set the bottle on the table, her once-red shirt now stained blue with blueberry juice. “How is this different.”

Linda smiled. “It’s different because we are going to give people a choice, darling. A choice to live this life.” She turned her head to watch Rachel’s body slowly swell, Rachel’s boobs pressing against her shirt as her hips widened. “And we won’t stand for greedy corporations using us like juice batteries or people saying we must be juiced to be in society.

We are here, we are blue, and we like it.” Linda giggled as Rachel’s pants ripped to accommodate her new frame. “Honey, I told you to wear stretchy pants. Your first juice up, you tend to get very big.”

“I can handle it.” Rachel widened her stance.  Glrop. “I am not going to get extremely big. Just you watch. Whoh.” She waved her arms about as her ass plumped outward, snapping her panties apart. “Oh my.” Her boobs ripped through her shirt, exposing her bright blue chest. “It is getting a little bit hard to stand.” Rachel giggled.

“You sure you don’t want a little juicing to allow you to stand, Rachel dear?”

Rachel crossed her arms. “No. I can handle my juice. I can handle. . .” Blort.

“Whohhh.” Rachel suddenly fell forward, bouncing on her big blue chest and boobs, blueberry juice squirting onto the floor from her sensitive plump breasts. “Oh my.” She tried to reach the floor, but she was just too round. “Maybe I could use a little help.”

Linda laughed. “I told you your first time juicing up is a bit intense. It will take some getting used to your new berry self, my dear.” Linda turned towards Christen. “So, what about you? Do you want to help me?”

Christen chuckled. “I mean, you do seem to have some good. . .” Christen squeezed her hips. “Willing associates. I guess I could help.”

Linda took Christen’s hand and shook it vigorously. “Ohh, thank you. You won’t regret this.”

“Umm, how much will this job pay? I hate to ask about money, but I am kind of worried about this stuff, considering how my job situation has been.”

Linda smirked. “Don’t worry. I will keep you well fed, my dear blueberry.” She laughed as Rachel’s swelling body bumped into her. “Oh well, I think we better focus on juicing the excess juice out of our friend here so she can well stand, don’t you?”

Rachel moaned as blueberry juice oozed out of her nipples. “Please. I am so full.”


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