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Very Berry Victory.

Martha rubbed her head as she raised her head. “Ughhh, what time is it?”

Paul walked into the room with a plate of blueberry pancakes. “Why it is eight in the morning, my wonderful wife.” He smiled as he set the plate down on her lap. “Now rest up. We have a big day at the fair later.”

She slowly sat up, rubbing her forehead. “Ugh, now, did I get home? I could have sworn that I turned into a gigantic blueberry.”

Paul laughed. “Don’t be silly. You know such things are not possible. Now please eat up. You don’t want to head to the fair on an empty stomach, do you?”

Martha looked down at the pancakes. “Honey. I just had a strange dream about swelling into a gigantic blueberry, and you bring me blueberry pancakes?”

Paul smiled. “It’s just a coincidence. I wanted to make you something special to start the day off right.” He patted her on her legs. “Now eat up. We have a long day ahead of us.”

She raised an eyebrow. “I thought you didn’t want to go today.”

“Well, I want to support you. I know you have been working so hard on your blueberries. You are going to win today for sure.” He stood up. “Now enjoy your breakfast, and I want to see you downstairs, my lovely blu. . . I mean wife.” He giggled. “We are going to win that grand prize for sure.” He turned around and walked out of the room, chuckling to himself.

Martha sighed. “I have never seen him so happy to go to this fair before. Something odd is up.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Ah, well. At least these pancakes smell good.”

As she took a bite, she felt her mouth explode with flavor. “Ohh, my god. These are soo good. Where did Paul get this recipe.” She cut away another slice. “Seriously. I have to know.” Gurrgle. “Huh? What was that?” She blinked her eyes. “Hmm.

I must be hungrier than I thought.”


Paul watched his wife devour the blueberry pancakes he had made, holding up his cell phone to his ear as he did so. “Hello? Fran? Are you there?”

“What are you doing calling this number? I told you not to call me in case of emergencies!”

Paul gulped. “I was just saying things are going smoothly. She is gulping down on the pancakes you gave me.” He sighed. “You are sure this will help us win the grand prize at the fair? My wife will swell into the biggest blueberry around?”

“Yes. Yes. Don’t worry. She will turn into a blueberry as long as you slip the other ingredient into a drink later on. Otherwise, she will just turn blue and a bit bloated in a few hours. That won’t do now, will it?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“No, it won’t! Now turn your wife into a giant blueberry and win that competition.

Remember Paul. We had a deal. You win the grand prize and give us ten percent. Then you can eat free at our store for five years.”

“Why are you so concerned about this anyways?”

“Free marketing, that is why? People will see our product in action and know not to steal from our business.” Fran snickered. “Just remember what to say after your wife becomes a big blueberry. Ok!”

“Yes, ma’am.” He sighed, sliding the phone into his pocket. “Well, Martha, I hope you enjoy becoming a big blueberry once more. Your juicy delights will earn us some free food for years to come.”


A few hours later, Martha and Paul found themselves at the annual Jamestown fair. “Are you ready to see me win, honey?”

“Huh?” He blinked his eyes. “Oh, right. Win.” He patted his wife on the back. “Well, of course, you are going to win. You are going to be the best blueberry at the fair.”

“What was that? You mean I am going to have the best blueberries.” She laughed as she pushed her cart of blueberries forward. “Imagine that. Me being a blueberry. How outlandish.”

“Right. Outlandish.” He pulled out a packet of blue powder and lowered his voice. “Ok, I just have to slip this into her drink right before the competition starts. Then we get to have free food for five years.” He looked at his wife. “But should I really use Martha like this? Part of this feels a bit wrong.” He sighed. “But I can’t go back. If I do, she will turn all blue and chase me for doing what I did to her.” He sighed. “Ok. Time to get to work.” He rushed towards her. “Oh, honey.”

Martha turned around. “Yes, Paul?” Gurrgle. “Ughh, my stomach just won’t stop today. I swear this is starting to get annoying. I hope I don’t get bloated for everyone to see. I wore a tight-fitting outfit, after all.” She tugged at her blouse and slacks. “If my belly blows up, everyone will be able to see.” She slammed her stomach. “So, stop rumbling, you hear me.”

Paul laughed. “Ya. You heard the lady.” He smiled at Martha. “Oh, before I forget. I wanted to give you a good luck charm. You know to help you win today.”

Martha giggled. “Good luck charm?” She grabbed onto his cheek and shook it. “Why do I need a good luck charm when I have you, honey? You are all the luck I need.”

“Thank you, but I insist. Please let me get you a drink. I mean, it is hot today. You don’t want to faint on stage, do you?”

Martha smiled. “Well, I could use some water.” She kissed her husband. “You are always so considerate.”

Paul turned around. “I will be right back. Just you wait and see.” He hurried off. “I will return with your glorious beverage.”

She giggled. “You are making this so much weirder than it has to be. It is just a glass of water.”

Paul hurried up to vending machine. “Ah, this will do.” He put a dollar into the machine and waited for a bottled water to pop out. “Ok, so I put the powder into this drink.” He unscrewed the cap and poured the clear powder inside. “Martha drinks it, swells up, and I get my reward. It will be a great day for us all.” He turned around. “A great day indeed. Oh, honey.”

He hurried back. “I have your drink.”

“Thank you.” She took the bottle out of his hand. “And you even unscrewed it for me. You are so thoughtful.” She blinked her eyes. “That is strange. I could swear this smells like blueberries.”

Paul laughed. “You must be imagining things.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Ah, well.” Martha took a few long gulps. “It is very refreshing, though.  Gurrgle. “Ugh, there is my stomach again. Stupid thing.” Gurrggle.

“Feels like it is doing jumping jacks now! What is going on today?” She looked at her watch. “Oh shit, I need to go. I am due on stage.” She kissed her husband. “Love you.”

He waved to her as she walked away. “I love you too.” He sighed. “I just hope you are this happy after you swell into the world’s biggest blueberry.”

Martha looked down at her cart full of blueberries. “The judges are going to love this. They are just going to love how you taste.” Gurrgle. “Ughh, not again.” She slammed her belly. “I need you to settle. I have a competition to win.”

She hurried through a tarp and onto a stage where three judges sat expectantly. There was a small crowd, nothing too much. The blueberry growing competition never pulled in the big crowds like the hot dog eating competitions. Martha walked up to the judges and smiled. “Hi. My name is Martha and—

An elderly man looked at his pocket watch. “Yes, we know. You were supposed to be here two minutes ago. You are late.” He looked at his co-judges. “You do know being late affects your score, right?”

Gurrgle. “No. I didn’t know that.” Martha gulped. “Shesh, these people are much stricter than they were last year.”

The judge looked up at Martha. “Now, if you would please. . .” His eyes widened. “Miss, if you are trying to earn extra points painting yourself in blue paint won’t do you any favors.”

“Painting myself in blue paint? What are you talking about?” Gurrgle. Blort.

Martha moaned. “Look, can I please just have my. . .” She pulled at her pants. “Ugh fuck I am becoming bloated, aren’t I? This isn’t starting off well at all. I need to focus. I need to win. I need to. . .” She looked down at her waistline and gasped as she saw her blue hands. “Ahhhhhh!”

Martha shivered, speaking over the elderly judge. “How did I turn blue?” The judge stood up, pointing at her. “This isn’t possible. I can’t be blue. I just. . .”

“Ma’am. Will you please calm down?”

One of the other judges gasped. “Her blouse!” She pointed at Martha’s chest. “It is turning dark blue. And so are her pants.”

Martha shivered. “Ughh, I feel so weird.” She leaned forward, her body feeling heavy as if a strange liquid was now coursing through her veins.  Gurrgle. “I feel so full.”

The elderly judge stood up. “What kind of joke is this? This is a blueberry growing competition. Why are you turning yourself blue and. . .” He shivered. “Expanding yourself for us?”

Martha gripped her sides. “I. . .” Blort. She gasped as her slacks suddenly ripped. “Oh god.” She turned her head to see her ass ballooning outward. “That dream I had about turning into a blueberry was real, and it is happening again.” She gulped. “I am going to become a blueberry again. Oh, no, no. . .” Gurrgle. She moaned as her juicy belly pressed against her tight blouse. “Ohh. . .”

A crowd began to gather as Martha walked out onto the stage. “So much pressure.” Her slacks tightened around her waistline, causing her butt and hips to swell even more as the juice had nowhere else to go. “Ughhh.” She groaned. “I need to get these pants. . .” Shrripp. Blort.

Despite the rips and tears, her pants hugged her blue skin tightly. The growing crowd ohhhed and ahhed as her hips and ass continued to balloon outward, quickly outgrowing her torso. “Oh god.” She moaned. “Everything is becoming so juicy.” Martha closed her eyes as her breasts filled with juice, pressing tightly against her blouse.

The elderly judge looked at the growing crowd. “What are you all doing here? We don’t have time for this. This lady is trying to ruin our great blueberry-growing competition.

Quickly. Someone roll her off the stage!”

A young man in the crowd laughed. “Ruin it? She is making it much more interesting. I think she is going to be the best blueberry of the fair.”

Another lady scoffed. “Of the fair? How about of the year? No other blueberry will compare to this lady if she keeps growing.”

The judge snorted. “What has gotten into you, people?” He looked at his companion judges as they began to snicker. “Stop laughing. This gigantic blueberry lady is ruining our hollowed—” Suddenly, Martha’s slacks burst apart, and the button holding them together flew forward, hitting the judge in the back of the head. “Ughhh.” He rubbed the back of his head as he turned around, looking at Martha and her big round body, her ass almost touching her knees. “You think this is funny?”

“I. . .” Martha wobbled about, unsteady on her tiny legs. “I. . .” She moaned as juice began to rush into her torso, stretching out her blouse even more. “Ohhhh.” She licked her lips. “I am really swelling up again. I almost forgot what it is like to be a big blueberry.” Her cheeks turned a bright purple. “I can feel the sun this time. It feels so wonderful on my blueberry skin.” Buttons began to burst off her blouse as her breasts swelled more and more. “Ughhh. I am getting so full.” She tried to press against her sides, but it was becoming hard to move her arms. “Ohhh fuck. Ohhh.”

The judges moved off the stage as Martha continued to swell, more buttons snapping off her blouse. “She is really getting big!” The elderly judge’s cheeks turned bright red. “This is insane!”

His younger counterpart laughed. “Ya. I think I can see her smaller blueberries.”


The younger judge laughed. “I mean her breasts. Look.” She pointed at Martha’s chest as another button snapped off of Mratha’s body. “They are about to burst out of the blueberries body.”

The elder judge’s face turned red. “She has a name, though. I mean. . .” He wiped the sweat from his forehead. “The giant blueberry has a name, right? She does look so very, very. . .” He gasped as Martha’s last button snapped off her blouse, her massive blue boobs bouncing against one another in the sunlight. “Holy fuck!”

Martha moaned. “Oh god.” Juice seeped from her nipples. “I am finally free.” She held her hands to the sky. “Free!”

Paul rushed onto the stage. “Whoh. You really did swell up, big honey.”

Martha giggled as she looked down at her husband. “Why, hello there. Come to look at your giant blueberry.” Glorp.  She giggled as juice bubbled inside her body, spilling out from her breasts. “Such a wonderful day.”

Paul smiled. “It sure is.” He turned towards the judges. “My wife here had a surprise. She wanted to win this year’s competition by entering herself. What better way to win than by making yourself into the biggest blueberry.”

The elderly judge slowly climbed onto the stage. “Well, she is very. . .” He giggled. “She is a very good-looking blueberry. I do have to do an examination, though. It is standard procedure.” He walked up to Martha and pressed his hand against her. Martha moaned as he rubbed his hand against her sensitive blue skin. “I have to say I have never examined a human blueberry before, but she seems to be a prime specimen.” He scratched at the back of his head. “But I am not sure how I am going to check out the top of her body.”

Martha giggled. “Why don’t you climb up here, silly? You can squeeze on my nipples for hand holds.”

The crowd cheered on the old man. “Ya judge. Climb up the giant blueberry.”

“You can do it!”

He took a deep breath and muttered. “This is the craziest year ever. I love it!” He then pressed his body against Martha and grabbed onto her hard blue nipple. “Ok, let’s finish this evaluation.” Martha moaned as he pulled himself on top of her body, juice seeping from her breasts.

“Ya judge. Work that blueberry!”

The judge snorted as he continued to climb. “I am here to do my job.” His cheeks turned red as he placed his foot on her breast. “I am not trying to work this blueberry.” He lowered his voice as she stood up on top of Martha. “Though I must admit this is the most fun I have had in years.” The judge walked around on top of Martha, making sure not to step on her head. “Well, I do have to say she is very healthy for a giant blueberry. Nice big, and round. And from what I could tell, her berry breasts were. . . umm. . . firm.”

The crowd laughed. “Yes, I am sure they are very firm.”

The judge slammed his foot down. “I didn’t mean it like that.” He sighed. “Ughhh.

Well, I guess I will have to award Martha this year’s grand prize. The gigantic blueberry.”

Martha moaned. “Ohhh, god. Yes. Yess!” She licked her lips. “I am so happy. Soooo. . . fullll. . .” Suddenly blueberry juice shot out of her nipples, spraying across the crowd. “Ohh, baby!”

As the scene took place, Paul turned around and held his cell phone up to his ear. “Hello? Fran?”

“What is it?”

“Martha won the competition. I held up my end of the bargain.”

“Let me see. I need proof, or you get nothing.”

He turned on his camera and pointed it at his wife. “There.”

“Good. Very good. Wait. What is that.”

Paul shrugged. “What is what? All I see is my gigantic blueberry wife. And well, all the juice she sprayed over the crowd.”

“Yes. And now everyone is starting to turn blue.” Paul gulped as he heard cursing from the other side of the line. “Our deal isn’t over yet. You ensure the others don’t swell bigger than her and take the victory away from her. You hear me!”

Paul gulped. “Yes, ma’am.”


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