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Trial of a Giantess Part 3.

Matt jumped to his feet. “No, no, no, no. There can’t be two of them. There just can’t be.”

Carien slammed her growing hands down on the table. “How can you just say it’s Sarah that trashed your house now?”


Carien sneered as the guards wrapped their arms around her hips. “You can get your hands off of me.” She took a few steps back. “I wasn’t going to hurt the worm.” Her swelling hips knocked one of the guards to the ground. “Maybe scare the living daylights out of him but not hurt him.”

The judge rubbed his forehead. “Can we get through this case without some kind of giantess madness going on?” He looked up at Carien. “Ok, thank you for your testimony. Now, will you please leave the courtroom and join your other giantess friend in the alley?”

Carien crossed her arms as a hole appeared in her jeans. “Excuse me? I am not going anywhere. I told you. I am the one that tried to break that sorry excuse for a human being’s home. Case closed.” She walked up to the judge and put her hands on her hips as she looked down at him. “Now you have two choices. Try and put me into jail and see how well that goes.” As she bent over to avoid her head hitting the ceiling, the hole in her jeans became larger. “Or we can just end things here and now. What is it that you want to do, judge?”

“I say lock her and Sarah up.” Matt moved to the far end of the courtroom. “Find a dark place for them and throw away the key.” Matt shrank down behind a young kid as Carien turned and sneered at him.

The judge sighed. “You may be growing by the moment, but this is a place of law, and you and Sarah both are subject to it.”

Carien slammed her fist on the wall. “That is bullshit. Where has the law been when people have exploited Sarah for her size time and time again. We screw up once, and you people go bat crazy!” Carien winced as her pants ripped apart, revealing her pink undies. “Ughh, I really didn’t think I was going to grow to be this big.” Her nostrils flared as she noticed all of the people taking pictures of her ass. “Stop that!”

The judge shrugged his shoulders. “Look, dealing with people of your umm. . . size isn’t something that has been. . .” He scratched at his chin. “Well, there isn’t much precedent for this, ok. I just straight up don’t know how to handle this situation. The fact of the matter is I think things would have been better off if you and your friend never got to the heights that you are now in the first place.”

Carien sneered. “Well, that can’t happen.  Especially for Sarah. That is why trying to make a law outlawing our “ludicrous” I just won’t stand for.” Carien moved onto her knees as her body continued to grow, her legs pushing the court benches towards the far wall. “Ughh, for god’s sake, can I stop growing now?” She rolled her eyes as a few people started to vacate the courtroom. “I didn’t mean to get this big, I promise.”

The judge rolled his eyes. “Your size issue aside, something has to be done. We can’t just have giant ladies running around with no consequences. That is absurd.”

“You heard that creep, Fredrick. Sarah is stuck at her current height. You want to damn her to a life of crime because she is fifty feet tall? Or what were you just going to banish her?”

“I. . .” The judge clutched the sides of his head. “Ughh, stop.” He slammed his hand down onto the podium. “I don’t want to be in this position, ok. I don’t want to have to make a decision that might have ramifications for years to come.  I wish I didn’t have to deal with giant people and other shit like this. But now that they are here, I just. . . it just doesn’t sit right that I would have to do something that would cause so much harm.” Carien smiled. “But!” He looked up at Carien. “You are still going to have to do something about trashing Matt’s home.”

Carien chuckled. “I fully expected that.”

The judge sighed as Carien’s shirt ripped apart, revealing her bra underneath. “Well, good. To settle this madness, I say we skip the jury vote.” He shook his head. “Anything to get this growing giantess out of my courtroom. Our new defendant here, Carien, will pay Matt for the damages. Court is adjourned.” The judge stood up. “Now, everyone, get out now. There is a giantess growing in the court, for god’s sake. Get the fuck out!”

Carien sighed, happy with the results, as everyone flooded out of the courtroom. But as her back pressed against the ceiling, she realized it was far too late for her to squeeze out of the building. “Oh shit.” She gulped as the walls slowly closed in around her. “What am I going to do now?”

Suddenly the ceiling rose into the sky, and Carien looked up to see Sarah towering above her. “I am so happy to see you.” Sarah smiled as she set the roof down. “Thank you so much for coming.”

Carien shrugged as she stood up. “Well, you know. I just did what I had to.” She climbed out of the courthouse. “I couldn’t just leave you there.”

Sarah looked at the ground. “After our last conversation, I didn’t think you still wanted to talk to me.”

As her growth slowly came to a halt, Carien tugged at her right arm. “Well. . . things have just been a bit. . .” She gulped. “Can we go someplace a bit more private to talk about this?”

Sarah smiled. “Sure. But I don’t think there are many places that are private for fifty and forty-foot ladies.” She laughed. “We kind of stand out.”

“I know a place. Follow me.”


Sarah followed Carien deep into the woods and towards an abandoned cabin on a small lake. “What is this place?”

Carien sat down on the lake’s edge, dipping her feet into the water. “When I was a little girl, my parents took me here with my brothers and sisters. Or they did until my sister caught me kissing another girl.” She sighed. “We haven’t been back since because it has been a painful memory for my parents.” Sarah looked at the water, unsure of what to say. “I...I hated having to see my family again. Just why did those Fredricks Fancy creeps have to drop us off there?” She slammed her hand down on the edge of the lake. “Why?”

Sarah sat down. “Ya, it was all a bad coincidence.” She wrapped her arm around Carien. “Those jerks just seemed to want me for my blood and nothing else. Hell, they were going to hurt you if I didn’t comply.”

Carien looked away. “I am so sorry, Sarah. I am so sorry for everything.”


Tears formed in Carien’s eyes. “If I had never attacked Matt’s house, none of this would of happened. Everyone wouldn’t hate you right now. Maybe Fredrick wouldn’t of hunted you down like a dog. Maybe. . .” She rubbed her forehead. “I should have done something when they took you. Fredrick and his company. I shouldn’t of been scared. I was, you know. I was scared to try and use one of their products to change in size and help you.”

“But we were kidnapped.”

Carien slammed her hand down. “Is that an excuse? How can I live with myself when the woman that I love is taken for some kind of testing, and I am used as leverage. I. . . I don’t know. . .” She put her head into her lap. “Maybe it would have been better if we hadn’t met. You would have been safer. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Sarah took a deep breath. “Carien. You once told me that I was very, very strong. That I was one of the most wonderful people you had met in your life and me being the size that I am now was a blessing, not a curse.” She paused. “My life has been so much better because you have been in it. I. . . I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t there when I learned when I was going to be stuck at my current height or that I might actually be a giantess outright.” She rubbed Carien’s back. “What happened isn’t your fault. We are still here.” Sarah smiled. “And I want to manage the next weeks and months through this mess with you. I know it will be hard because, god, I can’t imagine finding decent clothing. Jeeze, I am still wearing the same stretched bra and undies since I last grew. But hey, we will go through this together.”

Carien wiped away a tear and leaned against Sarah. “Together?” She took a deep breath. “I am so sorry. I have just been having a hard time believing in myself these last few days. Seeing my family. . . it just brought back so many bad memories. It took me so long to. . .”

Sarah hugged her. “You don’t have to say it. As long as you want to stay with me, I would be the happiest woman to grace the height of fifty feet in the world.” Sarah smirked. “So come rain or shine, we will get through this.”

Carien closed her eyes. “That sounds perfect.”


The sniping spy

What a happy ending I am so glad Matt was finally put in his place


Matt is lucky that Carien never tried to punt him that night a year or two ago. Maybe next time he opens his mouth he should remember he is trying to antagonize people five times his size.