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Blueberry Conflict

Jane sighed as she watched the people walk through the park.  Such a dull and tiresome day. Not being able to play around with these people.  She rubbed her forehead.  Why couldn’t I have stayed the height I was. It was perfect. Almost a hundred feet tall, the world my playground. Even if those giantess hunters had caught me for a bit, I still was able to escape and have some more fun. Why did I have to shrink down to this absurdly small height?

“Why hello there.”

Jane narrowed her blue eyes. “Move along, small fry.”

He laughed. “I’m taller than you.”

She slammed her hand down on the park bench, causing the pigeons to fly away. “Didn’t you hear me?” Jane jumped to her feet. “Move along. Run.

Shooo. I demand it.” She crossed her arms. “Ughhh.”

The man shrugged his shoulders. “Umm, I just wanted to give you this.” He handed her a flyer. “The person I work for is starting a new store here, and I am trying to get as many people as possible to come down and buy some of our blueberry-themed products.”

Jane raised an eyebrow. “Buy? Why would you think I would buy something.” She poked the young man on this vest. “I take what I want. I am a goddess, after all.”

He rolled his eyes. “Ya, whatever. Look, lady, the first one is free, so if you want to get something for nothing, you won’t go home empty-handed. But beyond that. . .” He shoved her onto the bench. “You need to cough up some dough. We don’t make our business off of crazy ladies.” He snorted and walked down the dirt path.

Jane sighed. “Crazy. You wouldn’t be calling me a crazy lady if you had seen me at my full height.” She sighed. “But who knows if I will ever be that height again. I can’t just keep wasting my days hoping I will just spontaneously grow and become my giantess goddess self again.” She stood up. “What am I going to do?”

Her stomach growled. “Ughh, I do need something to eat.” She looked at the card in her hand. “And maybe sampling something from this new restaurant wouldn’t be that bad. I mean, what would be the worst that could happen. I have already grown to insane proportions once in my life, so I don’t see how going to this place could be an issue. I mean, it’s free food.”


About a half hour later, Jane found herself standing in front of a small store with a giant blueberry over the front door. “Phew. This place was much harder to find than I thought it would be.” She looked down at the card. “Though it has been some time since I have had to pay attention to the street signs.”

A young man dressed in a blueberry walked up to her. “Hello and welcome to Red’s Blueberry Shack. Are you ready to taste our wonderful berry-filled delights?”

“Umm. . .” She looked at his nametag. “Chester. I am just browsing if that is ok.”

Besides, I lost my purse about two months ago when that supermoon turned me into a giantess.

He put his hand around her back. “Well, then, let me help you look around. It is my job, after all.” He laughed. “What kind of blueberry products do you like?”

“Umm. . . what do you mean? So, you sell more than just regular blueberries?”

Chester smiled. “Why, of course, my lady. We have pies.

Gum. Your sad old standard blueberries. Taffy. Pizza which is my personal favorite.” He laughed. “And so much more.”

Jane laughed. “You sure go a bit nuts over blueberries.”

He put his hand on a blue counter. “Well, you should try our blueberry-themed nuts.

You will just love them.”

She sighed. “I’m sure I will. So where are your other locations, if I may ask?”

“This is our first store. Granted, the owner is far, far away, but nothing like a grand opening, am I right?” He winked at Jane. “So, what do you say? Want to help us start this place off, right?” He grabbed a blueberry pizza. “Here. I know you will just love it. Look at this blue coloring. Isn’t it just crazy?”

Jane chuckled. “Umm, you wouldn’t believe what I find crazy.” She looked down at the pizza. “Though it is a bit odd.” Gurrrgglgle. “And I am starving.”

Chester laughed. “See. The pizza is calling to you. Take it.” He shoved it into her hands. “You two were made for each other.”

“But. . .”

“Don’t worry.” He leaned against the counter. “You are free to sample it and return tomorrow to buy more products from us.” He smiled at her, showing off a gold tooth.

Jane raised an eyebrow as she looked down at the frozen pizza in her hands. “How do you know I would come back here to buy more blueberry-themed products.” She laughed. “Do you people have that much faith in your work here? That seems a bit odd, considering you just opened.”

“Ohh, trust me.” He waved his left hand. “You will love that product so much you can’t help but return for more.” Chester pushed her towards the door. “So go, go. Head on home and try that sucker. Tell the world that Red’s Blueberry Shack is open for business.” He winked as he shoved her out the door. “And make sure you come back for more you hear. You won’t want to miss what’s next.” He laughed as he walked back into the store.

Jane raised an eyebrow as she looked down at the free pizza in her hands. “Well, that was a bit odd. But I got an entire free pizza out of the deal. I didn’t even have to steal anything or stomp on anyone. Time to hurry home before that idiot figures out how stupid he was and decides to try and take his frozen treat back.” She giggled. “I am going to eat well tonight.”


Later that night, Jane paced back and forth in the kitchen of her apartment. “Heat up, you damn thing.” She sneered at the oven. “I want to eat already.” She looked at the blueberry pizza sitting on the counter. “I am sick of staring at that mouth-watering pizza. I want to dig in and taste the blueberries already.”


She smiled and opened the oven. “Finally.” Jane unwrapped the pizza and slid it into the oven. “I can’t wait to dig into this baby.” She stood up after setting the timer. “Ok, what to do. What to do.” She turned her head as there was a knock at her door. “What now.”

As she walked into the other room, she wiped her hands on her clothing. “It is almost nine. Who could be trying to bother me.” She gulped as she opened her door and spotted the young man in a suit on the other side. “Oh crap!” Jane immediately tried to slam the door, but the young man put his foot in the door.

“Jane Lasrson. Don’t you try and shut the door in my face?”

She gulped. “Mr. Kanderson. I. . .”

He forced the door open. “You were getting me my rent. And don’t tell me you don’t need to pay me my rent again, ms. goddess.”

“Look, I will get it to you tomorrow.”

“It’s due tonight. And you know that.” He flicked her just below her right breast. “Otherwise, you will be out on the street tomorrow. No, if’s and’s or buts. I am not against calling the cops on dead beats like you. So where is my cash?”

She gulped. “I told you. I still need some time. And the night isn’t over, Mr. Kanderson. I still have a few hours.”

As he narrowed his green eyes, Jane could feel a thousand tiny daggers slicing into her. “Fine. You have until midnight to have the check on my doorstep.” He turned around. “But if you can’t get the cash to me, I will have you out of here. Do you hear me?” He slammed the door in her face.

Jane sighed. “What a jerk.” She took a deep breath and turned back towards her food. “Well, it should be done soon.” As she walked across the room, she rubbed her hands together. “And if I know what today is, I shouldn’t have to worry about having to pay that crazy man. It is a supermoon again today. I should just be able to grow and grow.” She smiled. “Then I won’t have to worry about crazy landlords trying to kick me out because I won’t pay. I mean, why would I have to pay when I return to my glorious massive height.” She laughed as the timer in the other room went off.

“Wow, that was fast.” She walked back into the kitchen. “I didn’t know blueberry pizza cooked that quickly.” She opened the oven and winced as a blast of heat greeted her.

“Yeash.” Jane waved her hand in front of her face. “I hope this is good.” Her eyes widened as she looked down at the pizza. “I didn’t expect that.”

As she pulled the pizza out of the oven, she couldn’t help but notice how the food had turned completely blue. “How in the world did this happen?” She set the food on the table. “I don’t recall the instructions saying this thing would change in color.” Jane scratched at her forehead. “I wonder if the blueberries had anything to do with it. Owww.” She pulled her hand back. “Yesh, this thing is hot.” She tried again to rip apart a slice. “Oww, oww, owwwww.” She pulled apart a piece and raised it above her head. “Owwwww.” She dropped the slice of pizza into her mouth. “Ohhhhhh. Mhhhhh.” Her eyes widened. “Hot but good.” She licked her lips. “Blueberries mixed with pepperoni and pizza sauce. Talk about a great combo.” She giggled.

“I am in love.” Jane took another bite, not noticing the blue dot forming on the tip of her nose. “I almost feel bad that I took this thing for free.”

As Jane started on her second slice, she felt her belt tighten around her waist. “Huh?”

Scratched at the back of her head with her blue hand. “Is the super moon out already.” She looked down to see her belly slowly expanding outward. “What in the world?” She noticed her blue arms. “What is going on?” Gurrrggglle.  Her stomach suddenly bubbled. “I feel so. . . weird.” She took another bite out of the pizza. “Almost a bit juicy.” She took a deep breath. “Ok, that is enough pizza.”

As she set the slice of pizza down, her jeans started to slip down her body. “Oh no, you don’t.” Jane reached down and tried to pull her pants up, but it was in vain. Her hips were just too big now. “Shit. My ass is just getting way too big.” Her eyes went wide as her panties slipped in between her butt cheeks. “Ohh my.” Jane turned around and walked towards the window. “I wanted to grow into a giantess via the super moon. Not deal with whatever growth this is.” She flung the window open. “Moon. Oh, moon. Where are you, moon. I need you to save me from being this big old blueberry.” Juice flooded her breasts. “Help me already.”

A giant shining light appeared from behind the clouds, and Jane shivered. “Ughh.”

Gurrugglee. Blort.  She turned away from the supermoon’s radiance. “That is too much.” She moaned as juice swelled inside her body, causing her breasts to almost double in size. “I feel so. . . full.”

Jane leaned against a nearby table as she started to grow. Not only was she swelling, her shirt slowly riding up her expanding belly, but she was gaining height fast. Unfortunately, the table that she was leaning against soon broke under her weight, and Jane rolled onto her squishy back.  Blort. Gurrlggle. “Ahhhh.” Juice squirted out from her nipples as her boobs broke through her bra and her belt snapped off of her body. “Shit!” Her blue arms flailed about as her pants ripped apart. “This isn’t happening.” Her body pressed against the ceiling. “I will say it again. This isn’t happening.”

As her shirt ripped apart, her body began to press against the walls of her apartment room. Jane winced as she felt all of the furniture and the oven squeeze into her body.

“Noo. Stop swelling.” More juice oozed out of her breasts. “I don’t want to burst.”

Suddenly the walls around her snapped, and people landed on her big blue body. Mr. Kanderson shook his head and looked right into Jane’s eyes. “What in the world?”

Jane laughed as her body continued to tear into the apartment walls. “Hi.” She giggled.

“So I guess I won’t be paying the rent after all.”

He stood up on her squishy body. “You. . . how dare you turn into some kind of big blue ball to get out of paying the rent. You destroyed my. . .” Suddenly the apartment came crumbling down, and Mr. Kanderson slipped on Jane’s juicy body. “Whoh.” He tried to grab hold but instead slid right off and onto the ground below. “You are going to pay for the damages.”

Jane sighed as she moved her head back and forth. “This isn’t what I had in mind when I said I wanted to grow.” She tried to move her hands, but they had long since shrunk into her blueberry body. “I wanted to be a goddess.”

“Oh, but you are.” A giant woman walked up to Jane. “I just adore blueberries. And I never thought I would see one this size.” She ran her hands over Jane. “You are so cute.”

Jane gulped. “Umm. . .”

The woman put her hand to Jane’s mouth. “Oh, hush. There will be time for talking later.” She kissed Jane. “For now, my darling, tell me. How did you get so big and juicy? I must know.” She climbed on top of Jane, her left leg dangling across a skyscraper.

“It’s a long and blueberry-filled story.”


Ben paced back and forth. “If I ever catch up with that Sarah woman again, I will. I will.”


“Ughh.” He slammed his fist on the side of the van. “Fucking giantesses. Between her, Carien, and Callen, they wrecked our base of operation. Now, what are we going to do tonight? It’s the night of the supermoon, and we are going to have giantesses galore again. Sure, we can capture them, but what fucking then?”

Ben’s phone vibrated, so he angrily picked it up. “What?”

“Umm, sir. We have a situation.”

“Of course we do. It is our giantess night. What do you expect!”

“Umm, sir. Look at this.”

An image of a giantess sliding over a giant blueberry woman appeared on the screen. Ben started to twitch. “How is this possible. How can someone turn into a. . . a. . . a.. . .” He screamed. “A blueberry. I want them both locked up. Now! Do you hear me! Before anyone is stepped on, rolled on, or anything else. We can’t take any chances. Now move it.

Move it!”


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