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Growing Allergies.

“A blind date?” Martha pulled at the collar of her blue blouse. “Are you nuts?”

Sandra laughed. “It would do you some good to get out of this house.”

Martha crossed her arms. “I am fine.” She turned around. “I have my games and crafts to keep me company in here. Besides, I do go outside.” She turned around and narrowed her blue eyes. “I go for a run every night. Mr. Petterson makes sure to wave and sometimes chat with me.” She crossed her pale arms. “He is a nice man.”

Sandra sighed. “And a bit old. Isn’t he almost eighty?” She scratched at her dark-skinned arm. “Not going to find much love there.”

Martha chucked. “Who says I am looking for love right now? I am just looking for a steady life.” She sat down at her coffee table. “Besides, a man is nothing but trouble. Having to look at someone’s big sexy arms all day. I just can’t have that distraction.”

Sandra raised an eyebrow. “Kind of an odd thing to say for someone who isn’t thinking about meeting people.”

Martha formed her hand into a fist. “Ok, ok. I would like to meet someone. But how?”

She sighed. “With how things are these days, it just feels impossible to meet someone who is worthwhile. It is hard enough to get a hello out of people. And the last time I tried one of those dating apps, ugh, it went horribly.”

Sandra twisted a chair around and sat down. “What happened?” She blinked her green eyes and adjusted her “I’ll Marvel You” t-shirt. “Did the guy suck? Was he rude?”

She gasped. “Did he insult cats? Don’t tell me he insulted Vixen.”

Mrowww? Vixen walked in from the other room, and his fluffy face looked up at them in confusion. Martha looked down at her kitty and said, “Vixen, we were just talking about you. We were not calling you in here, honey.” Vixen wagged his big fluffy tail in response.

“I think he’s hungry.” Sandra laughed.

Martha stood up. “The little buggers always hunger.” She walked over to the counter. “Mommy, will you feed me. Mommy, I am still hungry.” She opened the cabinet and pulled out the cat food. “I swear he would learn how to use a cell phone for the days when I am gone too long if it meant getting more food.” She bent down and filled Vixen’s food bowl. “But I still love you. Yes, I do.”

“Well, can we get back to what happened with what happened last time you used a dating app? I am all a flutter to hear what happened.”

Martha sighed. “It isn’t anything important.” She set the cat food bag back into the cabinet and sat back down at the coffee table. “The guy just never showed up.”

“Wow. What a jerk. Some guys, right?”

“Eh. I am not that bothered by it all. I am sure I will meet someone when the time is right.”

Sandra jumped to her feet. “Wrong.” Her voice was loud enough to scare Vixin. “The time for you to meet someone is tonight.”

“But Sandra. I have a gaming session with some friends.” Martha scratched at her chin. “Though I wouldn’t really call them friends. We play Call of Fortune together. And now that I think about it, they are not even that good. I need to find a better team. Henrnatory can’t even snipe.”

Sandra slammed her hand onto the coffee table. “Hey! This is more important than your Call of Fourn. . .” She waved her hand about in the air. “Do you want to meet a living, breathing man? The most handsome man you have ever seen in your life?”

“I don’t know if that is possible.”

Sandra grabbed Martha by the face and pulled her halfway across the table. “I am not gosshing you. Do you want to meet the gorgeous love of your life?” Martha nodded her head. “Good. Then get your butt ready as you are going out tonight.”


“No buts. You are going to have the best time of your life.” She looked up at the ceiling with dazzled eyes. “It is going to be so magical that you can’t even comprehend.”


“Oh, sorry.” She let go of Martha’s face and gestured with her hands. “Go ahead.”

“I just wanted you to let go of my face.” She dusted herself off. “Also, where do you even want me to go? This is a bit last minute and, to be frank crazy.”

Sandra put her hands behind her head. “The Golden Spoon. I have everything arranged.”

Martha’s eyes went wide. “The Golden Spoon? I don’t have the money for anything fancy like that.”

Sandra rolled her eyes. “Weren’t you listening to me?” She jumped to her feet. “I have EVERYTHING arranged.” She walked around and patted Martha on the back. “Now, just relax and let me take care of things, ok. Just focus on getting ready for tonight. The date will be at eight.”

Martha looked up at the clock on the wall by the door. “But it is six thirty now. I hardly have time to prepare.”

Sandra rubbed Martha’s shoulders. “Don’t worry. It will be alright.”

“Alright? What am I going to wear?” Martha jumped to her feet. “I need something better than these rags. Shit.” She turned towards Sandra. “I am sorry, but I need to cut our visit short. I need to get ready for this date you sprung on me.” She twisted around and ran for her bedroom. “Crap, crap, crap.”

Sandra laughed. “Well, I won’t get in your way any longer.” She stood up. “I will be on my way. Make sure to tell me how it went.” She raised her voice as Martha rushed up the stairs to the upper flow. “I want all the details, you hear me!”

Martha ran into her bedroom and shut the door. “Shit, what am I going to do?” She wiped the sweat from her forehead. “I need something cute, and I need it fast.” She held her hand up as she walked over to her dresser. “No, not cute. Formal. I need formal.” She opened up her drawers. “No, I don’t want this guy to think I am all business. Fuck.”

She pulled out a black mini skirt from her drawer. “Is this. . .” She tightened her grip on the dress. “You know what, I don’t want to be here all night. I am just going with this outfit, and if he likes it, he likes it.” She pulled up the mini skirt and tossed off her jeans. “I need some shorts. Ahh, there they are.” She swapped out her pants and then put on a matching blouse. Martha then rushed over to the mirror. “Oh yes, I look stunning.” She smiled and did a little twirl. “I hope that this blind date loves this look as; if he doesn’t, I am going to make him eat it.”

Martha turned around and pulled her long black hair behind her shoulders. “Ok.

Time to get a bit spruced up and go. I don’t have that much time.” As she put on her lipstick, she heard a slight buzzing noise. “Ugh, what is that.” She set down the tube and looked around. “I hope another fly didn’t find its way into my home.”

She turned to see a tiny bee crawling on her arm. “Crap, no, get off.” The startled bee crawled up her arm. “No, don’t go for my blouse. Get off me.” She tried to swat at the thing. “Get. Owww.” She winced as the little bugger stung her arm. “Great, just great.” She carefully pulled the bee from her arm. “This is just what I need.” She shivered. “Damn, that sucker really hurt.” Martha rubbed her arm. “I hope I am not developing an allergy to bees.” She looked at where the bee had stung her. “I am kind of red. Maybe I should. . .” She shook her head. “No, I am not chickening out of this date. So, what if some bee stung me. It isn’t like there was anything wrong with it. Nothing crazy is going to happen tonight.”


“What do you mean you are not letting me go home?” Callen slammed his hand on the desk. “You can’t just keep me here.”

His manager slammed him against the wall. “You let one of our test subjects lose.

Until we know what happened to it, no one is leaving.”

Callen shrugged. “So, what if we lost one modified bee? It isn’t the end of the world.”

“You have no idea what we were using that bee for, do you?” He shook Callen. “If that bee stung someone, it could inject the growth hormones we implanted in it.”

“Why did you put growth hormones into a bee?”

He took a deep breath. “To see if we could try and produce more honey, that is why. Then, once the hormones have run their course, we can have some slightly enlarged bees who do triple the work. But if accidents happen, then well. . .” He dragged Callen over to a window. “Look for yourself.”

Callen gasped as he saw his co-worker Sasha who was now over fifty feet tall, on the other side of the glass. “How?”

“One of our bees stung her, that is how. Now go find that bee that you lost. Before it escapes.”

Callen shook his head. “Of course.”


Martha smiled as she parked her car. “Ok.” She shut off the engine and examined herself in the mirror. “Tonight, is going to be a good night. I am going to meet a nice guy. And if I don’t, the date will be swift.” She smiled. “Yes, so swift that I might not even end up paying.” She chuckled and stepped out of her car. “Ok, let’s meet this mystery man.”

She walked toward the entrance of the restaurant as she rubbed her arm. “Huh. Maybe I should have stopped to do something about that bee sting.” She examined her arm. “The redness is gone, and there isn’t any swelling, but ugh, my arm still hurts like hell. I just don’t know what is going on.” She walked inside. “I hope that bee didn’t have some kind of disease.”

“Hello, miss. Welcome to the Golden Spoon.” Martha smiled at the young lady behind the wooden counter. “Are you ready to be seated?”

“Umm, not yet? I am here to meet someone.”

“Oh. Are they here already?”

Martha shrugged. “I don’t know. My friend set me up on a blind date.” She laughed.

“Kind of an odd place to be thrust into a blind date, right?” The waitress stared back silently. “Umm, ok. This is awkward.”

A tall, dark-skinned man with broad shoulders walked up. “Hello, I am here to meet someone.”

The waitress smiled. “Is the person you are looking for already here, sir?”

He shrugged and blinked his green eyes. “Don’t know. My friend just said to tell you to send Martha to my table when she arrives.”

The waitress rolled her eyes. “Well, perfect. You two are both here.” She pointed at Martha. “Your blind date is right here.” He looked down at Martha. “I didn’t sign up here to hook random people up now if you two will follow me.”

Martha smiled as she looked up at her blind date. “Hello.”

“Hello? Aren’t you going to say my name?”

“Sandra never told me your name. I am sorry.”

The waitress sighed. “Here you two are. I will be back for your orders in a few minutes.”

Martha smiled as she sat down. “Thank you.” She looked at her date. “So, your name?”

“It’s Tony.” He put his right elbow on the table and then his head in his hands. “So. Sandra talks all about you, and it is nice to finally meet you.”

Martha blushed. “Really. Well, I hope it’s good things.” She closed her eyes.  Fuck, it’s getting hot in here.  She pulled at the collar of her blouse.   Did they turn up the heat in here?

“Hey, are you alright? You are sweating bullets.”

Her cheeks turned red. “No, I am not. I mean, you’re not nervous?”

Tony laughed. “Well, of course, I am.” He put his hand on hers. “But you can calm down a little. It’s just dinner.”

Martha gulped. “Right.” She took a deep breath.  I think it’s more than just my stress. The pressure in my arm is increasing, and it’s spreading through my body. It is making me feel all warm and sweaty.  She took a deep breath.  Oh, fuck, what did that little bee give me? I hope I can get through this date.

“So, what would we like to drink?”

“Tea for me,” Tony said.

“And you miss?” The waitress looked at Martha expectantly.

“I umm. . .” She pulled at her arm. “I will have water!”

The waitress blinked her brown eyes. “There is no need to shout.” She turned around. “I will get you your drinks. Sheesh.”

Tony looked at Martha. “Are you alright?”

Martha gulped. “I don’t know.” She gripped the side of the table. “Have you ever felt like your insides were pressing against your skin before?”

He blinked his eyes. “No. Kind of an odd thing to be feeling.”

“I. . .” She winced as her clothing tightened. “I am sorry I think I am letting my nerves just run away tonight.”

“It’s ok. Really.” Tony slammed his hand down onto the table. “Hey. Your nerves are not an excuse to kick me.”

“I am so sorry.”

“Then stop doing it. Your legs are pushing into mine.” He backed away. “What is going on?”

Martha gripped the side of the table as her knees pushed the table upward. “Ugh.”

Tony’s eyes widened as he watched her grow in size, the seams on her blouse ripped apart. “I am sorry. I am letting my nerves ruin this date.”

Tony waved his hands. “No, no. You are fine.” He looked around as others in the room were starting to stare. “Just sit there and stay calm. Don’t look up.”

“Why not?” She looked up. “Hey, what are you smaller than before?” She looked at the table, wobbling about on her knees. “What in the world is going on here?” She winced as her toes burst out of her shoes. “Oww. Fuck seriously, what is going on here?”

She stood up, knocking the table onto Tony. “Hey!”

She looked down and gasped. “Oh my, I am sorry. Oww.” She knelt down and rubbed her head. “What did I just hit?” She looked up. “Fuck, that was the ceiling.” Her eyes went wide. “This isn’t possible. I am getting bigger!” A button burst off her blouse and flew across the room, hitting a young man walking into the restaurant. Martha covered her chest before any more buttons could come undone. “No, no. This can’t be happening.” She sat back down, crushing her chair and her legs, kicking Tony across the room just as he climbed out from under the table.

“Crap.” She pulled her legs in. “I just need to sit here and not do anything.” She took a deep breath. “That is it. If I don’t do anything, nothing bad will happen.”

Martha looked around the room as the other patrons slowly stood up and moved towards the door. “I think it’s time to check out of this place.”

“Ya. I am not sticking around to see how big she gets. I don’t want to be her plaything.”

“What are you talking about.”

“Who cares. Run!”


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