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Teachers Growing Surprise.

Katty winced as her head burst through the ceiling. “Ugh! Why can’t this nonsense stop!” Katty’s leg slammed a couple of her students against the wall as her shoulders tore an even larger hole in the ceiling. “It was bad enough when I was small.”

Iren climbed onto Katty’s leg. “Hey, teach.  Can you stop growing? You are destroying everything.”

Katty winced as her feet burst into the hallway, crushing one of her students. “I don’t think I have control over this.” She took a deep breath. “When I get out of here, though, I am going to find Henry and make him pay for putting me through all of this nonsense.” Her gigantic breasts pressed against the ceiling, causing her to moan. “Ooh fuck.”

“Hey, can you get your hand off of me?” Tim pressed up against her right hand. “Just because I held you doesn’t mean you get to hold me.”

“There isn’t any room. Ok.” Her breasts pieced the ceiling, and her back knocked over the wall. “Ok, maybe there is now.” Katty lifted her arms, and Tim and a few others jumped to their feet. Tim smiled as the others ran for the open hole in the wall.

Tim laughed. “Nice open space for tomorrow’s class.”

Katty narrowed her eyes. “Open space? The college board is going to freak when they see what I did to this place. I don’t have the money to cover this.” She twisted around and grabbed him. “And I have you and Iren to thank for this.”

“Us?” He tapped at the sides of her hand. “We saved you.”

Katty grabbed Iren with her other hand before she could dash off. “Yes and look at what that got me.”

Iren laughed. “Yes, we made you a tad bit too big, didn’t we. It is a good thing your boobs aren’t getting any bigger, or this would be very crazy, wouldn’t it.” Iren laughed.

Katty snorted as her head pressed against the roof of the entire college. “That isn’t funny. Look, you two are going to help me out of this situation since you helped me into it.”

Tim shook his head. “Sorry. I was only interested in helping you when you were tiny. You are too much to handle now.”

“Tim!” Iren glared at him. “How can you say that about the teach?”

Katty slammed her hand with Iren in it against the side of the building, causing the foundation to shake. “I still don’t like you calling me that.” Iren shook her head as Katty bent over, her boobs hovering over the floor like giant saucers. “We have to figure a way to get me out of here. Now think.”

“We?” Tim laughed. “Hey, now don’t get carried away. I think you are doing an excellent job getting yourself out of this situation on your own.”

Katty grabbed Tim as her back pressed against the roof. “This isn’t the time to be making wise remarks.” She moaned as her breasts pressed against the roof. “Ughhh.” The building foundation shook as her body continued to grow. “Why won’t it stop?”

Her gigantic boobs and head burst through the roof. Moments later, her arms and legs followed, Tim and Iren screaming in joy as they flew outside. The building shook before collapsing on top of Katty, massive pieces of ruble bouncing off of her body and falling into her cleavage. “Ugh.” She set Iren and Tim onto her right breast. “I liked it better when I was tiny. This damn building is stuck inside me.”

Katty stood up to her full height and looked around. “Holy crap.” She gulped as she dusted herself off. “I guess I shouldn’t have eaten that whole cookie. I think I am fifty, no sixty.” She took a deep breath. “Maybe seventy feet tall.”

Iren laughed. “Wow, I can see my house from up here.” She sighed. “I never thought I would say that sitting on a giant woman’s enlarged boobs.”

Tim laughed. “Hey, it isn’t all bad. In fact, it is kind of nice up here.” He rubbed Katty’s skin. “Nice and squishy.”

Iren sneered. “Hey, stop that.”

Katty picked Tim up. “I can stop him on my own.”

Tim threw his hands up. “But I was just. . .”

“I put you there because I don’t have any pockets right now, not so you can have fun. If you are going to act that way, I will just hold you.”

He crossed his arms. “Fine. Fine.” He looked at the ground and gulped. “Actually, can you put me back on your breasts?”


Tim dug his hand into her palm. “I hate heights. I don’t want to see how high up I am. And unless you want to feel me squirming about in your fingers, I suggest you do it.”

“But you were just feeling me up.” Katty slammed her foot into the ground as he squirmed about in her hand like a tiny little mouse. “Ugh, stop that.”

“Then do something. Put me down on the ground. Put me in your hair. Something. I don’t want to get here where I can see the damn ground so far away.”

“Well, I am not putting you in my hair.” She lifted him over her breasts. “If you mess around again, I am flicking you into the sunset. Do you understand?” Tim nodded his head. “Good.” She dropped him down next to Iren.

Iren smirked. “Do you really have a fear of heights, or did you bother teach that much just to get back up here?”

Tim pulled at his arm. “I can’t stand heights.” He shivered. “It is why I liked her when she was tiny. Why did she have to get so big?”

Iren shrugged. “I don’t know. Who makes snacks that cause people to change in size is my question?” Iren stretched her arms and laid back. “But for now, relax. You are fine.”

“Will you two pipe down.” Katty snorted. “I am trying to think here.” She paced back and forth, her feet crushing more of the collage below. “I need to find where Henry went and crush him.”

Iren raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that a bit dark?”

Katty waved her arms. “Look at what he did to me. I am huge, naked, and in the middle of town.” She winced as multiple flashes went off. “Hey!” She turned her attention to the ground to see a small crowd. “What is the meaning of all this?”

“Look behind me and the fruits of my hard labor, everyone. I have saved us from the tyranny of oppression.” Henry pointed at the ruined collage Katty now stood over. “Look at it all. Reduced to rubble. Its halls of horrors no longer able to hurt anyone.”

“Umm, sir, what are you talking about?”

“Ya, what about that giant lady behind you?”

Henry twisted around and stamped his foot onto the ground. “Silence. The giant lady is only but an agent of the divine. Sent here to save us in our plight. To destroy this. . .”

Katty shook her head. “I can’t take this anymore.” She bent over, making sure not to let Iren and Tim slide off her boobs as she grabbed Henry. “Why don’t we stop with the crazy speech today. I didn’t destroy this college to help you. It was an accident caused by growth cookies you gave me.”

Henry shrieked. “Lies. I have no part in this besides the joy I see in this establishment coming down to dust.” He turned his head. “So, my giant friend, I have to thank you for freeing us from the shacks of oppressive teachers everywhere. You are doing your country a great service.”

“What?” She took a deep breath. “You shrunk me and tried to get me crushed by my own students. Then when I wanted to return to my original size, you stamped your foot and said now. Now you are going off and saying I am some kind of school-ending goddess just because I what? Grew too big? You are nuts.” She looked at the crowd of on-lookers. “Look, he is the one behind all this. He made me change in size multiple times. This man is nuts.”

“Right, lady.”

“How could someone that small get you to become so big.”

Katty winced as another flash went off. “Look, I got a picture. I am posting this on Twitter right now.”

Katty took a deep breath as she tightened her grip on Henry. “Did you just put my picture on the internet?”

The young man on the street chuckled. “Umm ya. You are blowing up, lady. Want to see the responses I am getting.” He scratched at the back of his head as Katty screamed and knelt down. “Though I am not sure how I will be able to show you. This phone is tiny.”

“Look out, you fool. She is going to smash you.” A young lady in the crowd pulled him away just as Katty’s free hand slammed down.

“How dare you post my giant ass onto the internet.” She took a deep breath.

The man who snapped the photo weakly laughed as he was dragged away. “Well, umm, I wasn’t taking a photo of your ass, lady. I was just taking a photo of you.”

Katty stood up and screamed. “Ughhh, what is wrong with these people?” She kicked over what was left of the college building. “Shrinking me, making me grow. Putting my giant self on the internet.” She turned around and looked at the skyscrapers in the distance. “Well, if they want a show, I will give them a show.”

“Hey now.” Henry tapped on the side of her fist. “You did your duty to the community. Now do the sensible thing and either sit down or find another school to smash.” He pulled on her fingers. “Don’t go towards downtown. Stay away from my apartment, for god’s sake.”

Iren crawled up towards Katty’s chest. “Hey, I hate to agree with the crazy man who started this, but you need to calm down. This size has gone to your head.”

Tim slowly nodded his head. “Ya. Can you please stop walking?” He fell onto his stomach. “I am afraid I am going to slip off your body. If that happens, I hope I fall into your cleavage.” He gulped. “I don’t want to go splat. I don’t want to go splat.”

Iren twisted her head. “Then why don’t you just side into her cleavage if you are so scared. For goodness’ sake. Katty is a couple miles high; you are not going to fall, Tim.”

Katty came to a halt. “If you two don’t stop, I will throw you off my body. You got that.”

Iren looked up at Katty. “But we are trying to help. We don’t want you to hurt yourself or others.”

Tim groaned. “Speak for yourself.”

Katty looked down at them. “I have had it. I was chased around when I was a few inches high, and people still think they can push me around now that I am dozens of feet tall.” She threw her arms to the side. “Well, Katty Lexin is not someone to be pushed around.” She narrowed her eye at Tim. “And don’t you dare slip in between my boobs. I don’t want to fish you out of there.”

“But it is getting slippery up here. And I don’t want to fall.”

Iren crossed her arms. “Ya, where are we supposed to go, “Ms. Lexin.” It isn’t like you have any pockets for us to sit in.” Iren put her hands on her hips. “We have to go somewhere, and your breasts are so big we can sit comfortably in there.”

Katty sighed. “Fine.” She pushed Iren down into her cleavage. “If it will get you two to be quiet.” She forced Tim in between her breasts. “Now I have things to do, stress to release. So, stay in there, and don’t ask for anything else until I am done.”

Tim’s voice squeaked from her cleavage. “It is too warm in here.”


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