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Wonderland Aftereffects.

Vess looked out over the city. “I can’t believe it worked. Finally, I am out of that crazy Wonderland.” She smiled. “Now, I just need to get back to my original size so I can work on setting up my new empire.” She looked down at her feet and the buildings which came up to her thighs. “That might be easier said than done.”

A buzzing sound filled her ears. “Ugh, what now?” She looked to see a news helicopter the size of a child’s toy fly into view. “Shoo.” She waved her hand in front of her face.

“Get out of here.” Vess tightened her grip on the prize that she had taken from Wonderland. “Get out of my face. With all of these damn buildings around here, it is hard for me to move you annoying gnat.”

A tiny man slid the helicopter door open and pointed a camera at Vess. “This is perfect. I can’t believe our luck. We go live in three two one.”

Vess narrowed her eyes. “Get out of my face.” She tried to swat the helicopter out of the sky. But she almost lost her balance due to the small buildings around her legs. “Ugh.” She knelt down. “I just had to burst out of that rabbit hole right here. I think I’m stuck.”

“Hello, everyone. This is Nate coming in with a special report.” He waited for a moment. “What do you mean the station is declining our request to be on the air right now. Tell them I have something they need to see. Fuck!”

Vess sighed. “At least I have some time until my nude body is shared all over town. I need to get out of there.” She looked at the Wonderland goods in her hands. “And while I know this stuff is good for changing my size, I don’t want to rely on it right now.” She looked back at the chopper. “I need something much quicker, and these potions and cakes are not that reliable in a pinch. I need to get away from these nut jobs before they convince the people at the news station to put me on the air.”

She knelt down and pulled at her leg. “Come on. How is it that I can emerge out of some magical hole in the ground and become stuck like this?” The buildings around her shook. “Screw it. I don’t care if I turn these things to rubble. I am not going on America’s giant nude ladies show or making the show reality.” She pressed down on the convenience stores, which held her leg tight. “Now, let me out already, you stupid shops.”

With all of her might, Vess shoved the roofs in of the stores. A few moments later, she knocked down the walls and could finally wriggle her leg free. “Ugh, I feel sorry for who’s stores those are. But thankfully, they will never know I did this.”

“Ok, folks. Looks like we are on the air finally.”

Vess turned her head. “Shit.”

“As you can see, we have a giant lady almost a hundred feet tall who just destroyed two buildings in the downtown area. I know this will be hard to believe, but she just appeared out of thin air.”

Vess’s eyes flared with rage. “You little prick.” She finally grabbed the helicopter. “Stop this broadcast now. You hear me.”

“Jerry, don’t worry. My crew and I are perfectly safe.”

“You can’t just advertise me across the country, you little worm.”

Nate held out his microphone. “Do you mind telling the good lads at home your name and why you destroyed those hardworking places of business? How did you get to be so big, and can you tell other young ladies how to achieve the same height?”

Vess blinked her eyes. “My size is non of your business. And so is my name. You hear that?”

“Are you sure? You could be a superstar? One of a kind giantess?” He winked a blue eye.

Vess narrowed her blue eyes. “Don’t call me a giantess. I don’t need people thinking that. Turn that camera off before I crush this tin can you are stuck in.”

“Hey now. You are on live television. Making threats isn’t exactly a wise move.”

Vess laughed. “Oh, come on. Unless you can identify me for later, what are you going to do? All I have to worry about is you creeps leering at me.” She tightened her grip on the helicopter. “And right now, I can easily crush you and anyone else who wants to cross me. Does everyone listening at home understand that? Now stop this.”

She felt a minor prickling sensation on her right foot. “What the hell is that?” She let go of the helicopter, and it fell about forty feet before stabilizing.

“Keep on her. We need to figure out who she is.”

Vess looked down at her feet. “What is tickling me?” She spotted tiny figures by her heels. “What in the world?” She knelt down to see a small crowd had gathered around her feet.

“Oh my god. The news was right for once. There is a giantess in downtown.”

“Look at me. You like my selfie with her.”

“Derik, don’t get so close.”

“Someone call the police. She is dangerous. Look at what she did to my shop.”

Vess narrowed her eyes. “What are all you gnats doing? Get away from my feet.” She used her hands to brush the tiny figures away. “You are more annoying than real bugs. I almost feel like I should have stayed in that weird Wonderland place. God.”

“Look at that, folks. Living proof that size does go to your head.”

She narrowed her eyes. “I am sick and tired of your news ranting.” She swatted the news helicopter and sent it spiraling downward. “Go pester someone else with size issues already.” Vess turned around and walked away, no longer caring if she stepped on the nearby buildings.

They already know I am here and think I will go nuts, so what is the point in trying to be careful. I just need to get far away from here so I can shrink down.

Vess winced as she felt something sharp strike her in the knee. “Ouch. What the hell was that?” She looked down to see a tank in the middle of the road and two more behind it. “You have got to be kidding me.”

A voice came from the tanks below. “Stop right there. By order of the private Tallsburg security force, we order you to stop.”

Vess laughed. “Prive security force? I didn’t know this town had such an impressive security force.”

“We are ex-military lady, and we go all out to protect this town. Never know when crazy stuff will happen.”

Vess shook her head. “Just bug off, will you.”

She winced as they fired again, hitting her in the shin. “I won’t say this again. Get down on the ground so we can tie you up.”

Vess slammed her foot down and crushed a nearby hot dog stand. “Don’t make me lose my patience. I can crush you inside those tin cans.”

“Take her down.” All three tanks fired at once, and the force of the blasts caused Vess to step backward.

“Ugh.” Vess took a deep breath. “That is it.” She thundered forward, her feet crushing two of the tanks before she picked up the third. “All I wanted was to relax.” She raised the tiny toy in front of her face. “I had a crazy day in a mad place. So I think giving me some time to myself isn’t too much of an issue.” The tiny people inside screamed as the tank became level with her face. “But no. I have to be put on television and have some crazy people shoot at me. I am going to have a bruise for a week. Do you have any idea how rude you people are?”


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