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Malachite Pendant of Transformation.

Max shut the box and almost crushed Marie’s fingers. “No, you can’t see it until the exhibit opens tomorrow.”

She forced a smile and blinked her blue eyes. “Oh, come now. I just want to see it once. No one but the grimy hands of archeologists have touched this thing for centuries. It could do a bit of good to come out of its dusty little box.”

Max slid the box down the gold inlaid table. “No way. This thing has been through way too much for my little sister to just destroy it when it has finally reached its destination.”

She crossed her pale arms and tapped her boot on the ground. “You say that like we are still kids.” She closely watched him as he picked up the box and walked to the far end of the room filled with glass cases and wax figures. “We are no longer running around the woods, acting like we found the lost treasure of the Amazon. We are grown, adults. The least you can do is stop treating me like your little sister who breaks everything she touches.” She put her hand on the table only to knock her brother’s coffee mug onto the floor. “Oh shit.”

Max shook his head. “Still as clumsy as ever, Marie.” He laughed as he turned around. “And you still want to take a look into this box. I don’t think you could handle what is inside.”

“Oh, come on. It is just some rare trinket they found for this museum.”

Max walked up until she could see the freckles on his sunburnt face. “Oh, there is more than that. They came back saying there is a curse on this little pendant.”

Marie gulped. “A curse?”

Max nodded his head. “Yep. Apparently, something about those who wear the necklace are fated to become something very terrifying. The village was scared to death of the thing. Someone like you with it. . .” He put his palm over his face. “Oh, imagine the horror. It is too much for me to bear thinking about.”

She pushed him away. “Will you stop making fun of me? You know I don’t believe in curses and making stuff up like this just so I can’t see what the exploration team brought back isn’t funny.”

He sighed. “Well, I am not making the cursed artifact stuff up.” He turned around. “Even if I am exaggerating. They told me not to let anyone near that thing until the unveiling ceremony tonight. It has to do with some weird stuff that happened when they retrieved that pendant. But Heather and the others aren’t talking about what happened, so I can only guess.”

Marie sighed. “I think you are still trying to scare me. And it won’t work.”

“Ok, how about museum rules. You will be fired if you get into that box before tonight.” He put his hand on her shoulder. “Now come on. We have work to do in the Ancient Greece exhibit before we head home. Have to get this place ready for the public after those punk kids vandalized the place.”

She followed him out into the hallway. “Hey, they were just having fun.”

He turned his head and glared at her. “Fun? They had some of our mummies with the Greek soldiers in suggestive poses. And never mind all of the graffiti we had to clean up already.”

“Like we never did stuff like that growing up.

Now come on already. You are not going to be the reason why I have to stay over tonight.”

She sighed. “The end of the day can’t come soon enough.”


Later that day, Marie found herself alone in the employee lounge. “Those little buggers sure didn’t make it easy to get this place ready for tomorrow.” She sighed. “But at least I can go home now.” She felt her pants vibrate. “What now?” She pulled her cellphone out of the back pocket of her jeans. “Hello?”

“Oh, Marie. You picked up. Still at work?”

She sighed as she walked into the hallway. “Yes, Max. I didn’t cut out early like you did.”

“Hey, I have a date tonight. Besides, you can always cover the rest of my shift for me.”

She shook her head, her red bangs falling in front of her face. “That is not what being your sister means.” She pushed her hair to the side. “I am not here to cover your ass because you wanted to see some random girl you don’t plan on seeing again.”

“Hey me and umm. . . Isabella meant a lot to each other.”

Marie raised an eyebrow. “You haven’t seen Isabella in five years. What is the name of this lady you are meeting tonight?”

“Hey, all that matters is we love each other little sister. It is more than you have gotten on your dates, so don’t judge me.”

“Say whatever you have to so that your casual night out feels better, Max. I have to help close the museum down now.”

“It isn’t like that.”

“Bye.” She hung up. “Ugh, god Max. Always find a way to make my day don’t you.” She slid her phone into her back pocket. “Leave me here alone to close up because I have to finish your shift.” She rolled her eyes. “Well, this shouldn’t take too long.”

As she made the last rounds of the day, she passed by the room which held the supposed cursed pendant. “Hmm.” Marie crossed her arms. “No one is around to notice if I take a look at that stupid thing now. Especially my annoying brother.” She smirked. “It wouldn’t hurt much if I snuck a peek. If anything, bad happened, I could just blame it on those stupid kids anyways.”

She walked into the room and up to the golden box, her fingers hovering over the lid. “Ok, just one little look. This should be fine. There isn’t any old curse anyways.” Marie took a deep breath. “Here we go.” She threw the lid open and opened her eyes. Inside was a glittering pendant with a green gemstone. “Wow.” She gently picked up the necklace and looked at the card in the box.

“The Malachite Pendant of Hammer Falls. Lost for centuries and rumored to bestow great blessings upon the land. But beware, for the power inside does not bring good fortune to those who feel brave enough to don the pendant.

Marie smirked. “That is crazy. But this thing is so beautiful.” She grasped it in her hand. “I know it is just the thing I need to impress Vector. Just look at this thing.” She shook the necklace, and it gleamed in the light. “I know this will help with trying to get him to go out on a date with me.” She smiled. “Now, to make sure no one will miss this thing.” Marie slid the necklace she had been wearing around her neck and set it in the box. “It looks somewhat the same, and by the time anyone notices a difference, I will have the real thing back safe and sound.” She smiled. “It isn’t the first time I have borrowed jewelry from here before. I had to wear something nice for my parent’s anniversary party last year.” She turned around. “And I can’t exactly buy much on my salary.”

Marie slid the pendant around her neck. “All it even feels nice.” She smiled. “I almost wish I could keep it.” She held it in her hand as she walked towards the front of the museum. “Such a nice little trinket. I can’t imagine why anyone would think it’s cursed. I do have to say, though. It does make me feel a bit warm and fuzzy for some reason while wearing it.” She laughed. “Maybe I am just happy to have it for my date tomorrow.” Marie pushed the glass double doors of the museum open and walked out into the cold night air.


Marie stretched her arms as she pushed the door open to her apartment. “Finally.

I am home.” She threw her purse onto the table. “I can relax.” She pulled the door shut behind her and locked it. “I think I will call Vector and see what he is up to.” She pulled out her phone. “Ok, well, hope he is up.”

She tapped her foot as the phone rang.  Come on. Pick up.


“Vector? Hey, it’s Marie.”

“Oh, hey. How is it going?”

She smiled. “I’m doing good. I was wondering if you wanted to come over and possibly watch a movie or something.

Or maybe go out to eat. I don’t know. I’m not picky.” She wiped the sweat from her forehead.

“Sure. I can come over. I’m not doing anything tonight.”

“Swell. See you soon.” She hung up. “Fuck. I forgot to say bye.” She slammed her phone down on the side of the table. “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” Marie took a deep breath. “Ok, calm down. It will all be ok.” She looked at the pendent she swiped from the museum. “I was able to take this thing tonight. I can find a way not to make myself look like a fool while telling Vector how I feel.” She walked over to the loveseat and sat down. “At least I hope it works out that way.” She sighed.

Marie scratched at her stomach. “Phew, at least I have some time to relax before Vector gets here. After a long and stressful day at work, I am happy to have some downtime.” She stretched her arms as her stomach growled. “And finally eat. I can’t believe that damn museum won’t let us have lunch breaks.” She stood up. “God.”

She jumped to her feet and hopped into the kitchen. “I need to find something to eat and fast before Vector arrives. But what to have?” She opened her fridge. “Hmm, there is nothing good in here. Frozen pizza? Gross. Ravioli? Why did I buy that?” She shook her head. “Frozen meal. I am not desperate.” She shut the door. “Where is all the lettuce? The carrots?

What is wrong with me. Since when do I not have these things?” Marie walked over to the cupboard. “There is nothing but cereal in here. After Vector leaves, I will have to do some major shopping.”

She crossed her arms. “Actually, there is a small store just outside my apartment building. I can hop down there and get some real food before Vector arrives. He is on the other side of town anyway and won’t be here for a good half hour.” She rushed to the doorway. “Besides, I don’t want him to get here, and I don’t have anything to serve him. I don’t want to be a bad hostess.”

Marie rushed out the door and hopped towards the elevator. “Hello, Marie.”

She came to a stop. “Oh, hello, Ms. Vesterson.”

She waved to Marie as she pulled out her key card. “Hello. Are you feeling alright?”

Marie nodded her head. “Never better. Why do you ask?”

Ms. Vesterson raised her old dark, gnarly hand and tapped Marie on the shoulder. “I just have never seen you hop so much, young lady. Is this something new that you young kids are doing?”

Marie blinked her eyes. “I was hopping? I didn’t even realize.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I am just doing it for fun.” She jumped high into the air. “And health benefits. I am sure there are some.”

Ms. Vesterson smiled. “Well, I am happy as long as you are. Doing anything nice tonight?”

Marie nodded her head. “I am going to see Vector tonight.”

Ms. Vesterson turned around and opened the door to her apartment. “Oh. Well, don’t let me hold you up.” She walked inside. “Have a nice night.”

“You too.” Marie scratched at her head. “I can’t believe I was hopping around. Strange.” She took a few steps forward. “Well, I need to get the food for tonight. So I can’t really dwell on it.” Marie began to hop once more. “Besides, what does it matter if I was hopping. I just don’t understand how I would be doing it without knowing I am.” She laughed and looked down. “Holy crap.”

She slid to a stop just in front of the elevator. “I just did it again.” She pressed the down button. “Why am I hopping like some bunny rabbit, and I don’t even know about it?” She waved as a young man walked off the open elevator car and gave her a strange look. “I mean, I just do it for fun in my spare time, sir.” Her cheeks turned red as she walked onto the elevator. “That couldn’t have gone any better.” She hit the ground floor button and crossed her arms.

“Ok, just get what you need and head back up. Figure out this strange bunny issues later.”

She took a deep breath and crossed her arms. “I do wonder why I didn’t notice I was acting like a rabbit back there and making a bit of a fool out of myself.” She scratched at her ears. “And I wonder why everything is starting to get so itchy. Huhh.” Her stomach growled again. “Just focus on getting a proper dinner for yourself and Vector.” She grabbed at her belly. “Or maybe I should get enough for leftovers. I am starting to get very hungry, and it might be a nice idea.”

She reached the bottom of the elevator and started to scratch widely at the back of her ears. “Ugh. It is really starting to kill me.” Marie took a deep breath. “I think I will pick up some anti-itch cream while I’m down here.”

Marie walked out of her apartment building and into the small convenience store across the street. “Hello and welcome to Hall Lark’s Goods. How can I help you tonight?”

Marie smiled as she scratched at her head. “I am looking for lots of veggies.” She stretched out her arms. “Lot’s. Enough for an entire dinner and more.”

The man looked at her like she was crazy. “Umm, ok. They are in the back.”

She smiled. “Oh, and some anti-itch relief cream.”

He turned around. “I can go and get that while you are getting your umm veggies.” He scratched at his dark hair. “The weirdos that come in here at night.” He vanished into the employee-only section of the small store.”

Marie blinked her eyes. “I am not a weirdo. I just have a massive urge for carrots.” She closed her eyes. “And blueberries, lettuce. Oh, and radish. Grapes. It is making my mouth water.

Ohhh.” Her foot quickly slammed on the ground over and over again. “I just can’t wait. Ahhh.” She opened her eyes. “I can smell them. They are soo fresh. Ohhh.”

She hopped towards the back of the store. “Here we go.” She smiled. “I am glad this place has a nice selection of veggies.” She scooped as many carrots and heads of lettuce into her arms as possible. “I almost can’t wait to bring you home.” She wiggled her nose. “I don’t think one little bite could hurt.”

Marie ate an entire head of lettuce. “Ahh, that hits the spot.” She shook her head and looked up in the glass window which held the frozen beer. “Now to get back and. . .” Her eyes widened once she saw her reflection. “Ohh my god.”

She dropped her fresh goodies onto the ground and grabbed her head. “My ears.”

She ran her hands along her head. “How did they become so long and floppy. And so fuzzy?” She twitched her new giant ears. “What am I going to do?” Marie picked up her veggies. “This is not good.” She hopped towards the front of the store. “I think I am just hallucinating.”

“Holy hell?” The store owner slammed the small itch remedy bottle down onto the counter. “What happened to your ears?”

She dropped the green goods onto the blue table and covered her head. “Nothing.

You don’t see anything, ok. Now ring me up.”

He didn’t take his eyes off her as he scanned her items. “How are you going to pay for all this?”

“My credit card. And stop staring. Haven’t you seen anyone with bunny ears before?” She wiggled her nose as her ears grew even longer. “It is perfectly normal, I say.”

He looked at the register. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I didn’t know you were going to some costume party tonight.”

“I am not going to any party.” She took a deep breath as the itching intensified across her body. “Look here, take my card. I just need to take my goods and get out of here, ok.” She scratched at her legs. “I am not doing that swell anymore.”

He just nodded his head. “Ok, everything is good. Do you want a bag?”

Marie shook her head as she picked everything up and munched on one of the carrots. “I am good. Don’t have time for a bag.” She hopped towards the sliding glass door. “I need to go. Bye.”

He scratched at his head. “Umm, bye.”

Marie hurried across the street and back into her apartment building. “I need to get back upstairs and put on some of this anti-itch cream.” She looked at it in her hands. “It should make this madness stop.” She tapped her foot on the ground. “Ohhh, what is going on?” As she entered the lobby, the elevator doors were just opening. “Hey. Hold that car.”

A young man looked at her and immediately pressed the close door button. Marie snorted and hopped faster, putting her foot in the door before it could close. “There.” She took a deep breath. “Not so easy to shut me out.” She hopped inside. “Floor seven.”

The man sighed and did as she said. “At least I get out on the third floor.” He looked at her. “Have a run-in with some were rabbit?”

She raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”

He shrugged. “Nothing. Just find it odd that you have giant white rabbit ears and have so much green food.”

She twitched her nose as it started to change in shape. “I am not turning into a rabbit if that is what you are trying to say.” He smiled as he watched her face slowly change, her eyes becoming big and round. “I think I would know if my body was changing.” Her eyes moved towards the side of her face as her nose pushed outward, and two large teeth slid out of the top of her mouth. “Just because I have two long floppy ears doesn’t mean anything.” She tapped him on his chest. “You got that.”

He nodded his head as the elevator opened. “Sure thing, bunny, I mean lady. It’s my stop.” He slid out of the cart. “Have a nice night.”

Marie shook her head. “What a crazy person.” She laid against the back of the elevator as it continued upward. “Calling me a bunny. I am not turning into a rabbit. I can’t be. I am seeing Vector tonight. Everything has to go right tonight.” She nodded her head. “So no more of this crazy bunny business.”

The door to her floor opened. “Finally.” She hopped out into the hallway. “My arms are becoming sore from holding all of this food. I need to set this stuff down.” She hurried down the corridor to her apartment. “Now to get inside.” She slid her keycard into the door. “I am starving.”

She opened the door to find Vector waiting inside. Her long ears shot upward in surprise. “Vector.” She hopped inside and set the food down on the nearby table. “What are you doing here?”

He turned his head. “You invited me over, remember.” His eyes widened once he saw her face. “Oh, my Marie. What happened to you?”

She closed the door. “It’s nothing. Just a bit of some itching issue.” She closed the door behind her. “Now, answer my question.” She hopped over to him. “You live across town, so how did you get here so quickly. I wasn’t expecting you for another ten minutes. I didn’t have time to prepare.”

He smiled. “I was close when you called. What can I say?” He held up the apartment room key. “And I remember you gave me this. Not sure why you did, but we are good friends.” He smiled and blinked his green eyes. “I thought I would let myself in. It is freezing out tonight, and I don’t want to freak anyone in this building out by just creeping out in the hallway. You don’t mind, do you?”

Marie shook her head. “Of course not.” She sighed. “I had just wanted some time to prepare.” She laughed. “But I guess this is ok.” She scratched at her leg.

“Is this a bad time? You look like you might. . .”

She took his hands in hers. “Oh no. I’m fine.” She winced as her shoes suddenly tightened on her feet. “Just because my ears look a bit funny doesn’t mean we can’t watch a funny little movie.”

“It isn’t just your ears but ok. I had wanted to go out to eat, but a movie sounds good.”

She smiled. “Perfect. We can head into the next room and get things started.” She hopped past him as she put the thought of her painful shoes out of her mind. “So, what do you want to watch?”

Vector followed her into the next room as he scratched at his short golden hair. “I’m not picky.” He slid down onto the couch. “Anything you want to. I am just here to spend a fun, relaxing evening with you and not have to think about what a pain in the ass work will be like tomorrow.”

She laughed as she grabbed the remote. “Right. I can’t always stand work.” The television flared to life, and she plopped down next to him. “We can watch this animated movie I had been saving for the weekend.” She smiled.

Vector turned his head. “What is that ripping sound?”

“What do you mean? It is probably the television.”

“No. It can’t be. The pre-movie add stuff is still going on. I can’t believe your streaming service even has ads.” He looked around. “You don’t have anything cooking, do you?”


He stood up. “Then what is that sound?” He looked down. “Oh my god. Marie. What is wrong with your feet?”

“What?” She looked down to see fluffy white fur poking out of the sides of her sneakers. “What in the world?” Suddenly her sneakers burst apart, and giant fluffy white feet burst out like rockets. “My sneakers?” She jumped up. “What happened to them?” Marie scratched at her body. “Vector, the itching is getting worse.”

“Hey, calm down.”

She turned around. “Calm down? I have giant rabbit feet and ears. And I think there is something wrong with my face as it feels weird.”

“Well, now that you mention it, you do look like a bunny on your head.” He pulled out his phone, and she could finally see her face.

“Oh my god. I look like some human rabbit.” She grabbed her cheeks. “Where did all this fur come from?”

“Hey, it’s ok.”

She felt her heart rate increase. “What am I going to do?” She slammed her right foot on the ground like lightning. “I can’t just turn into a giant bunny.” Marie scratched at her leg and felt fur poke at her hands. She looked down to see her thigh expanding outward as white fur grew out of her legs. “Oh no.”

Vector stood up. “Umm, I think we need to take you to the doctor.”

She shook her hands. “No, doctor.” Her jeans ripped apart to reveal her fluffy white legs. “I can’t let them see me like this. We will just figure this out, ok.” Her arms began to shake. “We will figure this out.”

“I am not exactly sure what to do about you turning into a bunny.”

Marie watched her hands turn into fuzzy white paws. “This is not how tonight was supposed to go. I was supposed to have a fun and perfect night, so I could tell you how I felt.”

“What are you talking about?”

Despite her white fur, her cheeks turned red. “I umm.” She scratched at the back of her head as the fur spread up her arms and across her chest. “I was going to say how much I loved carrots. . .” Marie shook her head. “No.”


“I mean, yes. I have a burning love for veggies that is growing.” She slammed her paw onto the couch. “But I want to say that I love you.” She took a deep breath and put her paws on the side of the sofa. “Vector, it is getting harder for me to think. But still, I have thought about you day in and day out. I want to be with you.”

“Wow.” He sat down. “This is a lot to take in.”

Marie took a deep breath. “I feel soo fuzzy, Vector.” She winced as she felt a new pressure on her rear end. “Ohhh.” She grabbed her ass. “Owww.” Suddenly a fluffy white tail popped out of her body, and she twitched her nose. “That feels so much better.”

“You look like a giant bunny.”

She sniffed the air. “Soo hungry.” Marie blinked her eyes and hopped to her feet. “I need those veggies.”

Vector grabbed her by her fluffy arms. “Hey. Calm down. We can just wait this out, ok. Let’s watch the movie.”

Marie looked at him. “Right, we can. . .” She shook her head as primal urges flooded her mind. Then, she grunted and pulled away from him, leaping across the room.

“Whoh.” Vector fell to the ground. “You can really jump now.”

Marie bounced into the next room and towards the fresh veggies she had just bought. “I have to fight these urges. I want to spend the night with Vector.” She walked up to the table and picked up a head of lettuce, her mouth-watering. “Everything. . . so.... fuzzy.” The pendant around her neck sunk into her fur and vanished as the last bit of her resistance against the bunny urges faded away.


Vector watched as Marie knocked down a wall and right out of the apartment. “Marie.

What am I going to do?” He held up a photo of her he had in his wallet. “I need to help you, but I don’t know how.”


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