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Life As Plastic p1.

              “I really, really want that!”  Sora pointed at the cute designer dress in the center of the store.  “I would just kill to have it.”

              “Oh, come on, Sora.  You know something like that is out of our price range.”

              “But.  It is my birthday soon.  And you promised to get me something good.  Look at it, the shimmering red fabric with the black tights.  It just looks so. . . sooo. . .”

              “Did I hear that you would want one of our designer dresses?”  A man in a suit walked towards them.

              Charlie snorted.  “You heard wrong.  We are still looking.”

              The salesman turned his attention towards Sora.  “You have good taste, miss.  This is one of our newest dresses.  It is a bit of a shame we don’t have anyone to fill it out and help show it off yet, so it’s just one of our stands.”

              “Oh, but it looks sooo good!  Do you have a pair I can try on?  I know I don’t have much, but I just. . . Ohhhh!”

              The man shrugged.  “No, sadly.  That is the only pair in the whole store.

              Charlie narrowed his green eyes.  “And out of our price range.”

              “That is quite a shame, isn’t it.  Tell you what.  How about I get you something nice.  There is a special upcoming day, after all.  Follow me.  Mr. Grumpypants can stay here.”

              Sora rubbed her hands together.  “Ohh, I can’t wait!”  She bounced after him.

              “Hey, wait!”  Charlie tried to follow after her, but a young lady grabbed his arm.

              “Want to see some suits, big man?”  Her hand drifted across his chest.

              “But. . .”  Charlie tried to reach for his wife but was quickly left behind.

              Sora looked back and forth as she followed after the strange salesman.  “So where are we going?  This isn’t a part of the store I have ever been in before.  What exactly is back here?”

              “Oh, just a little thing I want to show you.”  He pulled a box off a shelf.  “I know you are tight on funds, so not only did I want to give you a gift.”  He turned around, and Sora could see the box clearly.  It seemed like any ole shoe box.  “One that maybe could help you get that wonderful designer dress we have out in the lobby.”

              “Wait, really?”  Sora crossed her arms.  “What would I have to do.”

              “Just wear this.”  He opened the box, and she could see the most wonderful bra sparkling in the dim light with a few lovely sapphires.  “Help advertise our store.  It’s that simple.  Wear this for at least twenty-four hours for people to see, and we can talk further.”

              Sora pulled the bra out of the box.  “So, all I have to do is wear this lovely as heck bra?  I can do that!”  She giggled.  “This will be a cinch.  Do you have a changing room back here?”

              He pointed at a doorway behind her.  “In there will be fine.  And have a nice day.”  He bowed and walked away.”

              Sora rushed into the room.  “What a fool.”  She closed herself into the tight space.  “He is pretty much giving me a free bra and a free outfit.”  She slipped off her old bra, letting it fall to the floor.  “Who could be this dumb.”  She moaned as she attached it to her body.  “Huh.  It feels a bit odd.  This bra is making me feel all warm and tingly.”  Sora giggled.  “I wonder why they had this thing in the back?  It sure does a wonder about making the babies feel loved.”  She slid her shirt back on.  “Well, I better go and make sure Charlie isn’t worried about me.”

              Sora pushed the door open.  As she walked towards the main part of the store, she couldn’t help but smile, the bra hugging and making her boobs tingle.  “It feels like someone is slowly caressing my babies.  Ohhh fuck.  Whoever made these things is a genius.  I don’t know what they are doing, but I love it!”

              “There you are!”  Charlie snorted.  “I have been looking all over for you.  Let’s go.”

              Sora giggled.  “What, you don’t want to shop some more?”

              He looked back at a lady who waved at him.  “No.”  He rushed for the door, pulling on her arm.  “I don’t want to talk about it; let’s just go!”  His face was bright red.  “The people here are crazy!”

              “No, they are not.  I got a. . .”  She stopped herself, realizing that he might force her to give back the bra with the way he was acting.  “Umm ya, they are crazy.”  She moaned a little as she felt her boobs heat up, her nipples harden.  “So where are we going now, hun?”

              “Home.  I have to make a business call.”  He let go of her arm.  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to grab you.  I just. . . ughh.”

              “It’s okay.”  She walked over to the SUV.  “Things happen.”  She opened the passenger door after he unlocked it.  “But the important thing is we spend the day together.”

              “Umm, right.”  He started up the engine.  “Look, I will do the shopping tomorrow.  Not because I don’t enjoy going out with you or anything, but. . . I think this should be a surprise.”  He turned his attention towards the road.  “It will be your special day, after all.”

              Her eyes glistened.  “Yes.  My special. . . special. . . ohh day!”

              “Are you okay?”

              “Yes.”  She rubbed at her chest.  “Never. . . better.”  Her boobs were on fire all of a sudden.  “What the hell is going on?”  Sora closed her eyes as her husband turned his gaze away, unconvinced.  “I feel so fucking weird.  So fucking gooood.”  Sweat dripped down her chest as she tried to keep herself under control.  But as the SUV hit a bump and her body bounced about, a moan escaped her lips.

              “Seriously, are you okay?”

              “I am fine.”  Sora giggled.  “Just perfectly fine.”


              She took a deep breath as the strange urge ended.  “Finally.”  Her eyes shot open.  “Huh?”  She looked down and gasped.  “My boobs.  They. . . they. . .”  Her nipples hardened once more as the realization hit her.  “They grew.”  Sure, it wasn’t much growth, only from a B-cup to a C-cup, but they still had grown.  She could feel the extra weight with every bounce of the SUV.  “How did this happen?  Is it. . . is it the bra?”  Sora shook her head.  “No, nothing that foolish could possibly happen.”  But as she looked down at her enlarged chest, Sora couldn’t help but feel like she was now wearing a new good luck charm.  “Hmm, I wonder how much of a. . .”  She shook her head.  “No, no.  When we get home, I am taking this off.  I don’t want to grow too much.”  She looked over at Charlie.  “Well, not all at once, that is.”


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