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The Giantess Shrinker.

              “So, hun, we are going after someone who is shrinking giant ladies?”  Ashely gulped.  “I just got to this size, and now I have to worry about it?”

              Sarah laughed.  “I really doubt that Fredricks Fancy crap is going to last much longer with you.  It never does.”  She sighed.  “It isn’t like you are some real-life giantess who can stay at this size. . .”  She rubbed her forehead.  “Or at least enough of one that I. . . I wish I knew more about my family.”

              Ashely put her hand on Sarah’s shoulder.  “You will find out about them one day, hun.  Don’t worry.  But for now, you can hang out with me.”  Her cheeks turned bright red.  “I don’t mean that in a kinky or romantic way.  I just mean that you always have a place to stay with me.”

              “I know.  We had our talk there is no reason to make this more complicated.  Now let’s just try and find the person who has been shrinking everyone.”

              Ashely looked around as they made their way through the forest of pine trees.  “I don’t get it.  Why are you helping them catch this crook?  Wouldn’t you want to let them be and suffer at the hands of this person?  Shrink down and laugh as they lose their height for all the blood, they stole from you?”

              Sarah shrugged as she scanned her surroundings.  “The thought did cross my mind, a bit of poetic justice, if you will.  But they went to insane lengths to get the civilization they have now.  Just because some crazed person shrinks them now doesn’t mean they won’t start over from square one.  They almost completely got rid of the giantess hunter’s organization, for god’s sake.  No, I would rather make sure I never have to deal with them again, and this is how I will do it.”

              Ashely shrugged.  “Sure, I guess.  As long as ahhhhh!”

              “Ashely?”  Sarah turned her head.  “Ashely!”  She gulped as all she saw was dirt flying into the air.  “What the hell?”  As the loose dirt cleared, she could see a pit had opened up in the ground.  “Who the hell makes a pit that big?  Ashely, are you okay?”

              The giant woman groaned.  “Ugh I. . . guh.”  She looked up.  “Behind you.”

              Sarah turned around to see a woman only a few feet smaller than her rushing at her with a pine tree trunk.  But Sarah could only bring her arms up a few feet before the tree collided with her chest, sending her down into the pit.  “Ughhhhh.”

              “You weigh a ton.  Get off.”

              The strange lady loomed over them, dropping the makeshift weapon to the ground.  “You fakers will go back to where you belong.”  She pulled a strange vial from her pouch.  “You were warned.”  She reached down and forced Sarah to drink it.  “Drink every last drop and enjoy your last moments of being this undeserved height.”

              The liquid tasted like crusty milk that had been left in the fridge for over a month.  As she tried to spit it out, the woman forced Ashely to drink a vial.  “You.  You are the one making people shrink!”  Sarah narrowed her eyes.  “How dare you!”

              The woman stood up.  “I am not the one playing with the laws of nature.”  She arched an eyebrow.  “Now enjoy going back to your natural height and stay there.”  She turned around.  “Next time, I won’t be so kind.”

              As Sarah stood up, Ashely was coughing, her body already starting to shrink.  “Kind?!  You are taking away people’s fucking height!  I may not fucking agree with their motives, but they.”  She reached out and grabbed the strange woman’s arm.  “Don’t you walk away when I am talking to you.”

              A look of utter shock appeared on her face.  “You should be like your companion.  Almost a spec by now.”

              Sarah looked behind her and noticed that Ashely was almost back to her normal self as she tried to cough up the concoction.  “Sarah. . . help.  . .”

              Sarah turned her attention back to the strange giantess.  “What did you. . .”  Her eyes widened.  “She is gone.”  She just stood there, staring blankly into the forest.  “What. . . what just happened?”  She bent down and picked up Ashely.  “I. . . I don’t understand.”

              Ashely coughed as she looked up at Sarah.  “We need to go back and tell the others.”  Ashely stood up and slammed her foot against Sarah’s palm.  “Sarah!”

              “Huh?”  She looked down at Ashely.  “What?  Oh right.  We know what the person looks like roughly and what she is trying to do.”  Sarah rubbed her forehead.  “This is all making my head spin.”


              “I want you to tell me that story again.  Every little detail.”  Sarah sighed.  This was the fourth time Karren had asked that of her.  The woman sure could become crazy when it came to the security of her home.  “I don’t think going over this again will make me remember anything.  In fact, I think I will just forget something or misremember.”

              Karren slammed her hand against one of the makeshift walls.  “Don’t you get it!  Someone is going around shrinking people.  Why didn’t her potion thing affect you?  Why?  WHY!”

              “Don’t you think I want to know that?”  Sarah walked within a few inches of Karren, causing Jane to flinch.  “Why the hell didn’t I shrink with Ashely when a woman calling me and everyone else fake giant ladies. . . ughh. . .”  She twisted around.  “Who the hell is she.  Just. . . who?”

              Jane snorted.  “You do that again, and I will finish what the woman started in the woods.  You won’t wake up.”

              Karren glared at Jane.  “Silence.  Sarah can do what she wants.”

              Jane crossed her arms.  “Sure.  Whatever you say.”

              Karren sighed.  “You have to give me something, Sarah.  I can tell you are holding something back!”

              “You mean like the fact I think this might be connected to where I come from?  That possibly this giantess is a real giantess?  I am not saying any of that.”  Sarah shook her head.  “I am sorry, I don’t know anything else.  But I am going after her for what she did to Ashely.”

              Karren snorted.  “Don’t be so foolish.  You got off lucky.  If you go back out there, you could end up shrunken or worse.  Dead!  You want to have someone that crazy shrink you and step on you?”

              Sarah walked towards the door.  “I will take my chances.”  She exited the makeshift building.  “I need answers.  And I am not going to get them here.”


              Sarah sipped out of the town as the moon rose into the air.  She is sure that the other giantesses will be enough to watch over Ashely.  As much as she wanted to bring her on this journey Sarah knew this was something she had to do alone.  She would make it up to Ashely later.

              It only took her a short time to reach the clearing where the strange giant lady had jumped her earlier in the day.  “Hmm.”  Sarah looked around; the crude pitfall trap already covered up.  “She works fast.”  Sarah tested the ground, expecting it to give way.  “And she knows that people would be checking here.  She filled in the trap.  Huh?”  Sarah noticed a clear giant footprint in the dirt.  “That. . . what is that doing there?”  She bent over.  “Hmm.  It heads off towards the old volcano.”

              Sarah slowly followed the tracks, finding some more at regular intervals.  “This is strange.  I wouldn’t think someone like this would leave behind such well-laid tracks.  She seemed so. . . I don’t know.  Not this careless.  Something seems off.”

              “Got ya!”

              Sarah turned only to be struck in the back.  “Ahhh!”

              “You think you can. . .”  The woman stopped short.  “Oh, it’s you again.”  She dropped the tree branch.  “I worked all fucking evening on that trap only for you to waste it.”  She turned around.  “You bitch!”

              Sarah rubbed the back of her head.  “What are you talking about.”  She looked up at the strange giantess.  “I wasted your trap?  Are you really so pissed?  I am not the one going around shrinking people.”

              The woman snorted.  “Oh boo hoo.  I shrink some fake giantesses.  Like it matters.”  As Sarah stood up, she could see the woman more clearly.  She had long red hair, a dark robe, and tan slippers.  “Who are you anyway?  I have never seen you before and you aren’t one of these giantess fakers.”  She looked Sarah up and down.  “And I know everyone.”

              “Umm. . .”

              “Where are your clothes?”

              Sarah waved her hands about.  “What the hell are you talking about.  Who are you?”

              “Kira.  The more important question is, who are you.”  She poked Sarah in the chest.  “Giant folk don’t just appear out of thin air.  Well, true-blooded giant folk, I would say.”

              “What are you talking about?  You mean giantesses?”

              Kira threw her head back and laughed.  “Oh my.  Have you been spending too much time with these weird fakers who think only women can be our height?”  She wiped away a tear.  “I mean, how do you think we have our kids.  Seriously.”

              “Umm.  . .”

              “Were you dropped growing up or something?  You keep giving me a blank stare every time I speak.”

              “Maybe it’s because I don’t know anything you are talking about.  Giantesses and giants are not real.  They aren’t supposed to be.  I am just. . .”  Sarah threw her hands about.  “I am some weird anomaly of nature!”

              Kira crossed her arms.  “Hmm.  How strange.  You must really have hit your head on a rock.  Or. . .”  She gasped.  “Oh god.”  She walked up and ran her hands along Sarah’s body.  “You aren’t. . . you aren’t one of those half-breeds, are you?”


              The woman sneered.  “It would explain so much.”  She turned around, rubbing her chin.  “Though I have never heard of a half breed growing to this size.  They usually stay as such a tiny runt.”  She looked at Sarah.  “I am sorry for this.”  Before Sarah could react, Kira formed her hand into a fist and punched her in the face.  “There is only one thing to be done about half breeds.”  Sarah’s vision quickly went dark.



The sniping spy

Finally, Sarah's going to get some answers