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PoV Growth Escape.

              You rub your eyes as you slowly wake up.  "Ahh, what a night.  What a night."  Warm fuzzy memories of the previous night, being out with friends and drinking, blink in and out of your mind.  But as you look around, you realize you are in an unfamiliar area.  "Just what did we get up to last night?"

              You walk to the door only to find it locked.  "What the hell."  You try and pull harder, but the door won't budge.  "God damnit."  You look around the poorly lit room, but there doesn't seem to be any other way out.  "Ugh, what the hell am I supposed to do now?"  As you sit down, you rub your chin.  "How did I even get in here?"

              As you think you remember.  Everyone was having such a good time at the bar that you thought it would be a good idea to sneak into the back room and wait for the place to open to get first dibs on the beer the next day.  "But it's the weekend, and they won't open until. . ."  You stand up and pound on the door, realizing you have just trapped yourself in a poorly lit room for an entire weekend.  "Hello.  Hello?  Can anyone hear me?  Someone?  Anyone!"

              You suddenly stop as you realize if someone did, they would just arrest you for breaking and entering.  "No, I have to figure a way out of here on my own."  You look around.  "Maybe there is something in here that can help."  But as you examine the contents of the room, you come to the realization that you are stuck here with only chairs and some pretzel boxes.  "Well, I have some food, I guess.  I wish I had some booze, though.  Why couldn't I lock myself in the booze room?"

              As you slide your hand into your pocket, you feel something unfamiliar.  "Huh?"  You pull out what looks like a pill wrapped in a piece of paper.  "I definitely don't remember this."  You set the pill on one of the chairs and narrow your eyes as you try to read the parchment.  "Experimental growth pill.  This little dandy will make you reach new heights.  Please note that we have yet to get the growth under control, and until we do, human consumption is off-limits.  The results could be disastrous."

              You blink your eyes.  "Wait this thing can make me. . . grow?"  You look around the room.  "Maybe it could make me big enough that I could knock down the door.  But what did it mean by things could be disastrous?"  You shrug.  "I don't care.  As long as it gets me out of here."

              You swallow the pill and cross your arms.  "Hmm, It tastes good, at least.  But I wonder, ahhhh!"  You are suddenly thrown back as you grow almost an entire foot.  "That was a bit. . . absurd."  As you rub your head, you look around the room.  "Hmm, but a few more surges like that, and I can knock down that door."  A giggle escapes your lips.  "So come on, little pill, do you—” You gasp as you grow another foot, the box behind you breaking.  "Fucking hell.  This stuff is intense.  Maybe I should get my clothing off."

              As you try and get your shirt off another growth spurt hits, causing your jeans to rip right down the middle.  "Ahhh!  Okay, body, you can slow down now.  We had our fun."  You moan as you near twelve feet tall.  "But I don't need to get too big here.  Just big enough that I can knock down that pesky door."

              You forget your clothes and turn towards the door.  "Speaking of, I better deal with it.  I think I am big enough."  You crawl over to the barrier, now too big to stand up.  Your hands knock chairs and boxes away.  "Damn, things are making it really cramped in here."  You close your eyes and moan as you grow yet again.  "God damnit it.  When will it stop?"  With a deep breath, you close your right hand into a fist.  "Well, here goes nothing."

              With a thud, the door falls to the ground, your arm extending into the next room.  "Yes.  It worked. Ughhhhhh ohhhhh."  You swell again, your jeans ripping apart and revealing your giant ass.  "I better hurry."

              You squeeze your way through the door, managing to get your head and shoulders through before another growth spurt hits.  "Ughhh."  Shrrippppp.  You moan as your blouse can no longer contain your growing body, buttons flying all over the place as your boobs bounce against one another.  "Noooo."  You look behind you.  "My chest.  My hips!  I am trapped."  You slam your hand down, almost crushing the bar.  "This wasn't supposed to happen.  I was supposed to get out of here.  Now I am going to be found.  I am going to. . ."

              You blink your eyes.  "Wait, how can they arrest a giantess.  I can just crush anyone who tries.  I may be stuck for now, but not for long.  Maybe if I keep growing, I can get out of this situation."  You smile.  "Yes.  I will just keep growing."  As you rub your hands together, you can't believe your luck.  "So come on, body, don't let mamma down now."

              But as the minutes pass, you don't feel any of the wonderful growth surge through you.  You tap your fingers as you look around the bar.  "Seriously.  This is when my body decides I am big enough?"  You kick out, slamming your foot against the far wall.  "I don't want to be fucking trapped in here.  This isn't fair!"

              The door to the bar suddenly opens, and a young man walks inside.  "Time to do some weekend clean. . ."  He looks at you and gasps.  "What the fucking hell?"

              "Hey.  Look, it's not what it looks like."  You put your head in your right hand.  "Well, I guess it is.  You have a giant lady stuck in your bar.  But please help me out.  I can reward you if you do."  You point at your boobs.

              "I. . . I. . ."  He backs away.  "I am. . . ahhhh!"

              "Wait."  You reach for him, but he is already gone.  "Great.  What the hell am I supposed to do now?  This is the last time I ever get drunk."

Almost an hour passes before the man returns, with two police officers with him. Oh, good, you brought people to help me out of here."

"There is a giant lady in my bar, officers. You have to get her out of here!"

The officers look at you." What do you want us to do?"

"I am right here." You slam your fist down, scaring them. " Hello?"

One of the officers points his weapon at you. "Don't make any sudden moves." You gulp. " Just because you are a giant lady doesn't mean you can try and intimidate us!"

"I wasn't. . . ughhh."

"Maybe we can butter her up and slide her out of there."

You sneer at them. " You are not covering me in butter, you perverted fools."

"I will go get some. There is a bakery across the street." The bar owner rushed out of the room.

The younger officer walks up to you. " Do you need anything in the meantime?"

A sigh escapes your lips. " Some water would be nice. I haven't had any all day."

He walks over to the bar and pours you a cup. " Here." He climbs onto your breasts so he can reach your head. " I will pour it into your mouth. Sorry about all this, but it's just soo weird."

You drink the tiny bit of blessed liquid. " I wish there was more than this."

"I mean, we don't have giant lady cup sizes."

"Whatever. Now get off my boobs." You moan. " Ugh, I feel weird." Your body vibrates. " What is happening?" As you blink your eyes, everything begins to grow. In seconds, you are the same size you were before this growth nightmare began. But your shrinking doesn't stop there as you keep going down and down, quickly becoming the size of a small bug. " Hey! How did this happen?"

The officers tower over you. " Well, well, not so big now." One of them picks you up. " Looks like someone is going to head off to jail for their little stunt."

"Hey, Jarry, I found this. I think it is talking about how our little gal grew." He began to laugh. " Get this. If the subject drinks any liquids, they will rapidly shrink, getting rid of the excess growth."

You cross your arms. " I wish I had read that part before taking the pill."



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