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The Suit.

              “Ann.  Ann!”  She turned her head to see Grant running towards her with a box.  “You won’t believe what I got.”

              “If it isn’t something I can’t use for my social media platform, then I don’t care.”  She turned around.  “I have a business to run here.  Don’t waste my time.”  She started to set up her cameras.

              “But I think you will like this.”  He began to open the box.  “You will have something no one else will even think of having.”

              “And what the hell is. . .”  Ann blinked her eyes.  “It’s. . . a blue blob?”

              “It’s a blueberry suit.”

              Ann arched an eyebrow at Grant.  “A blueberry suit?  What am I going to use that for?  Who do you think I am?  Violet from Willy Wonka?”

              He ran in front of her.  “No but think of the views you could get.  These things are extremely hard to come by.  Hardly anyone else would even come close to owning such a wonderful piece of well. . . merchandise.  You could easily blow up for this.  In more ways than one.”

              She looked down at the blue suit.  “And I am sure you have a way to inflate it?”  Grant nodded his head.  “Ugh, sure, what the hell.  I don’t see what I have to lose as it’s your money.  Let’s get it all hooked up.”

              “Great.  Great.  I will fetch the pump.  Just wait right here.  Oh, wait.”  He pointed at her.  “In fact, why don’t you get dressed and such inside the suit?  Save us some time.”

              “Ugh, fine.  Fine.”  She pointed at him as she dragged the blueberry suit out of the box.  “But this better work.  Otherwise, you are going to pay me for the time I am wasting on this.  You hear me.”  As he began to walk away, she raised her voice.  “Do you hear me!”

              “Ugh, yes, I hear you.”  He lowered his voice.  “But blueberries like you won’t be giving orders for long.”

              Ann laid the suit down on the ground.  “Shesh, there is a lot of this damn thing.  Where the hell do I get into it?”  She eventually found a way to slip inside the suit.  “Wow, it’s kind of hot here.”  She slipped her arms and legs out of the holes of the suit.  “But it kind of feels nice.”

              “Okay, I am back.”  Grant set the pump down between them.  “Okay, so this shouldn’t take too long.  I want to say about seven minutes.  So just enjoy the ride.”  He attached the pump to the suit.

              “Wait.  Set up the cameras.  I want everyone to see this.  It’s for my social media, remember!”

              He flipped the switch, causing air and something else to flood the suit.  “What?  Did you really think I was doing this for you?”  Grant laughed.  “No, my dear.  I wanted a blueberry of my very own?”

              “What?”  Knowing that she was tricked, she tried to get out of the suit, but it was now attached to her skin.  “What did you do, you creep!?  Ughhhh. . .”

              “That is a very special suit.  It’s not exactly air that it’s pumping into you.  I hope you don’t mind.”  He sat down.  “You will be a wonderful blueberry.”

              Ann sneered at him.  “You cretin.”  Her face turned blue.  “I am not going to be your blueberry.”  She looked at the pump.  “You hear me.”  She took a step forward with the intent to shut down this infernal transformation.  “Now let me at that stupid ass pump.”

              He pulled it away before she could reach it.  “Ah, ah, ah.  That isn’t a good blueberry.  You act like that, and I won’t let you get sunlight; I won’t water you.  I won’t even rub you down.  You sure aren’t learning how to be a good berry girl, are you.”

              She slammed the side of her body.  “I don’t want to be a berry girl.”  She moaned as she felt her boobs vibrate.  “Now stop this.  Stop all this juice flowing into me.  Grant, why are you doing this?”

              He walked up to her.  “Because I want a lovely blueberry of my own.  Is that such a bad thing?  Tell me.”


              He chuckled as her waistline began to expand.  “Oh, you are no fun.  I hope you enjoy having all that juice flood you.  The feeling of the suit slowly meddling with your flesh.  When you become the blueberry, you were always meant to be, I will come back and see if you have. . . wizened up.”  He took a few steps away.  “As this will take a while, I do have something else I have to take care of.  Enjoy your juicy transformation, dear.”

              “Hey!  You can’t just. . .”  She tried to follow him, only to fall onto her knees.  Ann could feel the suit tightening around her despite swelling every second.  It was as if it was digging into her skin, almost fusing.  “I have to do something!  I have to get this off before it’s too late!”  She tried to pull at her expanding belly, only to cry out in pain.  “Ahhhhh!  It hurts.  It huts.  It’s like pulling at my own fucking belly.”  Her eyes widened as she saw her own belly button emerge out of the suit.  “What the fucking hell is happening?”  She gulped as she felt her arms and legs slowly become forced further and further apart.  “I have to. . . fight it.”


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