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To try and combat some of my depression I am changing my work schedule around. I am now going to be working late at night so expect more very late uploads. I will still be putting the same amount of time and effort in but this will give me more time to do things I have been neglecting durring the day and not feel so bad that I am taking time out for stuff like freinds, helping people, going outside ect.

Cheers and hope things can only go up from here.


The sniping spy

You shouldn't think of your friends as a waste of time


Those words weren't the best to be used but ya. But I do suffer with really bad depression and it's hard for me not letting my free time get in the way of my work. I didn't really find out until recently just how much I beat myself up over stuff like that. I don't want to go into it to much but ya it's hard for me to feel good about taking time for myself I guess is the jist of it. I am working on it though. I don't think my freinds are a waste of time, just more I feel bad sometiems when I get behind in my work. And I also changed the wording in my post so it dosn't sound so harsh as well.


No worries, take care of yourself and pace yourself to get burned out.