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Juicy Reluctance.

              Larry sighed as he looked at his screen.  He didn’t want to be doing this, finding new ways to cause people to turn into giant fruits.  But he couldn’t let people discover that people turning into giant blueberries was his fault.  Still, despite the consequences, he shut his laptop.  “I can’t take it.  I just. . .”

              “You can’t take what?”  Red walked into the room.  “Everything okay with my star scientist?”

              Larry sighed.  “I just. . . I can’t fucking take it anymore.  I don’t care what you do to me.  I am sure I can find work in another town.  So do your fucking worst!”

              “Is that so.”  Red sat down next to Larry.  “Have you seen the news lately, my dear friend?”  He turned on the television.  “Have you heard about what is happening in California?”

              “Huh?”  Larry looked up at the screen, a headline of a blueberry outbreak catching his eyes.  “What?  What is happening?”

              “I don’t know.  Apparently, other parts of the world are having a bit of the blueberry fun.  A virus of some sorts.  I heard they even captured one of the berry women of experimentation.”  He laughed.  “But if you really want to come out as the person who caused this mess, I am sure everyone will be so willing and understanding.”

              Larry gulped.  “I umm. . .”  Sweat beat down the back of his neck.  “I guess I can continue working on my projects.”

              “Good boy.  Now, have you made any progress?”  Larry nodded his head in defeat.  “Great.  What do you have for me?”

              “I have something to test, but with all the blueberry girls around this place.”  He sighed.  “It’s hard to know just what will happen.”  He rubbed his forehead.  “I still don’t get why you even want to expand into other fruit markets.  What is the point?  Make people go even more crazy than they already are?”

              Red narrowed his eyes.  “I am doing this because it will be good money for us.  We make our profits off of not only the juices the girls produce but the funds they bring us when they need to be pampered.  Imagine now a world where it’s not just blueberries but pears, cherries, raspberries, and more.  So many more, Larry.  And it can all be done thanks to you.”  He sighed.  “And I am pushing you because of that giantess company, Fredricks Fancy.  I am sure you heard of them.  Our spy in their company just found out they are trying to push into our blueberry business.  All without the “dangerous” berry girl side effects.”  He kicked a table over.  “I won’t have it!  I won’t have these giantess-loving freaks encroach on our market.”


              “So don’t worry about your test subject, Larry.  I have a perfect person in mind.”  He smiled and walked to the door.  “Whatever you have ready, take it to Seventh Street at the end of the day.  My assistant will take it from there.”  He hummed as he walked out of the room.


              Olivia tapped her foot on the side of the street as she waited.  Red told her that she wait here for someone to bring her a package but that was hours ago.  Doesn’t he know that she has better things to do than for her to wait on the roadside for someone to drop off some strange package?  People had been giving her strange glances all day.  It wasn’t her fault she was a sexy blueberry assistant, but the attention was starting to cause her some stress.  If this person didn’t arrive soon, she might begin swelling.

              Suddenly, a small beat-up car drove up to her, and a man she recognized stepped out.  “Larry!  Oh, it’s been so long.”

              “Olivia?  You. . . are you a blueberry?”  He gulped as she threw her arms around her.

              “Yes, I am.  Are you surprised?”  She kissed him.

              “I just thought. . . you seem so happy.”

              She put her right hand on her hip.  “And why wouldn’t I be?  I get to live every day out of my juicy dream.  It’s so wonderful.”

              “But you are only wearing a bikini.”

              She shrugged.  “Well, it’s in case I swell up.  Most of my clothing doesn’t really fit me if that happens.”  She giggled.

              “I am sorry this is happening to you.”

              She waved her hands about.  “Oh, don’t be.  The worst part about this is that I am Red’s sanctuary and have to keep myself thin and juice regulated.  Oh, what I wouldn’t give to let the juice pump through me twenty-four-seven and feel my body grow.  Ohhh.”  Her cheeks turned bright blue.  “You have no idea how it feels.”

              “I guess I don’t.”  He handed her a suitcase.  “Here.  You are to take this to Gallensburg.”

              Olivia pouted.  “I have to drive all the way out there?”

              “Look Red just said you take this out there.  I don’t really know what else, but he said just walk around for a bit.  And if anyone bugs you, take out the thing in the suitcase and use it on them.”

              Olivia crossed her arms.  “What do you mean bugs me?  I am a blueberry.  People give me strange looks all the time.”

              Larry turned around.  “I mean, if someone tries to get you to do something really weird.  Take you somewhere.  Something like that.  Look, Red didn’t’ tell me much.”

              “Alright.”  She sighed.  “I will do this so I can come back and have a little blueberry me time.  Ripen up and feel my juices—”

              Larry waved his hands about as he stepped back into his vehicle.  “I don’t want to hear about it.  Just go.”  He sped away.

              “Wait!”  Olivia sighed.  “Fucks sake.  I have to drive all the way to fucking Galensburg?  This is some horseshit.”  She kicked some loose gravel.  “I hate having to run all these damn errands for Red.  I want to have fun or, at the very least, lounge around in the juicing station.”  She sighed as she walked over to her vehicle.  “Well, I better get this over with.  I just wish he wasn’t so fucking vague.  Like, use the suitcase on someone who is weird and bugs me?  What?  Why? I had more instructions when I was dealing with that juicy wonderland park.  Speaking of which, I wonder how that is coming along?”

              She slipped into her SUV, her juicy boobs bouncing against the vehicle. The drive to Gallensburg was a good hour, and it gave Olivia time to think.  Maybe it was time to hand over this secretary job to someone else.  She had to do many more things other than her boring paperwork and buzzing people into meetings.  Red was expecting too much of her, and it was getting in the way of her lovely blueberry time.

              As she drove into Gallensburg, she slowed her vehicle down.  She had no idea how people would react to seeing an almost naked blueberry woman.  Back home, people usually freaked out as it was, but here. . . here they had a weird giantess issue.  There was a company just down the street that was working on some crazy size-changing formula.  “I can’t believe I am just to drive around and see what happens.”

              “Hey!”  A middle-aged woman jumped in front of her vehicle.  “You there, stop!”

              Olivia slammed on her breaks, blueberry juice leaking out of her nipples.  “What are you crazy?”  She held her hand over her heart, trying to keep herself calm.  She couldn’t give in to stress now and cause herself to swell, her body becoming big and round.  As much as she craved it, Red would punish her for it, possibly stripping her of her blueberry status for goodness knows how long.  “Get out of the road!  I could have run you over!”

              The woman stood defiant.  “Not until you get out of the vehicle.”

              Olivia snorted.  “What in the world are you talking about.”

              “Don’t make things difficult.  Just do what I say or else.”

              Olivia had no idea what the woman was babbling on about.  She did know she was standing in front of an SUV that could run her over.  Still, Olivia didn’t have the heart to do such a thing, so she stepped out of her vehicle.  No, another more juicy approach was needed.  “Look, lady, can you see what I look like?”  She slapped her ass, causing it to jiggle about.  “You tell me that you don’t see something wrong here?”  Olivia didn’t believe for a second that there was something wrong with her body, but considering the crazy looks she was getting from this woman, she wanted to make this lady think she had the plague.

              “Oh, I know you are a blueberry, and that is why you are coming with me.  You will help Fredrick Fancy out so very, very—”

              Olivia turned around, now realizing what Larry meant by a weird person harassing her.  She reached into her SUV for the suitcase as the woman took a step forward.  “Just one second.  I am more than willing to help out Fredricks Fancy.”  She laughed as she grabbed the suitcase and opened it.  “In fact, I have a gift.”

              “Oh, you do?  This is wonderful.  Can I see ahhhh!”  Olivia sprayed the woman with a red powder.  “What the hell?”

              “That should teach you for trying to kidnap random blueberries off the street.”  Olivia jumped back into her vehicle.  “Good luck with. . . umm. . . whatever that does.”  She laughed as she sped off, hoping that the concoction would do something juicy.


              Anna tried to spit out the red powder as the blueberry woman sped off.  “Fuck!”  She snorted.  “We finally get a tip that a blueberry lady is coming here, and she gets away.  Fredrick isn’t going to be happy.”

              Vector walks up to her.  “You are telling him, not me.”

              She throws her arms into the air.  “Where the hell were you?  I had to stop the bitch by myself.”  She started to rub her right breast.  “God damnit, it’s hot out today.”

              “Umm, so that means you have to pleasure yourself?”

              She blushed and pulled her hand away.  “No!  Look, you tell him.  You didn’t help me, so you. . .”  She moaned.  “Ugh.”

              “Are you okay?”

              Anna shook her head.  “I just feel so very hot all of a sudden.”  She walked over and leaned against a lamp post.  “It is so fucking. . . intense I can’t take it.”

              Vector reached out a hand.  “Maybe we should call for help.”

              Anna’s eyes flashed red.  “No!  I. . . ughh. . .”  Gugggle.  She could feel something bubbling up inside of her and knew that powder had done something to her.  She also knew that if Vector saw this, he would take her to Fredricks Fancy for experimentation.  That was her job to experiment on others.  She would not become the test subject.  As she gripped her sensitive breasts, she ran as fast as she could, not noticing her face as it turned bright red.

              “Hey, Anna!  Come back!”

              She ignored him as she ran for her car, her hands fumbling about in her pockets.  “I have to get away before anything. . . ughh. . .”  She moaned.  “It is so fucking overwhelming.”  As she pulled out her keys, she noticed her red skin. “Noo.  I. . . need to hurry.”  As Anna turned on the engine, her nipples hardened, and her breasts pressed against her shirt.  She tried to back out, but the sensations of her red breasts growing, no ripening, was too much for her to bear.  “Ahhhh!”  She cried out in ecstasy as her boobs slammed into the steering wheel, ripping through her shirt.  Cherry juice shot out of her nipples and onto the dashboard.

              “Anna I. . .”  Vector looked at her as the boobs rapidly filled her car.  “Oh fuck!”

              She moaned as she caressed her ripening babies.  “Vector.  I. . . don’t you dare.  I am not. . .”

              He pulled out his phone.  “I need a truck down at West Ave.  We didn’t get the blueberry lady we were tipped off about, but we got something better.”

              “You jerk!”  Her cherry boobs pressed against the windshield.  “Fuck!  They won’t stop swelling.”  She was pressed against the seat of her car as her cherry breasts continued to fill with juice.  “And they are just so sensitive.  I can’t take it.  I need someone to help relieve the pressure.”

              Vector leaned against the car.  “I am afraid we can’t do that.  We need to do tests to determine what caused this and how we can use this in our products.  You know, in a safe way that doesn’t lead to giant cherry growth.”  He laughed.

              “You make me stop ripening at once, mister!  I am not going to be a giant fruit.”  She gulped as she felt the rest of her body start to shrink into her giant fruity boobs.  “Ugh, help.  Soo full.  So sensitive.”

              “Interesting.  This isn’t at all like the blueberries we have seen.”  He watched as her torso slowly shrank into her massive cherry boobs, slowly leaving only her head and arms to dangle about.  “You are kind of cute.”

              “I . . I. . . ohhhh. . .”  Every part of her body was on fire.  Her nipples were constantly dripping with cherry juice.  The slightest touch, the slightest vibration, caused immense pleasure to surge through her body.  “I can’t take it.”

              “Don’t worry; we will help you after testing is done.  I am sure it will be fun, Anna.  You do want to have pleasurable fun, right?”

              The thought of people rubbing their hands against her body caused her to moan before everything went black.  The sheer amount of pleasure caused her to faint.



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