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A Juicy Stream.

              Jade rolled her shoulders as she walked into her gaming room.  “Okay, it is almost time.”  She smiled.  “A new game just dropped, and I can’t wait to share it with everyone.”  She smiled as she started up her computer.  Had she known that her life would have taken her down this route when she started streaming just a year ago, she would have called herself crazy.  But here she was, coming online almost every evening to play games ranging from competitive shooters to story-driven games.  And everyone was coming to see her.

              Or, well, they were coming to see her fail.  But hey, it was fun showing off her blunders for people to watch.  And she made money at it.  And with this new game she was trying out, she had a new Twitch plugin to try as well.  A friend suggested she try it to spice up her stream, or well, she said, to juice up her stream.  Jade didn’t mind.  She wanted to bring in all the views she could get, and those views would transfer to paying customers.  She had to pay the bills somehow.

              As she adjusted her headset, Jade began to hum to herself. “Okay, just a few more minutes, and I go live. I don’t normally do horror games mixed with romance, but. . .”  She giggled. What can I say?  They are going to see me scared out of my wits.”  She giggled. It is going to be so much fun!”

              Jade smiled and flipped her black hair as she went live.  “Hello, world.  It’s Jade, your lovable gamer girl.  I hope you didn’t miss me too much.  Today, I have two special surprises.  A new game for you all to love and a special Twitch plugin.  If you just look at your screen, you can already check it out.”  She winked.  “Those with built-up points can start to use it.  I honestly don’t know how it works; it’s a surprise to me, too—”

              There was a sudden notification on her screen as someone redeemed a juice-up perk.

              “Oh.”  She giggled.  “We haven’t even started, and it seems you lovelies are using the new addon.”  She scratched at her chin.  “Though I don’t really know what juice up means.”  Her nose started to turn blue.  “I guess I will find out as I play?”  She shrugged.  “Now I know you will love it.”  She stared at her screen as she read the comments scrolling across her Twich feed.  “I love this new addon already.”  Jade smiled.  “Aww, I am so happy.”  Her face was now completely blue.  “I got it just for you all.”

              She read another comment.  “This isn’t what I thought when I saw juice up.  I wonder what else will happen.”

              Jade scratched at her chin.  “What do you mean?  Nothing has really happened.”  She giggled.  “Now come on.  Let’s get to the game.”

              Before she could start it up, though, Jade received another Twitch notification.  “Huh?”  She arched an eyebrow as another follower redeemed a juice-up perk.  “Why are you all doing this so soon?  I haven’t even started up the game.  I really want to show you this.”  Gurrgle.  She blinked her eyes.  “What in the world?”  Jade rubbed her belly.  “I think my lunch is trying to settle. Sorry about that.  But seriously, can we wait on these new perks until I start playing the game?”

              Jade narrowed her eyes.  “I can’t believe how blue her skin is?”  She looked at her arms.  “What the hell?”  She stood up.  “What the hell happened to me!”

              Her chat feed exploded with messages as she sat down at her computer. “You all can’t think this is funny! Look, I am taking away this juice-up perk right now.”  She went into her Twitch permissions. Huh? I can’t? Once installed, this addon can’t be removed?”  She shook her head. What kind of nonsense is this?”

              Jade gulped as another follower redeemed a juice-up perk.  “No.  No, no, no.”  She suddenly smiled.  “Wait, how can this get any worse?  I am already blue.”  She laughed.  “You just wasted your points.  Hahahahah.”

              Gurrggle.  The pressure in her belly intensified.  “Ughhh, I feel weird.”  She looked down, realizing that she was about to eat her words.  Jade pushed away from her desk as her belly slowly inflated like a balloon.  “No.  Stop!”  She grabbed her stomach.  “How is this happening.”  She moaned as her hands rubbed against her skin; it was so juicy and sensitive.  “Ughh, you all need to stop.”  Her body swelled until her belly looked like she was nine months pregnant.  Jade took a deep breath, her belt struggling to hold back her massive, juicy skin.  “I feel sooo full.”  She shook her head, unsure of how this situation could get any worse.


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