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And then Thumper jumped on Bambi's and he catches on the air the rabbit.

A ray of light illuminated both animals and it showed a forest revelating many secret paths, many of those very well defined, others with obstacles like bushes, rocks or hidden cliffs.

- Which path should we take? - Bambi asked Thumper.
- The one you choice, is for me the best. - Thumper said. - Because all path go to the same destiny: home.
- Home?
- Yes, not matter the path, the easy or the hardest, all go to home.

And then, Bambi at that moment it seemed to be getting stronger, he growed up. He is not more a shy and weak cervine, now is a strong deer. And the same happened with Thumper, he is not a bunny, now is a big well formed rabbit.

- Let´s go home. - Bambi said.
- Yes, let´s go. Thumper hugged his friend.

Both figures dissappeared on the entrace of the forest. Only their laughs can be eared on the distance.



Bambi woke up...



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