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- We are now together Bambi! - Thumper said. He touched with his hands the cervines check cleaning his tears.

- Yes. - Bambi replied. -  But we are alone in this world.

- Of course not! Look at around. - Bambi watched, the shadows vanished. A shiny ray of light cleared the sky. The ruins of the forest and the smoking rest of the trees are now green and leafy acres. Impossible see the limit.

- See Bambi? Everything has an ending, but on that ending everything begin again.

- Oh, but... my father.

- He is now resting, so proud of you because you are now The Last Great Prince Of The Forest.

- The last?

- Well... at least you find Faline and...

- Come on Thumper!

Both watched the large pines, the opened roads marked by bushes and the plains full of flowers.

- Is not like I remember it. - Bambi said amazed for how much beauty.

- No is not, it´s better.

- Yes... also, how did you survived that fire?

The little rabbit stayed in silence, looking the right words.

- Well. - Thumper continued. - Let´s say I am a lucky rabbit.

- Really?

- Yes. Like you. Don´t ask me how we survived, or how much died, or how much has been lost. The most important is start all over again.

Bambi made a small pause and looked carefully his friend.

- You changed a lot Thumper. Those words not sounds like you.

- Yeah... - Thumper made a grimaced. - But did you know why? because I growed up, and I madurated.

- Really? - Bambi laughed after see Thumper gifted him a naughty smile. Then, he understood what he needs to accept.

- Alright. - Bambi continued talking. - So, let´s go home.

- Oh no, we have not home anymore... we are going to a new home!

- And where is it?

- Wherever you want, and where ever you go I will go with you.

- Are you sure?

- Yes Bambi. Don't worry, everything is fine.

Then, Thumper jumped on Bambi´s and he catched on the air the rabbit...



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