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And then, on middle of the sorrow of the little deer, pain and fear... then, and only then, the dream started to change...

The forest disappeared and with it the desolation, but not the darkness and the sadness. The tears of Bambi covered the ground. His weeping was the only thing can heared on the lonelyness of nowhere.

However, the fog carried a figure. From the wall of particles of dust and smoke appeared someone.

- Oh Bambi, why are you crying? -  The figure spoked with a nice and gentle voice. Bambi don´t noticed was not alone anymore, he though he was talking with himself.
- I lost everything. - Bambi replied trying to calm down. - I lost my father, my friends, my home. All. I am naked and lost, I feel vunerable, sick, useless and defeated. I am alone in this horrible world!
- No Bambi, you are not alone.

Then Bambi dawned on him who was talking. He stopped to cry and he looked what was that voice. He reconized those feet, that body, those colors. His face changed when he reconized his old friend. He was in shock, he was like watching a ghost, but not, he was his friend of all life.

- Thumper! - Bambi exploded of happyness and again some tears dropped by his checks. Both friends hugged and both laughed and cried together jumping of joy.

"We are now together Bambi!"



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