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I would like to thank everyone again for their support. You all helped me reach our first mocap goal. I purchased trackers that will provide us with full body tracking, I am super excited to test out some animating in this setup. And hope to provide you guys with even more compelling content. I have so many ideas swirling around my head now. Stuff I wasn't able to do has now become reachable. I actually have two scenes on hold because they required the ability to walk and crawl, I just couldn't get the animations to look convincing enough creating animations by hand alone so I shelved them. Thank you guys, you all rock. 👍😎


Coleman Barrett

Amazing! Was actually working on reworking some of your characters into a scene I was going to upload to the server, and realizing how f*ing hard walknig animations were ... I now understand all the fade to black montages haha. Can't wait to see what comes next, and have fun with the new toys!


Oh really? Would love to see your scene. Super excited to see your creation.😃 Ya walking is basically impossible by hand, I've tried everything I could think of even possessing the hip as head and the feet as hands. It works sort of for a step or two but the walk is jittery and unnatural. I am going to try and make some reusable standard animations like walking sitting getting on knees and stiff like that that can be easily incorporated into characters for you guys to try and help you guys along with some of those kinds of hurdles. Hopefully it works