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Katie Just finished high school. Not interested in collage right now she just wants to get a job and help her dad out. One evening at the dinner table they were discussing Katie's future. Her Dad encouraged her to go and while she appreciated his commitment to her future, she knew deep down he was in pain and stressed out while struggling to give her everything she needed to succeed. They agreed she could skip it for 1 year.

Later that evening while watching home videos together, trying their best to deal with the loss in their hearts, Katie and her dad connected on a new level, they locked eyes for a moment, and that moment was all it took as they became one it their pain, loss and desire.

I tried a new approach to the environment in this one. in the past I had scenes broken up and separated, yes they were all contained in the same assetbundle but I still couldn't use mergeload to jump from scene to scene when changing environments. here I designed the whole environment in one scene and used load points to switch between them. this way everything needed from an environment perspective is already loaded at the start and merge load is used just to move the characters around which will cut down load times significantly.



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