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Hey everyone! Leave your questions for this week's Q&A video below! I hope you all have a fantastic week!



Hope this is not too late: Knowing destruction of the Hosnian Prime was a significant blow to the Republic, how do you think this affected the corruptive elements in the galaxy? I understand when a drug cartel is put down and vanishes from a territory, other cartels fight for the newly available turf and crime goes on its merry way in the region. With the Hosnian Prime gone, what happens to the order of organized crime that feeds on the Republic’s existence? Is it so disrupted it joins the Resistance?


Would you ever like to see cannon stories about Jedi council members? Maybe explaining why they changed masters in between films. I know in legends they had stories explaining their changes from each prequel film, but I would love to see maybe a small comic run or book about these background Jedi who’s character are fresh for expanding.


I think it's hard to tell what happened, since The Last Jedi takes place immediately after and we just haven't seen, but I think that would be a very interesting consequence. I'm all about new threats and villains in Star Wars, so making Episode IX about a multi faction war would be really interesting. Like the First Order, the Resistance, some crime syndicates, and maybe like an ambitious powerful planetary militia all try to take control? I think that would be crazy lol


Yes. Legends gave us a lot of those. I'd like the "Jedi of the Republic" subtitle the Mace Windu comic had become a series.